en:The Unwary Ranger fr:Le Ranger imprudent
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Nilstilar, 2022-12-27)

Rocco Maggiore is proud to be a Ranger.

He, raised in the family tradition of the perfection of the Matis, has managed to erase any trace of contempt and precisely keeps the balance between all nations. Little by little, keeping this balance has become his reason for living. As soon as a nation begins to have less confidence in him, he leaps into the tunnels to return to it and prove his goodwill.

Faster and faster he was travelling through the tunnels. What can happen to him in these tunnels that he knows like the back of his hand?

The sound of his footsteps resounds in the empty tunnels, swept by the Evil Wind...


"Knock! Knock! Knock!" go the kitins' paws, attracted by the resonance of Rocco's footsteps, as they invade the New Lands through the Rangers' tunnels.
When Anlor Winn blows, Rangers, beware of spreading your enemy into our homes!

When Anlor Winn blows, Rangers, beware of spreading your enemy into our homes!

This tale has been told by Kyriann Ba'Zephy on 2620 Anlor Winn Convention. (OOC : Halloween 2022)

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