prérequis : Aucun

Marco Menini : Royal craftsman, Yrkanis
Skin for the Royal Craftsman
The Royal Craftsman needs you to bring back some Bodoc skin.
333 experience catalyzers of quality 50

Skin for the Royal Craftsman
The Royal Craftsman needs you to bring back some Bodoc skin.

Actors and Places

$player$ = You
$givervar$ = Liccio Chialdo Yrkanis city welcomer, Zachini Ward, Yrkanis;
$artisan$ = Marco Menini, Royal craftsman, Yrkanis Greenhouse;
$barman$ = Cicho Trivaldo, Bartender, Libia Ward, Yrkanis, Jardin Majestueux, Sommet Verdoyant
$chef$ = Miaccia Stazzo, Yrkanis Guard Chief, Zachini Ward, Yrkanis;
$medecin$ = Angelo Ivaldi, Apothecary
$supplier$ = Mac'Leigan Jichy, Green Seed, Local supplier, Majestic Garden;
$vendeur$ = Varo Frello, Raw Materials Merchant, Avalae;

$city$ = Yrkanis
$avalae$ = Avalae
$arene$ = matis arena
$monticule$ = Psykopla Knoll

$greenseed$ = Green Seed

$bodoc$ = Roaming Bodoc
$plante$ = Rotoa of Bravichi

The mission

— Liccio Chialdo : Hello $player$. If you want to serve our great kingdom, best start by seeing the Royal Craftsman Marco Menini. I think he could use some help. You can find him in the Royal Conservatory.

— $player$ : Hello, Liccio Chialdo sends me to help you

— Marco Menini : Hello. So you want to be part of city life? Then the thing to remember is that our people take great pride in their talent for crafts and their great feeling for aesthetics.
I, myself, am a craftsman in the service of Her Majesty. My next creation requires a Bodoc skin, but I cannot afford to put my life in danger. I would like for you to bring me one. You can find skins on the Roaming Bodocs, south of the city.]
Collect 5 pieces of fine skin / Bodoc of at least quality 21 on a dead creature
Give 5 pieces of fine skin / Bodoc of at least quality 21 to Marco Menini
— Marco Menini : Alright, that's great. Craftsmen require the best materials to be able to craft quality items. Your support of our warriors is very much appreciated. As all work deserves pay, here's a little something to thank you.
You receive 333 experience catalyzers of quality 50

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