The Cities' Welcomers/Pyr/The dune fossils

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Prerequisites : Successful completion of the mission Garbage collection.

Lucius Dominus, archeologist, Pyr.
The dune fossils
Lucius Dominus needs you to find fossilized bones.
333 experience catalyzers of quality 50

Les fossiles des Dunes
Lucius Dominus needs you to find fossilized bones.

Actors and Places

$city$ = Pyr
$dunes$ = Imperial Dunes
$place_crafteur$ = Upper Piros Street
$taxeurs$ = Leviers
$goari$ = egg-carrying goari
$kitin$ = Moderate Kipees (10)
$termitiere$ = Termite mound
$player$ = You
$givervar$ = Ulyron Zessen, Pyr city welcomer.
$archeologue$ = Lucius Dominus, archeologist, Pyr;
$barman$ = Lydix Deps, Bartender, Pyr;
$chasseur$ = Xamus Zessen, Hunter, Imperial Dunes;
$chef$ = Abytheus Apocaps, Pyr Guard Chief, Pyr;
$crafteur$ = Deups Gacaps, Upper Piros Street, Pyr;
$cuisinier$ = Atus Gromulus, impérial head chef, Pyr;
$intendant$ = Eutis Apocaps, Pyr Intendant, Pyr;
Volubis Gargatus, Baths manager, Pyr.

The mission

— Ulyron Zessen : You did what Eutis Apocaps$ asked you to do? She always manages to have somebody else do the dirty work. Well anyway, somebody else is also in the need of a forager. I'm referring to Lucius Dominus, a prominent archeologist. You can find him in the Imperial Palace.
— $player$ : Hello, Ulyron Zessen sends me. You are in need of help?
— Lucius Dominus : Ah Hello! If Ulyron Zessen sends you than you must have some experience with foraging.
South of Pyr there is an area where you can find skeletons of extinct animals of antiquity. I would like you to go there and find some bones for me to examine. Be careful, those fossils are very fragile.
Harvest 5 average fossils of at least quality 30
Talk to Lucius Dominus
Give 5 average fossils of at least quality 30 to Lucius Dominus
— Lucius Dominus : Perfect, thank you. I can examine these. You did a good job, these are in perfect condition. Here, this is for you.

You receive 333 experience catalyzers of quality 50

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