From EncyclopAtys
[hide]- 1 What to check and to ask when a player has a problem
- 2 Error 126 on an ATI/AMD card
- 3 Location of default files under all platforms
- 4 Error 307
- 5 Player can't start client because of a wrong DLL
- 6 Error 6
- 7 point_except handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll
- 8 Ryzom Installer can't run and displays an error message box
What to check and to ask when a player has a problem
- what is their platform : Windows, Linux, OS X, 32 or 64 bits
- a screenshot of the error
(if on windows)
- screenshot of C:\Program Files (x86)\Ryzom
- screenshot of C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom
- screenshot of C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom\ryzom_live
- (screenshot of another directory if they didn’t install Ryzom Installer in default directories)
- copy-paste of C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom\ryzom_installer.ini
- copy-paste of C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Roaming\Ryzom\0\client.log
- copy-paste of C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Roaming\Ryzom\0\client.cfg
- screenshot of C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Roaming\Ryzom\0\user content
- (if they used a profile different of 0, replace the 0 by the right profile ID before)
Error 126 on an ATI/AMD card
If a player with an ATI/AMD card has an error 126 when launching Ryzom or Configuration (it should only display the splash screen and then the error in a dialog), you need to go to C:\Windows\System32 and copy atio6axx.dll to atiogl64.dll After this change, Ryzom should launch :)
Location of default files under all platforms
- Windows :
* C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom * C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Roaming\Ryzom
- Linux :
* HOME/.local/share/Ryzom (both profiles (0, 1, 2, etc…) and servers (ryzom_live, ryzom_dev, etc…) are in the same directory)
- OS X :
* HOME/Library/Application Support/Ryzom (both profiles (0, 1, 2, etc…) and servers (ryzom_live, ryzom_dev, etc…) are in the same directory)
Error 307
It’s a problem with Sourceforge.
First you need to close Ryzom Installer.
To fix that you can manually download the required files :
- Data :
- Windows 64 bits client :
- Windows 32 bits client :
- Linux 64 bits client :
- Linux 32 bits client :
- OS X client :
Data are always required and you need to download the right client.
Then you move all these 7z files in :
- Windows : C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom
- Linux : HOME/.local/share/Ryzom
- OS X: HOME/Library/Application Support/Ryzom
And relaunch Ryzom Installer, it should detect files and uncompress them :)
Player can't start client because of a wrong DLL
- edit C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom\ryzom_installer.ini, remove the directory after *source_directory=* to be sure, it won't copy again from old client
- remove completely all DLLs and EXEs in C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom\ryzom_live
- download the right client on SF (see Error 307)
- put it to C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom (don't uncompress it!)
- restart Ryzom Installer
- it should uncompress the new client and you should be able to patch and play after that
Error 6
It means than the downloaded 7z file was incomplete and Ryzom Installer couldn't uncompress it. The best fix is to find the file in C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom and to change its extension from .7z to .7z.part (just adding a .part). If you restart Ryzom Installer, it should try to resume the file. If it takes too long, you can download it manually (see error 307) and move it to C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom.
point_except handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll
Error is The procedure entry point_except handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll, to fix it you need to :
- Browse to C:\Windows\System32 folder and file this file dwmapi.dll
- Rename this file from dwmapi.dll to dwmapi.dll_old
Ryzom Installer can't run and displays an error message box
Ryzom Installer, after installing it, is using 32 bits DLLs in C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom and Ryzom Installer from C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom\ryzom_live should be in 64 bits if you chose a 64 bits client. After a patch, client is copying Ryzom Installer from C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom\ryzom_live to C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom and then DLLs in C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom could be incompatible with the copied Ryzom Installer :( The temporary fix is to copy both msvcp100.dll, msvcr100.dll and ryzom_installer_qt_r.exe from C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom\ryzom_live to C:\Users\<login>\AppData\Local\Ryzom.