Mabreka Cho was born as Matini Bremmen Kalus Cheng-Ho during the Exodus in 2485 JY. His name was later shortened to Mabreka Cho and he is the current Grand Sage and leader of the Zoraï people.



Mabreka's father was the great warrior magician Leng Cheng-Ho and founding member of the guild Force of Fraternity. The route of the Exodus was undertaken by Mabreka's family and the other 3 founding members of the guild - Matini Roqvini a Matis, Bremmen Dingle a Tryker, and Kalus Hym a Fyros. They were attacked on the route of the Exodus, but Roqvini, Bremmen and Kalus helped Leng save his wife, eldest son and two daughters from being devoured by kitins; Mabreka was still unborn at the time. Later during the journey in the year of Jena 2485, Mabreka was born and named after the brave homins that helped save his family. His name was later shortened from Matini Bremmen Kalus Cheng-Ho to Mabreka Cheng-Ho. In 2489 JY Mabreka and his family reached Zora from the route of exile.[1]

At the age of eight in the year 2893 JY Mabreka was taken into the house of the childless Grand Sage Hoï-Cho who becomes his mentor, when his father was killed while saving the young Matis Prince, Yrkanis. Barely two years later Mabreka becomes Hoï-Cho's faithful scribe and writes of the encounters between his mentor and Ma-Duk.

In 2498 JY Hoï-Cho was accompanied by Mabreka to Pyr where Hoï-Cho negotiated the Pact of Alliance with the Fyros. During the processions, Mabreka made acquaintance with Dexton, the heir to the empire, this marked the beginning of a lasting friendship which still holds to this day.


Mabreka Cho the Grand Sage

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Donec sodales euismod massa eget faucibus. Ut vehicula iaculis arcu, sed congue lacus sollicitudin vel. Morbi at enim vel justo posuere interdum. Pellentesque luctus venenatis leo, et sollicitudin diam elementum in. Nam vestibulum accumsan leo, id semper metus auctor ut. Morbi vitae dolor ut nulla congue feugiat ut sit amet diam. Phasellus at sapien at dui pellentesque dapibus. Vestibulum urna augue, euismod sed convallis vitae, placerat id erat. Sed vestibulum hendrerit eros ut ullamcorper. Donec lobortis nibh sed dui sollicitudin molestie. Vivamus gravida pharetra ultricies. Integer viverra augue pharetra eros bibendum pulvinar. Pellentesque eu justo libero, a molestie nisi. Curabitur posuere, massa eu pharetra eleifend, purus nulla facilisis nisi, vel sollicitudin ipsum orci quis nisl.

Donec et viverra dui. Nam nec diam quis ipsum facilisis sollicitudin ut ac justo. Sed dictum laoreet accumsan. Etiam id nisl id nunc ornare auctor volutpat a nisi. Proin quis mauris vitae orci rutrum porttitor eu vitae turpis. Cras lobortis, sapien ac congue ultricies, erat sem blandit ante, vitae faucibus nulla tellus sit amet libero. Nam fringilla quam vel augue malesuada vel euismod felis mollis. Maecenas lacinia facilisis risus eget laoreet. Nam mattis arcu vel tortor tincidunt pellentesque ac dignissim mi. Proin dui enim, molestie nec tristique sed, iaculis id ante. Pellentesque at elit tortor, quis egestas sapien. Quisque magna nisl, bibendum interdum dignissim id, iaculis ut eros. Curabitur in velit risus. Duis eu sapien at purus congue pretium. Fusce sodales urna tempus neque malesuada ultricies. Integer sodales arcu vitae leo porttitor nec vestibulum mi viverra.

Vestibulum risus augue, pellentesque id rutrum porta, ultrices gravida mauris. Cras nibh odio, dictum at sollicitudin ut, luctus eget urna. Morbi dolor lectus, malesuada sit amet consectetur sit amet, egestas ac velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut vel risus vel purus sagittis interdum a ac ligula. Morbi accumsan lacus et urna aliquet sit amet bibendum erat convallis. Nunc molestie viverra augue, ut tincidunt diam placerat quis. Donec dolor nunc, suscipit et faucibus a, aliquet eget sapien. Maecenas feugiat, orci vitae cursus mattis, neque lorem condimentum libero, id pretium risus nisl nec mauris. Nullam sed nibh eros. Aliquam erat volutpat.


Mabreka was born to the union of two Zoraï, Leng Cheng-Ho and Lian, from this union came two sons and two daughters. We do not know the names of any of Mabreka's sisters.

Leng Cheng-Ho
Gangi Cheng-Ho
Mabreka Cheng-Ho

See also


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