A guild is not supplied with a Guild/Hall upon creation. It must be purchased by going to any of the guild apartment caretakers and purchasing it for 10,000,000 if in a capital (Yrkanis, FairHaven, Zora, Pyr) and 5,000,000 in other towns.
Once purchased, all members of the guild can now access the guild hall and its inventory by going to the city where it is located and entering through the correct door.
The guild apartment is large and includes sevral rooms which may be used for role-play purposes.
Not to be confused with the Guild Island.
Knowing that soon (May or June 2024), you'll be able to expand your guild's inventory by building chests from your guild island (a bit like those buildings used to improve op mats). A maximum of 20 chests could be built. These chests could be named (mp, weapons, LA...), and be more granular in terms of members' rights (to see or not to see, to deposit, to take). Finally (to favor small guilds), the first chests will be less expensive (requiring mp 150 for construction, for example), but then more and more expensive (mp over q250).
More on the forum Ryzom Forge – May 13, 2024