Event:The Awakening

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In the winter of the first cycle of Jena Year 2552, the government of the Zoraï for the first time began accepting new Zoraï Initiates into the ranks of the Awakened. (See player governments.)

The other nations had been accepting new citizens into their governments for years, but the Zoraï had lagged behind, as they were waiting for the right time. As the Zoraï citizen guilds started becoming impatient with their lack of influence in the government, and organising protests, that time finally came.

This event officially introduced the Zoraï player government; the Awakened.


While Fyros citizens had been able to become Akenak since the 4th cycle of 2547, and Tryker citizens had been able to become Taliari since the 1st cycle of 2548, and Matis citizens had been able to become Nobles since the 2nd cycle of 2548, Zoraï citizens still had no way of obtaining official functions within their government by 2551.

Sometime during Jena Year 2251, the Zoraï guilds banded together and started calling for more influence in their government. The movement started with just petitions and protests, went on to obtaining support from the Akenak and Taliari and Nobles, and finally culminated in a Silent Sit on the temple hall in Zora.

Official announcement

Mingled with a sense of frustration and satisfaction, Mabreka Cho read the last minutes of the assemblies of Zoraï Circles. He was pleased to see the Zoraï Circles form, but it has now been many years and it is clear that they would prosper more if they were no longer guided. Heralding his calling, he decided it was time to do his duty towards these Initiates ... No, these Awakened who had worked towards enlightenment for the Witherings.

Zoraï'i! Since nearly 20 years of Jena the Zoraï Circles were formed by simple refugees wishing to take things in hand for their people and advance in the paths of wisdom. It is time now to awaken to their true place as guides of our people and for the Zoraï Circles to flourish in the light of Ma-Duk. For me, the rights conferred by the Grand Sage, I shall summon the Initiates to a special meeting of the Zoraï Circles on Tria, Pluvia 21, 1st AC 2552(JY) to reveal to all that the Initiates, in fact, have always been the Zoraï Circles.
O Atys'o Mayumi, Kami tseu'ito sok Myan ayumi.

  Official Website[1]

Event Summary

The interested Zoraï Initiates gathered at the Temple Hall in Zora, where they were met by Wan Fai-Du, one of the current Zoraï Awakened. He explained to them that the road to become Awakened was a long one, and to symbolize this journey to wisdom, they all would walk throughout the Witherings and talk with various Sages. Each Sage would offer them something to think about, and their answers would reveal whether they were ready for enlightenment.

Thus Wan Fai-Du Du led the entire party as they walked calmly from pond to pond, meeting a sage at each pond and spending some time contemplating wisdom with each one before moving onto the next. They met Chan Ji-Cian at Still Waters, Kiei Xuan at Mektoub Waterhole, Me-Quong Dangi at Maiden Pond, and Lian Dao at the unnamed lake at the border of Haven of Purity and Maiden Grove. Then for the last leg of the journey, they decided to run to Fowling Lake to meet the famous Zoraï Sage known as Sorrow.

Sorrow gave them their final lesson to consider, and then led them to the top of the Great Boulder Tunnel. There, the Sage known as Season awaited with Grand Sage Mabreka-Cho. Mabreka-Cho told the Initiates that they had all shown great wisdom, but that only one of them was ready to be Awakened.

After the Awakening, Wan Fai-Du told the new Awakened that from now on there would be regular meetings of the Awakened, during which all Zoraï Initiates would also be welcome to attend and have their voice heard.

See also

Eye of the Tyrancha News, Volume 2, Issue 04 - The Eye of the Tyrancha issue about this event.
