From EncyclopAtys
We will talk about file types (how to open which file with which program) as well as when to use which tool...
[hide]Ryzom Files
See Ryzom location (for now in French only fr:Manuel de l'utilisateur/Ch 1 - Dossiers et fichiers de Ryzom) lists all important folder and file locations, for all operating systems (Windows, GNU/Linus and Mac and with or without Steam).
A good number of files in the game are in xml format. It's better to save them (copy and paste under another name) before modifying them because some of them, in case of error, will prevent the game from loading.
Common Formats
Ryzom is a sandbox, part of whose code is said to be Open Source, see Ryzom on
We prefer "free" formats and tools (see Open Format and Proprietary Format) as soon as possible.
The .xml
All the basic editors [1] open them (without polluting them).
More at
The .pads
Ideal for working together on a text.
A "pad" is an online collaborative text editor (there are also spreadsheet-type files). Each user's contributions are colour-coded, appear on the screen in real time and are recorded as they are typed.
Comparison with a wiki page: if 2 wiki contributors work on the same wiki page at the same time, the last one who saves the page overwrites the content of the other one [2]. To correct a mistake, it is therefore better to edit a section (via the edit to the right of the title) rather than edit the whole page (via the top toolbar).
To use a pad:
- the first thing to do is to choose the color and indicate its name (top right)
- Caution: Veru often free PADS have a limited time (one month, one semester etc). Therefore it is useful to indicate the creation and end date roughly at the beginning. You can also export the pad to make a backup.
More at (free and free pads) and
Free provider at with e.g:
- their pad at
- spreadsheet at (end Monday, July 6, 2020)
the NC Wiki pads
Bureaucrats who have access to NC Ryzom (the cloud dedicated to the Wiki project) must connect to it not with their personal name but with their account name.
To create a pad, click on the + icon at the top center of the screen.
The .ods and other OpenDocument
OpenDocument is an open data format for office applications: word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, diagrams, drawings and office databases. OpenDocument is the usage designation of a standard published by OASIS and whose official name is Open Document Format for Office Applications, also abbreviated as ODF.
In France, the OpenDocument format is the only format recommended as an office automation format by the Référentiel général d'interopérabilité since its version 2.0 validated on April 20, 2016.
The Markdown .md
- KB (the official task manager on the Ryzom Cloud) use Markdown's format (task summary),
- With NC (Ryzom Cloud) you can create .txt in .md to benefit under a basic editor of a minimal colouring helping the formatting.
- The RC syntax is very close of Markdown
More on
For those who have access to NC: choose Text File, and name it .md.
Mind map
On the cloud, with .km
To understand the idea: and
Notes and Links
On this wiki, Tips for wiki contributors presents various tips for working on wikis (firefox tips for managing tabs, RSS for tracking changes, using Ryzom Cloud...).
- Jump up ↑ like notepad, vim, edit... Word processors (such as MicroSoft Word, Office etc.) very often pollute simple text files with their proprietary codes. See
- Jump up ↑ See also versioning conflict at Wiki Technical Guide#Editing War and/or