Nexus/The wealth of the Nexus

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de:Nexus/Die Reichtümer des Nexus en:Nexus/The wealth of the Nexus es:Nexo/La riqueza del Nexo fr:Nexus Mineur/Les richesses du Nexus ru:Плато Нексус/Богатство Нексуса
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Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2021-05-21)

The Wealth of the Nexus[1]

    Ba'Caun Bammy once again went through the samples of materials received. Facts had to be faced: whoever was digging, the sources that have appeared around the rifts were sources of supreme materials. Of low quality, of course, but supreme ones. What if a better quality lay a little deeper? she suddenly thought. It was time to warn Daeronn Cegrips and to launch another study.

    Shortly afterwards, posters bloomed everywhere:

Parchment square.png

    Digger friends,

    We are entering a second phase in the study of Nexus Materials.
    Ba'Caun Bammy and Be'Gale Acher continue to receive materials from spontaneous sources that have appeared around the faults, but these sources seem unlikely to improve over time.
    We have therefore decided to launch a larger campaign.
    You will find in your respective camps new instructions from Ciro Becco and Freccio Tinagno.
    We are counting on you!

        Daeronn Cegrips
        Scientific Team Coordinator

Research is progressing! [2][3]

    Daeronn Cegrips had brought all the scientists together to take stock of research progress at the Nexus.
“So, we all agree, the barkquake has brought up supreme materials. Some superficial sources are of poor quality, but in depth are some materials of great interest for craftsmanship.”
    He turned to the group of Trykers.
“Do we still need to study superficial sources?”
    After a brief conciliation, Ba'Caun Bammy stood up and shook his head.
“No Daeronn, the last contributions showed nothing more. The rotation remains the same, a domain corresponding to one season. Their location has not changed. We'd be more useful trying to inventory all resources.
— See if, by any chance, there might not be some fabulous spices to make the beer of the Lakes even better, for example, Ba'Gale Acher added, dreamy.
— Very good. So, from 17h - Dua, Pluvia 2, 3rd AC 2612[4], you'll both be free to fumble around!”

  1. Jump up
  2. Jump up
  3. Jump up [OOC] The Nexus mission "Some unusual materials" will end on Sunday, 14 March 23:00:00 UTC (2 weeks to go). This gives you a complete atysian cycle of four seasons to complete the mission if necessary. The other missions remain accessible.
    We wish you a good game.
  4. Jump up March 14th, 2021 23:56 UTC