Prerequisites : None

La-Po Len, Zora Intendant.
Boots for studying the Goo
La-Po Len is in need of boots.
200 fine generic raw materials of quality 50

Boots for studying the Goo
La-Po Len is in need of boots.

Actors and Places

$player$ = Vous
$givervar$ = Sai-Ju Fuangi, Gardener, Zora

$bijoutier$ = Pei-Jeng Fuan, Jewel Merchant, West Hollow District, Zora;
$chef$ = Shuai-Chon Vao, Zora Guard Chief, Temple Hall District, Zora;
$intendant$ = La-Po Len, Zora Intendant, Highmart, Zora;
$jardinier$ = Su Fung Chiang, gardener, Zora;
$stableboy$ = Vao Pa-Sang, Stable Boy, Goo Chase District, Zora Stables, Zora;
$supplier$ = Qui-Le Bian, Local Supplier, Temple Hall District, Zora;
$vieux$ = Tao Xin Chuan, Zora;

$tribu$ = Icon Worshippers
$icon_welcomer$ = La-Viang Biani, Tribe Welcomer

= Pei-Ziao Pingi, Tribe Chief;

$chutes$ = Mystic Falls
$cite$ = Cities of Intuition
$city$ = Zora
$eaux$ = Still Waters
$escarpement$ = Mossy Scarp
$mare$ = Mektoub Waterhole
$place_vieux$ = Daisha Estate

$slaveni$ = Minor Slavenis

The mission

Region Map
― Sai-Ju Fuangi : Hello $player$. If you have any crafting skills you should go see La-Po Len. I think she might well need your services.
― $player$ : Hello, Sai-Ju Fuangi sends me to help you
― La-Po Len : You are a crafter? Then I'm happy to see you. I'm sure you know that we, Zoraïs, are committed to the protection of Atys. There is a scourge that eats away and corrupts everything it touches. This is the Goo. We are trying to study it but to protect ourselves when we're in infected lands we need strong boots. As a crafter, you will be doing us a great service if you will provide us with some boots.]
Craft 5 pairs of light boots of any race (basic plan) of at least quality 10
Give the boots to La-Po Len.

― La-Po Len : Ah, that's great. With these we can continue our studies. Thank you very much.

You receive 200 fine generic raw materials of quality 50.

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Go back and see if Sai-Ju Fuangi has other missions you can do.

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