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|DE=Chiang's Atysmas-Spaziergang
|EN =Chiang's Atysmas Walk
|EN =Chiang's Atysmas Walk
|FR =La balade d'Atysoël de Chiang
|FR =La balade d'Atysoël de Chiang
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[[File:Atysmas 2020 Haokan.png|300px|right]]
[[File:Atysmas 2020 Haokan.png|300px|right]]
<big>'''Eine Geschichte beim Spaziergang auf Atys'''</big>
<big>'''A tale while walking Atys'''</big>
''Vor einiger Zeit hat mich jemand, den ich sehr schĂ€tze, um eine Geschichte von Atysoel fĂŒr diese Nachtwache gebeten. Zuerst war es mir ziemlich peinlich: Ich weiß nicht, wie man sich Geschichten ausdenkt. Also habe ich mein GedĂ€chtnis durchforstet, ob mir etwas einfĂ€llt, das Ihnen gefallen könnte. Aber die Geschichten, die mir einfielen, kennt ihr wahrscheinlich schon... Also beschloss ich, zur Quelle dieser Geschichten zurĂŒckzukehren. Nach meiner Maskenzeremonie habe ich viel Zeit auf Silan verbracht, und dort habe ich die besten Geschichten gehört.''
Also ging ich zurĂŒck zu Chiang dem Starken, um ihn um Rat zu fragen. Wir unterhielten uns eine Weile. Dann hatte er eine Idee, die er mir zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht anvertrauen wollte:''
''Some time ago, someone I hold in high esteem asked me for a tale of Atysoel for this vigil. At first I was quite embarrassed: I don't know how to make up stories. So I searched my memory if I could remember something that you might like. But the stories that came back to me you probably already know them... So I decided to go back to the source of these tales. After my Mask ceremony, I spent a lot of time on Silan, and that's where I heard the best stories.''
''“Kommen Sie in ein paar Tagen wieder, sagte er, und Sie werden eine Geschichte haben, die schon lange nicht mehr erzĂ€hlt worden ist!”''
So I went back to Chiang the Strong to ask his advice. We talked for a while. Then he had an idea, which he didn't want to confide in me at the time:''
Ein paar Tage spÀter besuchte ich ihn erneut und war gespannt auf diese Geschichte.
''“Geduld, sagte mir Chiang. Bevor Sie Ihre Geschichte haben, mĂŒssen Sie bestimmte Elemente sammeln.”''
''“Come back in a few days, he said, and you'll have a story that hasn't been told for a long time!”''
Und er gab mir eine Liste von Leuten, die ich aufsuchen sollte. Sie kennen Chiang; er gab mir die Liste nicht auf einmal! Ich fuhr aufs Festland, um die Person zu finden, die er fĂŒr mich bestimmt hatte, kam zurĂŒck, dann gab er mir einen anderen Namen, und ich fuhr wieder. Vielleicht hĂ€tte ich die Falle kommen sehen, wenn er mir die ganze Liste auf einmal gesagt hĂ€tte. Aber ich erspare Ihnen die Details dieser Rundreisen...
I went back to see him a few days later, eager to hear this tale.
''“Patience, Chiang told me. Before you have your story, you need to gather certain elements.”''
Der erste war ein Priester des Tempels von Zora. Ich stellte mich ihm vor, und wir sprachen ĂŒber den Kami-Glauben und die GrĂ¶ĂŸe von Ma'duk, bis ich schließlich das Thema meines Besuchs ansprechen konnte. Dann erzĂ€hlte er von seinem eigenen Besuch in Silan Jahre zuvor und dem VergnĂŒgen, das er bei seiner Reise durch diese von den Kamis gesegnete Insel gehabt hatte. Schließlich ĂŒbergab er mir ein kleines PĂ€ckchen mit der Anweisung, es nicht ohne Chiangs Zustimmung zu öffnen.
And he gave me a list of people to go see. You know Chiang; he didn't give me the list all at once! I would go to the mainland to find the person he had designated for me, I would come back, then he would give me another name, and I would go again. Maybe I would have seen the catch coming if he had told me the whole list at once. But I'll spare you the details of these round trips...
Und er schloss den Austausch mit diesen Worten ab:“'''''Der Weg des Lichts kann viele Pfade nehmen.'''''”
The first was a priest of the Temple of Zora. I introduced myself to him, and we discussed the Kami faith and the greatness of Ma-duk, until finally I could discuss the subject of my visit. He then spoke of his own visit to Silan years before and the pleasure he had had in traveling through this island blessed by the Kamis. Finally, he handed me a small package, with the instruction not to open it without Chiang's agreement.
Der zweite war ein Fyros. Ich fand ihn in Lydix' Bar. Er war ein alter Krieger, zermĂŒrbt von tausend Schlachten fĂŒr den Ruhm der SharĂŒk, der sich darĂŒber beklagte, daß die jungen MĂ€nner dem Reich nicht loyal dienen wĂŒrden.  Als ich ihm endlich den Grund meines Besuchs nennen konnte, ĂŒberreichte er mir ein kleines PĂ€ckchen mit den gleichen Anweisungen und vertraute es mir an:
And he concluded the exchange with these words:“'''''The course of Light can take many paths.'''''”
