Occupations are a type of job, if you will, you can take. An occupation from what is currently known allows you to create all sorts of items, which mostly aid in helping regenerate an attribute of the player character. At any given time you can not take on more than three occupations and there is a three day cooldown before you can take another occupation. In the event that you drop an occupation the grade you had in that occupation will be lost.
At the moment there are 8 occupations in game, and it seems 4 of them are much easier and take place mostly in the q50 region, while the other 4 are much harder and involve going into the Kitins' Lair.
Occupations yield certain items which aid regeneration when consumed, among other things.
There is only one trainer for each occupation. Each capital has the trainers for 2 occupations: one easy occupation and one difficult occupations. The easy occupation mostly involves missions in the local region, while the difficult occupation sends you into the Kitins' Lair.
This section will address the basics to get you started in your chosen occupation. As an example, we'll use the Water-Carier occupation, but the concepts we'll discuss apply to all occupations. Remember to use this guide sparingly; half the fun is in figuring it out yourself.
First, you need to chose an occupation. Read up a bit about the different occupations here on the wiki or in the ingame guide, which can be found by opening the API-window (shift-W by default) and going to the "Occupations" section. Once you've decided, find the master for your chosen occupation.
A few things to know about occupations before you start:
This master will offer you four missions, displayed on the image to the right.
The first mission, and the only one that's available when you first talk to the master, is the one you take to become a practitioner of that occupation. (Water-Carrier in this case.) Once you're already a practitioner of the occupation, you can take the same mission again every 2 days and it'll offer you three options:
Whichever option you pick, the mission will then become unavailable again for 2 days (even if you pick the "never mind" option).
The second and the third mission are the main "gathering" tasks for your occupation. These are the tasks you have to do get the two different components to practice your occupation with. Both these missions are an "ongoing" mission involving 4 different tasks: Once you take the mission, you will randomly be assigned one of the 4 tasks of that mission. If you complete the task, you'll get a component, and will again randomly be assigned one of the 4 tasks (which may be the same task again). This will go on while the mission is active, and the mission will only stop if you abandon it or relog.
For water-carrying, for example, the 4 tasks for the first gathering mission are 4 different locations to get water from, and the 4 tasks for the second gathering mission are 4 different NPCs to bring water to. For other occupations, the 4 tasks may be completely different, but these missions always involve 4 tasks on continuous random shuffle. Note that you can always abandon the mission and retake it to get a new random task, as many times as you like.
The fourth mission in the menu is for later on in the occupation, so we'll not bother with that for now.
Somewhere close by the master of the occupation is the workbench for the occupation. It's different for each occupation, but usually easy enough to recognise. You have to be a practitioner of the occupation to use the workbench. The workbench will offer you 8 missions, displayed on the image to the right.
The first two missions are for upgrading the two different components of your occupation. With upgraded components you can create better items. Standardly, doing the "gathering" tasks described above will give you Q10 components. The first upgrading you'll do is to upgrade these to Q15 components. To do this, take the mission to upgrade that particular component, and hand 4 of the Q10 components over to the workbench.
Beware that upgrading has only a certain chance of success, and if it fails, you will lose 2 of the 4 components you handed over. If the upgrading succeeds, you will get 2 Q15 components out of 4 Q10 components. There are some Special Items that can help with upgrading:
The next six missions are for actually practising your occupation and creating items. At first only the first one is available. The other 5 are for later on in the occupation and won't be addressed here. To start creating items in the occupation, take that first mission (the third in the list) and hand 4 of both of the components of the occupation over to the workbench.
Once you've taken the mission and handed over the necessary components, you'll be asked for a "recipe". This recipe basically comes down to choosing between 7 options 5 times. The combination of options you chose will affect the "yield" of the item. This yield ranges between 0% and 100% and will affect how many items you'll create. For example, a yield of 40% may give you 6 items while a yield of 60% may give you 9 items. The items created will be the same, the yield only determines how many you receive.
There is no way to know ahead which combination will give a good result, save asking another person who's done the same occupation. So just pick one randomly and see what you get. Beware there are no do-overs: You only see how good the combination you've chosen is when the creating is done, and if you get a bad result there's no changing it anymore. However, the combination you used will be stored in your recipee book, so that next time you create items again, you can chose whether to use the same combination or to try a new combination and it'll turn out better.
Once the creating is complete, you will be asked whether you want to receive the items you created, or to hand them in for experience. You will only receive experience in the occupation if you hand them in, but handing them in means you won't actually receive any items. So chose carefully if you'd like to create items now or gather experience to create better items later.
Whichever you chose, the crafting mission can only be taken once every 20 hours. (Also, it cannot be taken is someone else is currently doing it.)