Logs (from Craftjenn, corrected) in French (.odt file, 32 Mo, 39 pages to print), from 20h58:56 to 23h27:58, the Monday September 16th (2024/09/16).
Arriving on Island (with map)
the island's host gives a drink and a token for the 3-barrel game
Thanks to the devs, artists, designers and the community
Actual team: Tyiah, Xiombarg, Elhora, Wiedii, Tamarea, Margote, Beesjy, Pavor, Jadeyn, Aethyron, Aileya and Riasan
Tyiah (Free Soul), Xiombarg (Confrérie du Grand Dragon), Elhora (Senseis Atysiens), Wiedii (Animation), Tamarea (la cheffe), Margote (admin event), Beesjy (admin event), Pavor (event)
Aethyron (Atrium), Aileya (Atrium) et Riasan (Ryzom InCode Developers)
Pavor: Thanks to the team (Riasan, Margote, Ulukyn, Tyiah :), Aileya et and to all the translators to whom we've given a lot of text!
Kaeru, intimidated, speaks up
Kaeru, Gwened and Malkav: Nevrax dev team
When can David Corval's plush toys be won on the wheel? We're going to have to dress the old Nevrax D
Gwened: I only wear vegan organic mats. Tam: some of you have met IRL
Jorgensen's joke (old rigged box of Ryzom)
Tamarea lists activities for the festive week
Final lucio, we shout Goariiii !
Magic spells on 20 (for video)
All files are under Category:RB20Island (under Ryzom Birthday).