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This page is intended to help to use [[User:Moniq|Moniq]]’'s Letter App.
|DE = Letter App |DEs= 5
|EN = Letter App |ENs= 0
|ES = Letter App |ESs= 5
|FR = Letter App |FRs= 5
|RU = Letter App |RUs= 5
|H  = 1
[[Letter App]]<sup>v 0.2</sup>  [[File:LetterApp-icon.png]] is a tool to generate custom looking letter images for role-play purposes. <br />
[[Letter App]]<sup>v 0.2</sup>  is a tool, buit by[[User:Moniq|Moniq]], to generate custom looking letter images for role-play purposes. <br />
*[https://app.ryzom.com/index.php?action=add_user_app&app_id=2585 Install Letter App]  in your [[Appzone bar]]  
*[https://app.ryzom.com/index.php?action=add_user_app&app_id=2585 Install Letter App]  in your [[Appzone bar]]  

Revision as of 10:23, 11 March 2021

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Article in preparation. Please let the author finish it before you modify it.
The last editing was from Dorothée on 11.03.2021.

de:Letter App en:Letter App es:Letter App fr:Letter App ru:Letter App
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2021-03-11)



Letter Appv 0.2 is a tool, buit byMoniq, to generate custom looking letter images for role-play purposes.

Letter App picture

Letter App User Help

Note: This part is a wiki port, with slight Layout changes of the “In-App” help page

    This application allows you to generate letter images with specified background and font for use in role-play. It is based on avatar characteristics and using data managed by Bag App, Fame Tracker and Level Tracker.

    This application is not meant as replacement for Izam nor other homin communication. It is a tool that allows everyone to create a custom letter image to use in role-play. The idea was to have a tool where you can put a text, set parameters and get a forum / Izam code you can use.

    Another aspect of the application is that your options are based on your character data. Available letter medium/font/colour options are based on achieved skill levels or currently owned items.


     Drafts section is where a letter composing starts. You can create new letters here by creating new draft. Each draft has various settings you can set to customize final letter. First of all you need to specify a draft name and the future letter recipient.

Draft name is a mandatory option, in case you will leave this setting empty the system will use previous name or will automatically generate a new name based on current date and time.
Recipient is optional setting where you can put a homin name you wish to address your letter for. In case you will leave this option empty, everyone will be able to see the final image. This option is important to if you want to make a letter private. Such letters will be visible for its recipient only.
— Another very important setting is a letter Medium. You have to select one of available options which will affect following visual options. Every time you change a medium, the draft visual will be set to medium default.
— The last of draft mandatory options is the textual Content. Every draft must have at least one language version of the Role-play text or you will not be able to adjust the visual look nor compose the final letter.
RP version is the letter content that will be used to compose the letter image. It should be written strictly IC (In-Character) respecting its use in role-play context. Please remember that the space on the letter is limited by its writing area size and used type and size of message font.
OOC version (Out Of Character) is the place where to add any non-RP information or specific details. This information is encapsulated in a spoiler tag for the final letter export code.
— Once you have set all basic draft options, you can use adjustment tools to customize draft look. All adjustment options are saved once you change them with the button. You can switch between all available language versions so see how new parameters will affect their look.

Once you are happy with the final look, you can send (publish) your new letter. This operation is not reversible so review carefully the letter visual and its recipient, remember to adjust draft name into new letter name (subject). Once you finish your draft this way, it will be transformed into the final letter. It will be available to read for its recipients since that moment and you will see it in Sent section of the Letter App. You will be redirected to the letter export afterwards.


This section contains list of all your previously finished letters. You can see details about its parameters, you can display all language version and also open the letter export into forum/Izam code.

You are not allowed to delete old letters and all will remain in your outbox until the recipient will drop it. There is no way how to delete public letters without any recipient.


This function will build a forum/Izam code that is ready to be inserted into new forum post or message. It includes the final letter version, its content as plain text and also OOC information if any.

In case the letters has a specific recipient, you can also use automatic Izam[1] sending at bottom of the section. Please note that this will actually redirect you into your Izam application and you need to be authenticated to the Ryzom AppZone already, otherwise an error will occur.


Here you can find all letter that were finished and you are the recipient. You can view all available language versions or delete the letter from your inbox.

Public archive

This section is similar to your inbox. The only difference is that it contains all public letters. You can view all available language versions.


This is a list of all items you can use to write on. The list is dynamic and depends on your skill or occupation levels that allows you to obtain more suitable materials. Adopt new occupation and work on your current levels to enable new.


This is a list of all your calligraphy knowledge you have gained over the time. The list is dynamic and depends on your occupation levels. Improve them or adopt new to discover additional styles of writing.


This is a list of all available methods of written information recording and currently available colours. The list is dynamic and depends on which items are available in your bag or in your apartment inventory.


It might be hard for you to guess which skills and items are involved in processes of this application. Look at following lists that will give you tips which skills to improve or which items to obtain to unlock more application components. Best resources require higher skill or occupation level. In case of Forage and Crafting highest level required is 125. All required items must be placed either in your bag or in your apartment. Requirements that you are currently fulfilling (at least partially) are marked with yellow colour.


In Forum or Izam[1] you can also grab the image url; thenInsert the BBCode [img] image URl[/img] in the text of your message; thus with our example:


Here in EncyclopAtys

Due to the very different way wikimedia manages things it is not yet possible to use Letter App but by grabbing the image url and insert it in an html tag such as:

     alt="Letter App example">

To make the use of this app easier, and more flexible we have built a LetterApp template. It allows resizing and some alignment abilities [2] for better page layout requirements. There are two ways to use it:

Example with complete image url

 | url=http://beta.kdyne.net/rygreg/STABLE/letterapp/letter.php?letter=548efb6b1630c14faa0ea5735d9fbb9b288ead01&locale=en
 | align=
 | width=200}}
Letter App picture

Example with Letter ID

In this way it is easier to port on different language pages

 | letter=548efb6b1630c14faa0ea5735d9fbb9b288ead01
 | lang=en
 | align=floatright
 | width=300}}
Letter App picture

Post haec Gallus Hierapolim profecturus ut expeditioni specie tenus adesset, Antiochensi plebi suppliciter obsecranti ut inediae dispelleret metum, quae per multas difficilisque causas adfore iam sperabatur, non ut mos est principibus, quorum diffusa potestas localibus subinde medetur aerumnis, disponi quicquam statuit vel ex provinciis alimenta transferri conterminis, sed consularem Syriae Theophilum prope adstantem ultima metuenti multitudini dedit id adsidue replicando quod invito rectore nullus egere poterit victu.

Quod si rectum statuerimus vel concedere amicis, quidquid velint, vel impetrare ab iis, quidquid velimus, perfecta quidem sapientia si simus, nihil habeat res vitii; sed loquimur de iis amicis qui ante oculos sunt, quos vidimus aut de quibus memoriam accepimus, quos novit vita communis. Ex hoc numero nobis exempla sumenda sunt, et eorum quidem maxime qui ad sapientiam proxime accedunt.

Ut enim benefici liberalesque sumus, non ut exigamus gratiam (neque enim beneficium faeneramur sed natura propensi ad liberalitatem sumus), sic amicitiam non spe mercedis adducti sed quod omnis eius fructus in ipso amore inest, expetendam putamus.

  1. 1.0 1.1 in-game mail system
  2. See the LetterApp template page for more detailed options description