A Song for my beloved, Wixarika.
“Flame of the desert
Dance with me
Dance wildly, full of lust for life and passion
Embrace me, kiss me and burn me
Spinn my head around
Tease me and touch my heart
Flame of the desert
Give me your sweet pain
Let me dance with you
Like a moth to a flame
Let me burn, in passion and happiness
With you, only you
Flame of the desert,
Dance and burn, dance and fly
Full of devotion, strength and courage
Shine brightly for those who love you
Protect them and give them warmth
Flame of the desert
Let me become one with you
Let me dance with you
Like the spark in the air
Let me soar in sorrow and joy
With you, only you
Flame of the desert
Let us dance, tightly embraced
Let me nourish your fire
Burn me and let me rise again
Let me love you and damn you
Together we'll be prey to the flames
Flame of the desert
Dance and burn
Dance and love
Dance and live
With me, only meLylanea Vicciona, Bard of the Four Lands