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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2019-01-16)
!!!! WIP !!!!
There are currently still 80 articles in preparation in the category "WIP"
Article in preparation. Please let the author finish it before you modify it.
The last editing was from Zorroargh on 16.01.2019.
Check PlayerInfos
Function name : weCPlayerInfos
weCPlayerInfos can test any information stored on the server for the player and run an appropriate action.
- 1) checks: A list of tests that will be performed in this step added by the "plus" icon. ([commun] tool for multi sub-selections)
- 2) valideAction: Action to do if all the tests are validated (True).
- 3) failAction: Action to do if at least one test is not validated (False).
- 4) resetScriptIfFailed: (Yes / No) Resetting the script if failure (at least one test is not validated).
- 5) openWindow: Window to be open to display the tests results. (None, WebIG, Browse NPC, Web Transaction).
- 6) hiddenWindow (Yes / No)
- 7) [commun] Internal name of the function. This name is used especially for jumps, loops ...
Tests if the player belongs to a faction.
- 1) faction: faction to test. This faction may take one of the following:
- neutral civ, neutral cult, neutral civ cult;
- fyros, matis tryker, zorai;
- kami, karavan;
- marauder, ranger, trytonist.
Tests if the player has a certain amount of dappers.
- 1) Quantity: quantity of required dappers.
Examines the position of the player. If the player is in the rectangle bounded by coordinates mi /max x/y the return value is TRUE.
- 1) min_x: minimum x-coordinate in absolute in the map of Atys.
- 2) min_y: minimum y-coordinate in absolute in the map of Atys.
- 3) max_x: maximum x-coordinate in absolute in the map of Atys.
- 4) max_y: maximum y-coordinate in absolute in the map of Atys.
Tests if a certain amount of item at certain level is present in one of the containers of the player.
- 1) inventory: Location where should be found the item: bag, player_room, guild, pet_animal (1-4) or temporary.
- 2) sheet name
- 3)Quality: the required quality of the item.
- 4) minQuantity: the minimum amount.
Tests if the target is the desired one.
- 1) type: Sheet, bot_name, player_name, leaguemate, teammate or guildmate.
- 2) Value: the first three types require precision (Sheet, bot_name, player_name)
Tests reputation in the nations and factions.
- 1) faction: faction that can be tested are:
- fyros, matis, tryker, zoraï
- kami, karavan
- Combinations may be used to test marauders, rangers...
- 2) below_or_above: determines if the test is on the lower or higher of the following value given in next field (3).
- 3) Valeur: minimum or maximum level required for the fame respectively with the comparison selected in the previous field below_or_above below_or_above (2).
Tests the rank of the player in his guild
- 1) rank: Leader, High Officer, Officer, Member.
Tests if a minimum amount of dappers is in the treasury of the guild.
- 1) Quantity: quantity of required dappers.
Test if the player is free version or not.
no params