“A dirge I wrote for my revered Karae Lea Lenardi after learning of her lonely and tragic death.
There once was a scion, unique in the world.
brought to life by the hand and heart of a gardener.
Protected and cared for from the beginning, placed on a lonely pedestal.
Cared for and nurtured for fame and glory, guarded at all times.
Protected by jealousy from sight and hand.
So that no one would find her beauty.
Oh, Lily of Matia, most beautiful flower far and wide
Everyone saw only your beauty, but no one saw your suffering.
Oh, Lily of Matia, most beautiful flower of your time,
They saw your magnificence, but no one saw the bitterness.
The sprout grew into a flower, tender and beautiful.
The gardener quickly drew protective walls around his greatest work.
Only a few were allowed to see his masterpiece.
To enhance his own great glory was his focus.
A jewel in the crown of the people, filled with glory.
Proudly unveiled to the king by its maker.
Oh, Lily of Matia, most beautiful flower in the majestic garden,
They saw your elegance, but underestimated your spirit.
Oh, Lily of Matia, most beautiful flower in all four countries,
No one saw your wisdom, but that was about to change.
The king was very fond of the gift
and gave her to his son to marry.
And what none would have believed came to pass,
This royal couple found love.
He was wise and just,
With her by his side,
they became the greatest ruling couple.
They survived danger and suffering.
Were admired and loved by their people.
Until the end of their time.
Oh, Lily of Matia, most beautiful of flowers,
Everyone saw your beauty now and all your suffering was gone.
Oh, Lily of Matia, most beautiful flower of your time,
Now everyone now saw your love and there was no more bitterness.
Yet all of our time on Atys comes to an end.
King, emperor, wise man, everyone walks the last path.
The one path that leads in the gods' gentle hands.
And so too flowers of great beauty and privilege,
wither away when the will to live is lacking.
Your beloved king disappeared and was never found.
The burden was too heavy. So many lonely hours.
Oh, Lily of Matia, loneliest flower that ever was.
Everyone here now hears about your loss and shares your suffering.
Oh, Lily of Matia, strongest flower everywhere.
Everyone here now hears about your strength in your loneliness.
You’ve returned home now.
Your Sap united with your ancestors.
We will honour you when we stand before your sister,
Our tears fall into the cool spring waters.
And carry you in our hearts, always.
Farewell my queen.
Lily of Matia,
I will never forget you.
Karae Lea Lenardi.
Lylanea Vicciona, Bard of the Four Lands