Testing on Gingo/Configuration

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Moniq: https://cloud.ryzom.com/apps/files/?dir=/Test-Team/TT-Library&fileid=32249

Setting up connection to non-public Ryzom servers

This document describes how to configure a Ryzom client for connection to other Ryzom servers used by Ryzom Teams. It is expected that you are familiar with either using and configuration of the Ryzom Installer and/or capable to do advanced file system management as copying and editing files. The main concern of this document is to describe all necessary steps you need to set up connection to either Yubo or Gingo server.

Yubo and Gingo (and Atys)

Yubo and Gingo are names of two not public servers that are used by various teams to review and test the game. Yubo has status of development server and it is the main target where all new changes arrive for the first review. It can easilly happen that some parts or the whole server is unstable or broken. Things are under development there. On the other hand, the server Gingo is a clone of Atys server. It is a place where everything supposed to be working and final testing of changes is being made there. We use this server for final testing, to see how will changes in future patch really impact the Live game server and game clients. This document also operates with the term "Live server" or just "Live" which are just other (internal) names of the Atys server.


There exist several combinations of your platform and ways of your Ryzom client installation. This document describes as many as possible of them, however the basic is same in all cases. You need to create a copy of your clients files for each server and then adjust its configuration a bit for each server.

Client files

First step you need to do is to create a copy of your Live client files. It is recomended to have separate clients for each server while mixing patches between more servers might cause torubles. Location of the client installation on your computer depends on your platform and the fact if you are using the Ryzom Installer tool or you have a static client installation.

Ryzom Installer

Open the installation folder and copy the sub-folder "ryzom_live" to "ryzom_dev" to use as a client of the Yubo server. Then create another copy called "ryzom_test" to use as a client of the Gingo server. Following list contains default installation paths of all three supported platforms in case you are using Ryzom Installer. - Windows: TODO - Linux: ~/.local/share/Ryzom/ - MacOS: TODO

Static client

Find the folder where is your Live client installed (for example "C:\Games" or "/opt") and copy the whole game folder (for example "C:\Games\Ryzom" or "/opt/ryzom") to "ryzom_dev" in same folder. This installation will be used to connect to the Yubo server. Then create another copy in same folder called "ryzom_test", this one will be used fot the Gingo server.

Server connection

This step applies only when you are using the Ryzom installer. You need to define two new servers in the ryzom_installer.ini file which is stored along your other ryzom personal ryzom configuration. Open the file in a text editor, locate end of section [server_0] and insert following block right after end of the the section, before the [servers] section: [server_1] client_download_filename=ryzom_live_client_$ARCH.7z client_download_url="http://download.ryzom.com/ryzom_live_client_$ARCH.7z?r=&ts=$TIMESTAMP" client_filename_linux=ryzom_client client_filename_old_linux= client_filename_old_windows=client_ryzom_rd.exe client_filename_osx=Ryzom.app/Contents/MacOS/Ryzom client_filename_windows=ryzom_client_r.exe comments=Dev server configuration_filename_linux=ryzom_configuration_qt configuration_filename_osx=Ryzom.app/Contents/MacOS/RyzomConfiguration configuration_filename_windows=ryzom_configuration_qt_r.exe data_compressed_size=1500000000 data_download_filename=ryzom_live_data.7z data_download_url="http://download.ryzom.com/ryzom_live_data.7z?r=&ts=$TIMESTAMP" data_uncompressed_size=7000000000 display_url="http://app.ryzom.com/app_releasenotes/index.php?lang=$LANG" files_list_url="https://sourceforge.net/projects/ryzom/rss?path=/installer" id=ryzom_dev name=Yubo

[server_2] client_download_filename=ryzom_live_client_$ARCH.7z client_download_url="http://download.ryzom.com/ryzom_live_client_$ARCH.7z?r=&ts=$TIMESTAMP" client_filename_linux=ryzom_client client_filename_old_linux= client_filename_old_windows=client_ryzom_rd.exe client_filename_osx=Ryzom.app/Contents/MacOS/Ryzom client_filename_windows=ryzom_client_r.exe comments=Test server configuration_filename_linux=ryzom_configuration_qt configuration_filename_osx=Ryzom.app/Contents/MacOS/RyzomConfiguration configuration_filename_windows=ryzom_configuration_qt_r.exe data_compressed_size=1500000000 data_download_filename=ryzom_live_data.7z data_download_url="http://download.ryzom.com/ryzom_live_data.7z?r=&ts=$TIMESTAMP" data_uncompressed_size=7000000000 display_url="http://app.ryzom.com/app_releasenotes/index.php?lang=$LANG" files_list_url="https://sourceforge.net/projects/ryzom/rss?path=/installer" id=ryzom_test name=Gingo

As you see, configuration are almost the same, just one operates with "ryzom_dev" (Yubo) and other one with "ryzom_test" (Gingo). Also server names differ. Next go to [servers] section and change the value of size to number 3. It will look like this: [servers] default=0 size=3

Profile configuration

This step applies only when you are using the Ryzom installer. You have two exactly same copies of the ryzom client ow, one for each server. You also have new servers defined in installer configuration.

Installer profiles using GUI

This is the easiest way how to set all up. Start your Ryzom Installer tool, open Settings from main window menu. There is a list of current profiles on left and profile option on right. Click the Add buttn below the list of profiles to create new and you can start editing its configuration. You will need to create two new profiles, one for Yubo and one for Gingo, along with the Atys one you already have there by default. Following list describes each of configuration options.

