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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2020-11-20)

Personal Amber
Daeronn Cegrips
Daeronn Cegrips portrait.png
Kitinologue, Researcher
Race Fyros
Gender Male
Nation Patriote de l'Empire Fyros
Organization Académie impériale
Worship Ma'Duk colt
Faction Kami
Death Alive
Father unkown
Character played by an Animator


General Information


His life


Results of his research on Kitins

The kitin hibernate in winter. During this season they return to the Prime Roots. Of course depending on the particular kitin type their organisation differs, but in general kitin hibernate in winter. They keep scouts and guards to ensure the safety of their nests. These nests are difficult to detect because they are generally camouflaged. Normally kitins will never make an invasion or attack during the winter unless they are disturbed.

In spring the kitin come out of their hibernation. Not only are they hungry but they are also looking to breed. There are fierce fights between the kittens in which the males try to gain enough fame to get the right to mate. This is also the time when new groups are formed and hordes of kittens migrate to establish new nests. Hungry as they are, kittens are very aggressive and can quickly invade territories to harvest (hunting and drilling).

In summer, the kitin are not very dangerous. Usually, food is abundant and the risk of invasion is more limited. Unless they feel threatened.

In the autumn they harvest and prepare for winter. They hunt and gather large quantities of resources to prepare for winter. They usually become violent in order to obtain the areas where they find their food. They gather it while the guards protect the area. Then they organize large convoys to bring the food to their nests. These columns are obviously protected by guards.

Daeronn's theory of seasonal migrations of kitin is disavowed by his peers, including his intimate enemy the late tryker Ardan Keale.

History, Chronicles and Related Articles

  1. Forums " EVENTS " [Nations & Neutrals] Academic Congress of Pyr

Last version 2021-05-04•


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