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Notes: (Dorothée, 2022-03-08)

Patch InfoBox
Patch 00899
Date Monday, March 7th 2022
Build Client v9987 / Data v2688 - Server v1734 / Data v4420
Version 3.6.0.v9987
Previous Patch 00895
Next Patch 00899


Patch 899 - Client v9987 / Data v2688 - Server v1734 / Data v4420[1]

A client data update has been made on March 7th, 2022 to implement the following numerous novelties (and two fixes) regarding the prizes offred by the Wheel of the Fortunate Gubani:


Fixed prizes ==== The Arma plushie (now marked with a correct icon) and the latest Tryker wig-and-hat (which can now be worn by any homin).

New prizes

These ones will now be dropped by each roll launched through one of the Supreme Tokens this patch implements.

A first set including :

permanent Titles whose wording you will have the surprise ; new tattoos: 80 of them, 10 per race and per gender; new pets: White Gubani, Capryni Zig and Bolobi Zig; a new armor: a light one, of which: the low quality one (skin 1) will rarely be dropped; the medium quality one (skin 2) will very rarely be dropped; the high quality one (skin 3) will require more than just spinning the wheel to be dropped; new cosmetic weapons whose statistic are similar to those dropped during Anlor-Winn and Atysmas, which will be dropped all along the year and whose look you will have the surprise;

New articles in the EncyclopAtys

and all new pages ...

The Ryzom Team remains at your disposal for any additional information and best wishes to you!

Ryzom Team

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