Profile: This item can't be changed, it is an profile ID and this information will be used later in this document. Name: Enter any name that will help you identify the profile. This name will displayed as one of items in the drop-down menu of the main Ryzom Installer window. Server: Here you will select server type you have defined in installer configuration in previous step. Select Yubo for developer server and Gingo for testig server. Exacutable: This option points to the client executable file. Click Browse... button, navigate to your ryzom_live folder with your Yubo client and select ryzom_client(.exe) file. It will be executed on start with this profile. Then do the similar for the Gingo profile, navigate to the executable of same name as before, just in ryzom_test folder. Arguments: This field can be used to pass arguments to the game client. Leave it blank. Comments: You can insert any profile comment you wish here. Directory: Displays the path to specific installer profile settings. It was set on profile creation. Create shortcuts: These are additional installer profile options that are not important for the client setup itself.

Once you are done with profiles configuration, click Ok button on bottom right to save changes. Two new profiles will appear in the drop-down menu on main Ryzom installer window. Quit the installer now.

Installer profiles by hand

These steps will lead to same results as when using the GUI, however you will create new profiles, one for Yubo and one for Gingo, manually. Open the folder with your personal ryzom configuration folder in your user profile. You will find a folder called "0" there. Create a copy with name "1" for your Yubo client and another with name "2" for your Gingo client. The next step is to create configuration for both new profiles, "1" and "2", so the installer can find them it.

Open ryzom_installer.ini file for editing, it is located in the same folder, and scroll to locate end of section [profile_0] . Then insert following block of text right after it, before the section [profiles]: [profile_1] arguments= comments=Development server desktop_shortcut=false executable= id=1 menu_shortcut=false name=Ryzom (Yubo) server=ryzom_dev

[profile_2] arguments= comments=Testing server desktop_shortcut=false executable= id=2 menu_shortcut=false name=Ryzom (Gingo) server=ryzom_test

Now you need to insert full path to client binary into the executable option. For Yubo client in [profile_1] section (with client located in ryzom_dev folder), for Gingo client in [profile_2] (with client located in ryzom_test folder). Then go to [profiles] section and change the value of size to number 3. This says how many profiles is present. It should look like this now: [profiles] default=0 size=2

Special client option

The last thing you need to do is to edit each client configuration file and add special option so the client knows you wish to connect to a specific non-public server.

Ryzom Installer

Configuration of clients using the Ryzom installer is pre-configured to have custom configuration file included. Additional client configuration is stored in installer profile folder.

Yubo client configuration Navigate to the Yubo profile folder, for example ~/.local/share/Ryzom/1/ or TODO and open client.cfg file for editing. Then add following block to the end of the file: Application = { "ryzom_dev", "./client_ryzom_r.exe", "./" };

Gingo client configuration

Navigate to the Gingo profile folder, for example ~/.local/share/Ryzom/2/ or TODO and open client.cfg file for editing. Then add following block to the end of the file: Application = { "ryzom_test", "./client_ryzom_r.exe", "./" };

Static client

If you are not using the installer, you will have to edit the main client configuration file directly.

Yubo client configuration

Navigate to the root folder of your Yubo client installation, for example "C:\Games\ryzom_dev" or "/opt/ryzom_dev" and open the client.cfg file for editing. Scroll to the end of the file and add following block of text: Application = { "ryzom_dev", "./client_ryzom_r.exe", "./" };

Gingo client configuration

Navigate to the root folder of your Gingo client installation, for example "C:\Games\ryzom_test" or "/opt/ryzom_test" and open the client.cfg file for editing. Scroll to the end of the file and add following block of text: Application = { "ryzom_test", "./client_ryzom_r.exe", "./" };

Running the client

Now you should have two client set up, one for the Yubo server, one for the Gingo server.

Ryzom installer

Start the Ryzom Installer and use the drop-down selection on bottom of the main window to choose which profile (and client) you wish to use.

Static client

To start the Yubo client, navigate to your "ryzom_dev" folder and start the client binary, for example "C:\Games\ryzom_dev\ryzom_client.exe" or "/opt/ryzom_dev/ryzom_client". To start the Gingo client, navigate to your "ryzom_test" folder and start the client binary, for example "C:\Games\ryzom_test\ryzom_client.exe" or "/opt/ryzom_test/ryzom_client". Other option is to create main menu / desktop shortcuts to start the right binary from the right folder for each client.

Closing tips

It is recomended to use separate clients for each server. It is possible to configure one client to be able to access all three servers, however different updates for each server might break your client or bring other troubles.

Yubo and Gingo are getting non-production client updates and things might go wrong time to time. A good practice is to keep one another separated copy with fresh ryzom installation (along Atys, Yubo and gingo server) that you can use to quickly restore a broken client. Just make sure you back-up your configuration and character-related files before you replace the broken copy. The Ryzom installer makes things easier.

The schemas is (3 servers): Atys - Gingo - Yubo (dev work on unstable Yubo first, then on Gingo, Gingo is the test server).


First, you need to have an account.

  1. Request to Tamarea to join a team (ex: Test)
  2. She will give access to Yubo/Gingo so that the new member can work there.

Testers have simple access to the test servers with their player account. Some testers have an special account with privileges, which has access to the test servers but not to Atys.


Once you have access:

  1. copy ryzom_live to ryzom_test
  2. add Gingo as new profile on installer
  3. edit Gingo's profile in Installer, put "Gingo" as Name and "Gingo" as server
  4. click on "Repertory" in Gingo's profile, then on "client.cfg", and add "ryzom_test", "./client_ryzom_r.exe", "./" after LanguageCode line.

More on Ryzom Installer Manual
