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Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎
Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Jenn, 2020-06-01)
Automatic translation requiring your corrections
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎
Tips to find stuff in this wiki.
Not about Help on the game - rather see:
Various tips and links
- On your favorite search engine, typing for example site:en.wiki.ryzom.com patch map will return all content (pages, images tagged...) found on https://en.wiki.ryzom.com with the patch or "map" terms
- See the following categories: Category:Help and the Help namespace.
- Most of the pages created by the homins should be somewhere under Roleplay (Player Characters...) or one of the Gameplay subcategories (in-game help for Fight, Craft...). Please use Mysteries (for spoilers).
- Please do not put these categories in your pages (use the sub-subcategories of Encyclopatys or only Roleplay or Gameplay): Encyclopatys, Wikipatys, Forge and Lore.
- More on Categorization and Categorization/how to (rewriting in progress in April/March 2020).
- Pages under your profile are, by default,quite hidden (ex: User:YourName/Draft, User:YourName/OOC) as long as no categories have been added.
- For images (all on Common wiki, for all our wikis: in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian - default language is English): help about categorization SOS/catImage, or use the right part categories on the common Main page.
- To search and/or replace text in wiki code (in page edit mode), unfold Advanced, Search and Replace is on the far right.
other OCC tips
Official forum
On top, there's several very handy links:
Important tips about wiki search
- The search works "by language", because each wiki has its own database (EN, FR, DE, SP and RU + common: look at the beginning of the URL addresses at the following points: en.wiki fr.wiki but also atys.wiki.ryzom.com).
- Once you have launched a Search, you will arrive on a page called Search Results - which has the following links:
- Content page (default): shows at the top "in the page titles" then in the "page text".
- Multimedia most of the images are on the common [1]. Only the fr:Catégorie:Images FR Migrées and the Category:Images are images hosted in the COMMON, which have been given a local description (more: SOS/catImage).
- Everything a shortcut to Advanced Search with all ns checked
- Advanced (see image below): add a form to select namespaces (ns)
simple search is very partial, because it don't use all name spaces
- Use * (replaces the end): magi* (magic, magical...) is more efficient than magi (returns only 3 references). You can combine with ns selection - compare for ex:
- Simple search works well with subpages
Portals and categories
Portals show you some selected pages (see down page the main portals).
Categories are at the heart of how wikis work, they should be seen as tags.
Categories are displayed at the bottom of pages.
You can add several categories to one of your pages, so that it can be easily found.
More on french wiki fr:Chercher et trouver.
Game update (resume) on this wiki, using Category:Updates
On the official forum:
- ↑ The COMMON wiki is in English because common to all 5 wikis, its URL starts atys.ryzom.com, and hosts the files. A table of the main categories is at atys:Main_Page or using categories under atys:Category:Encyclopatys).