Leng Cheng-Ho

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de:Leng Cheng-Ho en:Leng Cheng-Ho es:Leng Cheng-Ho fr:Leng Cheng-Ho ru:Leng Cheng-Ho
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2021-10-07)

Personal Amber
<First name if exists> <Name or full name>
<First name if exists> <Name or full name> means in Atysian: <Meaning if exist of the name>
<title, main role or activity>
Race <Fyros, Matis, Tryker, Zoraï>
Gender <Female/Male>
Nation <Empire, Kingdom, Republic, Theocracy>
Organization <not national (Rangers...)>
Worship <Kami, Karavan, Jenaïst...>
Faction Marauders, Trytonists...
Guild <Guild name>
Rank <Chief, officer, member>
Birth <Date, place>
Death <Date, place>
Mother <Mother>
Father unkown
< Non-playable character (Default display):

Homin, Homina, Animation played Homin, Character played by Animator played Character, Homin, Ryzom Team Character ...>

{{Homin |lang= en |first= Leng |name= Cheng-Ho |lucio= Zoraï_Mo.png |meaning= |title= Master of arms |race= Tryker |sex= Male |nation= [[Zoraï|Zoraï Theocracy] |organization= |worship= Order of Ma-Duk |faction= |guild= Force of Fraternity |rank= Founding member |birth= 2453 |death= 2493 |mother= |father= |character= Historical Character }}



Birth of Leng Cheng-Ho.
At the age of 23, he marries Lian Cheng-Ho
Birth of Gangi Cheng-Ho, his first son
On the Road of Exodus, Matini Roqvini the Matis, Bremmen Dingle the Tryker and Kalus Hym the Fyros, save his life and that of Lian his wife.
His wife gives birth to Mabreka on the Exodus Road.
Following the Mutual Assistance Pact, he founds with his friends Matini Roqvini, Bremmen Dingle and Kalus Hym the Brotherhood Force.
Leng Cheng-Ho saves Yrkanis at the cost of his life from the claws of three kipuckas in the Fyros desert.

Last version 2021-10-14•