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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2020-09-17)

Almati Wood, Holeth, Fallenor 18, 1st AC 2610,
N'ASA, the renaissance.

Zo'ro-Argh was moping. "Will be reborn, will not be reborn ? »... And it was raining... And many homins were busy at that time when everything was disrupted, even the Nexus.

Zo'ro closed his eyes and tried to relax, when a voice ripped him out of his meditation.

Ostium, mixing the tryker and fyros warmth, dispelled the drizzle out of the spirit of the Tryker.

Together, they began by talking about the birth of the N'ASA which was originally called ASA (Atysian Sciences Academy) and which was created by a talalochi Guild, Hoodo.

Alas, the second swarm swept away many homin structures. Of the guild, only two members survived, and incurable wounds further decimated other homins including almost all the academicians of the ASA that had been renamed N'ASA. The "N" corresponded to the initial of a word that was found in all atysian dialects: Neu, New, Nueva, Nouvelle, совая.

The two homins were evoking their shared memories of the Lakes by sharing a bottle of byrh when, suddenly, popped up, all breathless and wounded, lady Lylanea. Quickly cared for and comforted, she took her place in this small meeting that amounted to three participants. And there, things became particularly interesting for the N'ASA.

Indeed, the Serae proposed to make us discover in detail the Kitinest of Almati. However, Zo'ro already knew the meticulousness of Serae fr:Zendae, which moreover offers its assistance to the members of the N'ASA for the somewhat risky explorations for the less seasoned researchers in martial arts.

During the discussion that followed, essentially between Ostium and Lylanea, Zo'ro was able to notice the scientific rigour and the psychological finesse of each one, two qualities essential for understanding Nature and understanding how the Homin understands it.

During these wonderful exchanges, came Ny-Dorothee, who got enthusiastic about the exchanges.

Zo'ro considered it was the appropriate moment to rebuild the "trunk" of the N'ASA, that is, the group that will manage the New Academy. There had to be at least four members according to the original statutes. The number was there and each one agreed to carry his light and skills.

But Dorothee suggested that if number four was a minimum, it was not a maximum. Zo'ro thought that as long as there were no more than seven members to form the trunk of the Academy, consensual work remaining possible. Thus, the name Nair Nilstilar was pronounced to be part of it, which was unanimously accepted.

In part, by chance, The N'ASA had just come to life in the beating rain, and its trunk was ready to support the different branches on which the foliage of knowledge shared for the good of each homin will flourish.

Last version 2020-09-17•