Evil influence
From EncyclopAtys
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Article in preparation. Please let the author finish it before you modify it.
The last editing was from Craftjenn on 13.05.2024.
The last editing was from Craftjenn on 13.05.2024.
Ranger - Evil influence (2024-05-12)
Creator of the event: Event-Team. Type of event: Inquiry and hunt. Appropriate levels: For all.
Date of the event: Sunday, 12 May 2024 21:00:00 CEST. Expected duration: About 2 hour(s). Meeting place: Chiang the Strong's hill.
Homins concerned: Rangers, Ranger Aspirants and their friends. Synopsis: Chiang the Strong will need the help of all the Rangers and their friends who happen to be on Silan at this point.