Atys games 2629/Closing Ceremony

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de:Atys Spiele 2629 en:Atys games 2629/Closing Ceremony es:2629 fr:Jeux d'Atys 2629/Cloture ru:2629
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2024-09-02)

Lucio from Tyiah

Pavor and Margotte gaved medallions (Riasan came briefly). In 6 words: Mharus :)

Here are all results:

Type 3rd (horn) 2nd (nacre) 1st (amber)
Marathon Kym (absent) Carri Mharus
Triathlon Eolinius (absent, Kyriann will give him) Karmalys (absent) Mharus
Natation Chenli (absent, Kyriann will give him) Mharus Tyiah
On mektoub Padmini Vanixia Mharus

Yubo golf 3e 2e 1er (amber)
Desert Mytrix (abstent) Craftjenn (absent) Mharus
Forest Kyriann Chenli Mharus
Jungle Chenli Mharus Denrak
Lakes Chenli Denrak Mharus
Primes Chenli Kyriann Mharus

Lucio from Tyiah

Full logs (in French) on the French version.

Last version 2024-09-05•