From EncyclopAtys

Cover by Nahwa
Ryzom's music was linked on this page a long time ago:
You can listen to or download the individual pieces as mp3 files there.
In addition, the original sounds are stored in the Category:Music of Ryzom Commons.
According to the information there, the pieces were written in 2004 / 2005 by Bjorn Arve Lagim and carry the following copyright notice:
Nevrax SARL and/or one of it's successor companies, and
Winch Gate Property Limited as it is successor of Nevrax SARL!
- Ledania's Playlist:
- [Ryzom_Theme.mp3]
- [Main_menu.mp3]
- [Loading_music.mp3]
- [Character_creation_trykers.mp3]
- [Atmosphere_lakelands_day_and_night.mp3]
- [Entering_fairhaven.mp3]
- [Karavan_teleport.mp3]
- [Atmosphere_forest_day_unused_version.mp3]
- [Character_creation_matis.mp3]
- [Entering_yrkanis.mp3]
- [Atmosphere_forest_day_and_night.mp3]
- [Pvp_area_entrance.mp3]
- [Character_creation_fyros.mp3]
- [Pvp_area_entrance_unused_version.mp3]
- [Entering_pyr.mp3]
- [Atmosphere_desert_day_and_night.mp3]
- [Death.mp3]
- [Kami_teleport.mp3]
- [Atmosphere_jungle_day_and_night.mp3]
- [Entering_zora.mp3]
- [Character_creation_zorai.mp3]
- [Atmosphere_prime_roots_1_and_2.mp3]
- [Generic_ruins.mp3]
- [Main_theme_air.mp3]
Have fun listening! :)