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DeepFDiplo-2024-10-27-21h59-02-Cooky'sCranks.png|Arrival near the Cooky's Cranks  camp (bandits)
DeepFDiplo-2024-10-27-21h59-02-Cooky'sCranks.png|Arrival near the Cooky's Cranks  camp (bandits)
DeepFDiplo-2024-10-27-21h59-51-KillCooCranks.png|Fyros diplomacy in practice: first you hit, then you talk
DeepFDiplo-2024-10-27-21h59-51-KillCooCranks.png|Fyros diplomacy in practice: first you hit, then you talk
DeepFDiplo-2024-10-27-22-09-34-CooCranChief.png|their leader talks to us about Les Silenciers
DeepFDiplo-2024-10-27-22-09-34-CooCranChief.png|their leader talks to us about Silenciers
DeepFDiplo-2024-10-27-22-15-45-HominCooCr.png|the homins present discuss their answers: they are too small to attack convoir - and, at the very least, if it was a beer convoy...
DeepFDiplo-2024-10-27-22-15-45-HominCooCr.png|the homins present discuss their answers: they are too small to attack a water convoy - and, at the very least, if it was a beer convoy...
DeepFDiplo-2024-10-27-22h33-24-SilenciersChief.png|The leader of the Silenciers is then questioned
DeepFDiplo-2024-10-27-22h33-24-SilenciersChief.png|The leader of the Silenciers is then questioned
DeepFDiplo-2024-10-27-23h06-56-UnderspringLynchers.png|Underspring Lynchers camp: a witness will show us where he saw strange things
DeepFDiplo-2024-10-27-23h06-56-UnderspringLynchers.png|Underspring Lynchers camp: a witness will show us where he saw strange things

Revision as of 11:51, 28 October 2024

Under Construction Panel.png !!!! WIP !!!! Under Construction Panel.png
There are currently still 79 articles in preparation in the category "WIP"
Article in preparation. Please let the author finish it before you modify it.
The last editing was from Craftjenn on 28.10.2024.

de:Deep Fyros diplomacy en:Deep Fyros diplomacy es:Deep Fyros diplomacy fr:Diplomatie Fyros en profondeur ru:Deep Fyros diplomacy
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2024-10-28)


[https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic%2Fview%2F33241%2F210348&lang=en Forums » OFFICIAL NEWS » Events » (Fyros) Deep Fyros diplomacy (2024-10-27)

Creator of the event: Player Azazor and Event Team.
Type of event: Investigation and PvE.
Appropriate levels: For all. The lower levels may need to join a team.

Date of the event: Sunday, 27 October 21:00:00 CET 2024. Expected duration: About 2 hour(s).
Meeting place: Dyron, Dunes of Exile, Burning Desert.

Homins concerned: Fyros patriots, akenakos, friends of the Fyros.
Synopsis: A quarrel is about to break out between the Empire and the Root Tappers. A diplomatic mission must go there and resolve the situation with a civilian escort to avoid poisoning relations.
Please note: Due to the length of the event, the end of the event will probably have to be postponed until the following day.


From our special reporter, the Ranger Craftjenn

See French page for now


Notes and links

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Last version 2024-11-10•