Rift Walkers OOC
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Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Jenn, 2020-06-09)

Guild Amber
Rift Walkers guild-icon.png
Rift Walkers
Leader Zauza
Hall Zachini Ward, Yrkanis
Nation Matis Realm
Faction Karavan
Organisation unknown

Rift Walkers was created as a place for the survivors of troublesome quarrals and dismay, to find refuge and sanctity. We are a Karavan aligned guild that is centered around the city of Yrkanis in the Verdant Heights of Atys. We are followers of the Matis Civilization, and Follow the teachings of Jena.

All races are welcome, provided they will follow our teachings of Jena, and obey the laws of the Matis government.

General Information


refounded Dua, Medis 14, 1st AC 2570 on Atys [1].



Zauza [1] (LucasDalamar)

Senior Officers


  • Beicitol
  • Minimal
  • Vipur

Last version 2020-06-09•
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