Atys games 2629

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de:Atys Spiele 2629 en:Atys games 2629 es:2629 fr:Jeux d'Atys 2629 ru:2629
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Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2024-09-01)

Posters have been plastered in all cities of Atys:

Homins from all over Atys,

Come and participate in various challenges of the 2629 Atys Games from 19h - Tria, Germinally 21, 4th AC 2629 to 19h - Tria, Pluvia 21, 1st AC 2630 included![1]


Every day in August :
Atys Games 2024
  • Swimming trial (start and finish in Fairhaven)
  • Triathlon (riding, swimming, running) near Windermeer (Windermeer Farm's outpost). Rules
  • Yubo Golf; A teleport in each capital. Rules

On 7h - Quinteth, Pluvia 29, 1st AC 2630[2]  :

Lucio from Tyiah, 2024/09/31 Saturday, on Silan

Source: Forums » OFFICIAL NEWS » Events » Atys games 2024

Last version 2024-09-01•
  1. From Thursday, 1 August 12:00:00 CEST to Saturday, 31 August 12:00:00 CEST 2024 included.
  2. On Saturday, 31 August 21:00:00 CEST 2024.