de:Buch der Offenbarung en:Book of Revelations es:Libro de las Revelaciones fr:Livre des Révélations ru:Книга Откровений
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2022-06-15)


    The original Book of Revelations, dictated by Hoi-Cho to Mabreka was protected in an amber cube locked with a secret formula. The object itself is made of rare bark, purple in colour, with fine black veins. The title is illuminated with golden yellow leaves[1].
    Only the Ma-Duk's Commandments are known from it, although it must contain much more than that, as it follows Hoi-Cho's meeting with Ma-Duk himself, some years before it was written.
    He had disappeared when Fung-Tun had become Great Sage but Chan Ce-Jian had been asked by Mabreka, who had become a guide of the Zoraï people, to find him.

Ma-Duk's Commandments

Here are written the Eight Revelations of Ma-Duk, translated into sacred words, as they were given to the Great Sage Hoï-Cho by Ma-Duk himself, then transcribed into the beginning of the Book of Revelations.

Last version 2022-06-17•
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