Guild:Cercle du Bois d'Almati/OOC

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The Circle OOC

New Members of the Circle and returnees

As soon as you are a member of the guild, you have access to the guild forum: (bottom of the page). There you will find, among other things, the "Kings' Diary" - it's useful to put the date and time there, it gives an idea of when they're going to re-populate.

Sign up!

On Circle's www forum (or "fofo") 
Lots of information and tutorials from our most experienced members
here too you have to register... 🙂. once you' ve done so, please inform Lod (Achnar), jennygb (CraftJenn), Djiper or Dorothée in order to validate the registration.

Here on EncyclopAtys

If not already done, 
CreateAccount orRequest_an_account. As soon as it is done set your Preferences. (gender, notifications...),
You can then create yourown user page and tell your story, or others, add Lucios... For help, contact:CraftJenn, Dorothée, or Zorroargh.

Register on Apps (Appzone, webapps)

Apps provide a lot of services or information that are much less easy to obtain in-game.

  1. API key-icon.pngGet a key: API Ryzom Key
  2. install ( in game and/or on the Web),
    1. The Apps of Moniq : BagApp, Fametracker, LetterApp, LevelTracker BagApp (☆☆☆) : for the inventories of guilds (allies in particular), Fametracker for the detailed monitoring of your reputations and many other things ...
    2. Bunny tools app-icon.jpg Bunny Tools (☆☆☆) /appzone 1823: quick information on mobs, alarm clock for the trades, calculation of drilling materials for the craft industry ..,
    3. Bai Nhori Drakani.png Tableau des Niveaux (Levels Chart): It helps well for group training and for making weapons and armour,
    4. Logolafirme32.png Informations de guilde (Guild information) especially for guild inventories,
  3. Enter your key when necessary (one time is enough for all Moniq's Apps) ;
  4. Register on Ryzom Armory (☆☆☆): very complete information about you and your guild but also about the others and their guilds, information about the game. The site usefully complements Ballistic Mystix and the Wiki (Armory is the only app that indicates the position of your Zigs).
All Moniq's Apps
Icon App Version Command Description Start from App Zone
BagApp-icon.png Bag App /appzone 1977 Tool to browse the inventory cache obtained from the API of the character and/or guild.
Bbg ico.png Blabla Game (fait partie de LangApp) /appzone 2413 A little translation game with the languages of Atys
Bbt ico.png Blablator (fait partie de LangApp) /appzone 2414 Blablator, dummy brute force translator to and from Atys languages.
Book of Guilds-icon.png Book of Guids first release /appzone 1960 Livre des Guildes d'Atys - Libro de Gremios - Buch der Gilden
FameTracker-icon.png Fame Tracker /appzone 2132 Suivi de la Renommée - Ruhm-Übersicht - Rastreador de Fama
LangApp-icon.png Lang app /appzone 2135 Interface for translating applications and browsing the old Blablatys dictionary
LetterApp-icon.png Letter App 0.2 /appzone 2585 Tool to generate custom looking letter images for the role-play purposes. /appzone 2585
LevelTracker-icon.png Level Tracker /appzone 2324 Level monitoring allows you to track your progress in each skill level.
RyGREg-icon.png RyGReg /appzone 1947 Ryzom Guild Registry, le Registre des guildes de Ryzom
Sluha-icon.png Sluha, the merchant - /appzone 1971 Abandoned (does not work)! Exchange with a nomadic merchant who travels to Atys.

Outpost Materials

::We hold an Outpost, the Finder's Farm, in Fleeting Garden, which gives q100 modified Maga creepers.

Historically, marauders gave us this OP.

These materials allow us to create Maga-Jen amplifiers s (see the stats on the images below).

“Les Larmes”, by Kiwa'Lie [1]

Hi everyone! *lays a plate of cookies*

  Leader mode activated, yes I know it sounds funny! 😄

  I read the logs and I want to set the record straight about Tears,

  Already the Rangers faction is my baby, I worked for two years with the ryzom team so that it would see the light of day, before we were just neutral profiteers, we were full of not very nice remarks from the other players, with Djiper we held on for ten years in our neutral pacifist RP, we only had the maximum 200 zone tp, it was complicated for us to play but we held on, two bodoc heads. 😄

  At the merger we were FINALLY heard by the ryzom team, I'll pass you the details but it was a long time to get it going...

  We created the wood circle of Almati, Djiper, Zorroargh and I, a 100% Rangers guild, hominists, pacifists. That's what makes our guild strong, that we have never given in to the easy way out, our guild is known and recognised as one of the best guild precisely because we never take part in the wars before the posts or any other PVP.

  The “Larmes” took advantage of the Rangers faction to get the TPs of the 250 zones and bonuses but they are not Rangers, I found myself with tons of IG tell from the Rangers players, English German ...who wanted the Tears to be excluded, I traced it all back to Tamarea, the head of the ryzom team who answered me that since the game play allows it, they can't do anything.

  The “Larmes” are mercenaries, they ally themselves with the karavaneers, the kamists or the marauders to have outposts, they love the PVP which goes against the Ranger ideas which they act with diplomacy, and when they have an outpost they don't give or even exchange their op mps with us!
unlike us who also have a small outpost given by a marauding guild, our maga 100s are used by all players, I regularly crafte amps with them and I put them at all merchants, even young marauders can buy them and for cheap. 😉

  To sum up, the “Larmes” are mostly nice players but have nothing to do with the Rangers faction, they even tried to make it evolve to their advantage to become a PVP faction but mummy Kiwa stopped them dead in their tracks. 😄

  The strength of our guild is that we have always kept the same line of conduct, at home we fight with cookies and roasted hurts less. 😄

  We sometimes have players who leave the guild to go to PVP in another one, I have no problem with that, we are on a game and everyone can have as much fun as they want, the only thing I ask is not to leave without a word, I think it's a shame not to talk and laugh together even if we are not in the same faction anymore, I have great relationships with almost everyone on the game, including some marauders. 🙂

Have fun and enjoy the magic of Atys.

  Kiwa'Lie, Ranger Companion

Note de Dorothée : Moniq est bien plus pessimiste. Voir La Chute des Rangers

See also