Prerequisites : None

Vao Pa-Sang, Stable boy, Zora stables.
[[The Cities' Welcomers/Zora/Moss for the stables Moss for the stables]]
Sai-Ju Fuangi needs moss for the mektoubs of the Zora stables.
333 catalyseurs d'expérience de qualité 50

Moss for the stables
Sai-Ju Fuangi needs moss for the mektoubs of the Zora stables.

Actors and Places

$player$ = You
$givervar$ = Liccio Chialdo Yrkanis city welcomer, Zachini Ward, Yrkanis;
$artisan$ = Marco Menini, Royal craftsman, Yrkanis Greenhouse;
$barman$ = Cicho Trivaldo, Bartender, Libia Ward, Yrkanis, Jardin Majestueux, Sommet Verdoyant
$chef$ = Miaccia Stazzo, Yrkanis Guard Chief, Zachini Ward, Yrkanis;
$medecin$ = Angelo Ivaldi, Apothecary
$supplier$ = Mac'Leigan Jichy, Green Seed, Local supplier, Majestic Garden;
$vendeur$ = Varo Frello, Raw Materials Merchant, Avalae;

$city$ = Yrkanis
$avalae$ = Avalae
$arene$ = matis arena
$monticule$ = Psykopla Knoll

$greenseed$ = Green Seed

$bodoc$ = Roaming Bodoc
$plante$ = Rotoa of Bravichi

The mission

Region Map
― Sai-Ju Fuangi : You have returned, $player$. You want to help this community? That's very good of you. Well, to make yourself useful, you should go see Vao Pa-Sang, I think he needs some help
― $player$ : Hello, Sai-Ju Fuangi sends me to help you
― Vao Pa-Sang : Hello. I could actually use a bit of help. For the comfort of my mektoubs, I usually put some moss in their barn. The problem is now that I am running out. If you could go and kill a few Slavenis mineurs for me, and bring me their moss, you would be doing me a big favor. You can find them around $eaux$.
Prélevez 20 mousse de base/Slaveni d'une qualité au moins egale à 38 sur une créature morte.
Donnez 20 mousse de base/Slaveni d'une qualité au moins egale à 38 à Vao Pa-Sang.
― Vao Pa-Sang : Ho, merci beaucoup. Avec ça mes mektoubs seront les mieux lotis de tout Atys. Tenez, prenez ça, vous l'avez bien mérité.
You receive 333 experience catalyzers of quality 50

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