About login, credentials - More on An issue to log in?
You are a player, new on this wiki
Now (in Nov 2021), the Ryzom website has a top toolbar (to access to information, events, wiki, forums, apps and chat) and any homin can correct/translate information on Ryzom wikis (few pages are protected, as for ex Lore pages), using its Ryzom account (no need to ask for an account anymore, now wiki are using OAuth2).
The Ryzom top toolbar and wiki menu on the left side (on common wiki)
To login on wiki
You have seen an error, or need to upload some lucio, or translate, or have your personal notes and drafts on wiki ?
- Clic on top right on the Login with RYZOM
- You'll see the "login / creation of account" - on the left part, enter, as usual your secret account name and password.
- then, Please Select Your Char (or logout) to login on the wiki with this toon.
- Now, check your are logged: on top right, you'll see your homin name, Talk, Preferences (get there to change gender), Watchlist, Contributions, and Log out.
- For a first step, it's nice to create a profile (for some notes, draft...) on a wiki. French, English, Spanish... you can have several profile's page if you speak several languages, or using a lot images (in this case, better create a profile on the common wiki).
- choose your preferred language: on the left side (with big screen), under EncyclopAtys, choose the language you prefer.
- then, on top right, clic on yourname
Clic on your name (top right): you are ready to create your profile or draft
- You have an Ryzom account name and password [1], for ex: accname/AGoodPassWd, to open the game and access your toons (you can have several) ... Some people use a steam account to open the game.
- To modify this wiki (add image, correcting an error...), you can chose to
- To login in Ryzom apps (or webapps) on https://app.ryzom.com/: your toon name, for ex: toon2/AGoodPassWd
- several "already integrated in game" apps, such for ex to
send an izam (OCC: send an email), or out of game using https://app.ryzom.com/app_mail/index.php or
notepad -> with your toon name,
- for other webapps, you need to configure each app before using them. Usually you first need to check the app features and requirements, such a API key (
created for it that you will paste in the app) or login using a toon name.
- details about Ryzom Forge tools access is described in one of Test Team Handbook documents