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en:RC/Channel Management
fr:RC/Gestion de ses canaux
Translation to review
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2020-04-17)

The big advantage of RC is that you can create as many private channels as you want. Here we show the creation of a private channel, the user rights, the discussions (under a channel).

Create an channel

We can only create private channels.

RC discussion icon 2020-04-03.png Discussions

New feature. <Bb /> Helps keep track of what's going on! When creating a discussion, a sub-channel from the one you selected is created and the two are linked.

This allows, under a channel, to create as a sub-section, e.g. to ask a question.

Caution: we can access a channel, even when not invited in the (parent) private channel.

Notes and links

Official site:

Last version 2020-07-23•
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