de:Pei-Ziao der Verdorbene
en:Pei-Ziao the Pernicious
es:Pei-Ziao el Deletéreo
fr:Pei-Ziao le Délétère
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2019-09-01)

Personal Amber
Pei-Ziao the Pernicious
Race Zoraï
Gender Male
Organization not national
Worship tenant
Faction Marauders
Non-playable character

Pei-Ziao the Pernicious is one the leaders of the Marauders and one of the Bosses of Atys. He is one of the 6 Marauder leaders that players can kill to obtain the Marauder armour, and one of the 4 that give Marauder heavy armour (the other 2 give light armour). His heavy armour is purple.

His lair is Highland Impasse in Knot of Dementia, and he cannot be drawn out of his lair. His special powers are:

And like all Marauder leaders, he has huge health and huge health regeneration, so that it takes lots of elementalists to kill him.

The usual strategy to kill him is to position all elementalists inside his lair along with a single meleer to distract him, and all healers outside his lair. Then it is just a matter of having enough fire-power and healing to beat his regeneration.

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