“'''''Es gibt mehr als eine Möglichkeit, loyal zu sein und zu dienen.'''''”
The second was a Fyros. I found him at Lydix' bar. He was an old warrior, worn out by a thousand battles for the glory of the sharĂŒk, who grumbled about the failure of young men to serve the Empire with loyalty.  When I was finally able to come about the why of my visit, he handed me a small package, with the same instructions, and confided to me:
Die dritte war eine Zoraï-Homina, eine KrÀutersammlerin, in deren Zelt viele seltsame Pflanzen standen. Was sie mir zu trinken gab, war mit Sicherheit kein einfacher Tee.
“'''''There is more than one way to be loyal and to serve.'''''”
“'''''Die Dosis macht das Gift... oder das Heilmittel.'''''” erklĂ€rte sie mir, bevor sie mir ein wĂŒrzig riechendes Paket gab.
The third was a ZoraĂŻ homina, a herbalist whose tent contained many strange plants. What she made me drink for sure was not a simple tea.
Die vierte war ebenfalls eine Homina, eine ehemalige Marodeurin, die in einem Clan der Alten Lande aufgewachsen war. Sie lebte jetzt als Einsiedlerin im Herzen der Urwurzeln und empfing mich fast freundlich. Sie ĂŒbergab mir das Paket, nachdem sie mich mit bloßen HĂ€nden gegen einen Tyrancha hatte kĂ€mpfen lassen. Der Tyrancha gewann, aber die Homina hob mich auf und ehrte meinen Mut, indem sie mir das Objekt meiner Suche ĂŒberreichte. Sie begleitete die Übergabe mit diesen Worten:
“'''''It is the dose that makes the poison
 or the remedy.'''''” She explained to me before giving me a spicy smelling package.
“'''''Wichtig ist, dass wir tapfer und fĂŒr eine gerechte Sache kĂ€mpfen..'''''”
The fourth was an homina, too, a former Marauder who had grown up in a clan of the Old Lands. She now lived as a hermit in the heart of the Prime Roots, and received me almost kindly. She gave me the package after having made me face a tyrancha with bare hands. The tyrancha won, but the homina lifted me up and honored my courage by handing me the object of my quest. She accompanied its giving with these words:
Der fĂŒnfte war ein Tryker, ein gewiefter HĂ€ndler, der mich in den letzten Monaten schon um eine Menge Dapper erleichtert hatte. Er bestand darauf, um das Paket Karten zu spielen. NatĂŒrlich habe ich verloren, wieder und wieder, bis er sich meiner erbarmte... Er ließ mich mit leeren Taschen nach Hause gehen... aber mit dem Paket und einem Spott:
“'''''What matters is to fight valiantly and for a just cause.'''''”
“'''''Die Flasche spielt keine Rolle, solange wir uns in guter Gesellschaft betrinken!'''''”
The fifth was a Tryker, a crafty trader who had already relieved me of a lot of dappers these last months. He insisted on playing cards for the package. Of course I lost, again and again, until he took pity on me
 He let me go home pockets empty
 but with the package and a mockery :
Die sechste war eine Matis-Homina. Sie war eine große Dame, eine ehemalige Hofdame des Karan, die ihren Lebensabend damit verbrachte, der aristokratischen Jugend von Yrkanis Eleganz beizubringen. Sie machte ein wenig Aufhebens darum, mich zu empfangen. Dabei hatte ich doch meine besten Kleider angezogen! Schließlich willigte sie ein, mir ein kleines Paket fĂŒr Chiang anzuvertrauen. Bevor ich abreiste, sagte sie zu mir:
“'''''It doesn't matter the bottle, as long as we get drunk in good company!'''''”
“'''''Auch wenn manche Leute nichts von guten Manieren verstehen, hindert sie das nicht daran, Gutes zu tun... und das ist schon genug.'''''” Ich hoffe, sie hat nicht von mir gesprochen?
The sixth was a Matis homina. She was a great lady, a former courtier to the Karan, who was spending her old age teaching elegance to the aristocratic youth of Yrkanis. She made a little fuss at receiving me. Yet I had donned my best clothes! Finally, she agreed to entrust me with a small package for Chiang. Before I leave, she said to me:
Der siebte war ein weiblicher Offizier der Karavan. In Anbetracht meiner LoyalitĂ€t hatte ich etwas Bedenken, mich ihr zu nĂ€hern, aber die Kuilde ließ mich dieses Mal passieren, und ich bekam das Paket, ohne zu sehr bedrĂ€ngt zu werden. Sie sagte zu mir:
“'''''Even if some people don't know anything about good manners, that doesn't prevent them from doing good... and that's already enough.'''''” I hope she wasn't talking about me?
“'''''Jena betrachtet alle Homins als ihre Kinder, auch diejenigen, die sich fĂŒr eine Weile verirren. Und einige werden immer ihre UnterstĂŒtzung haben, auch wenn sie nicht die frommsten sind.'''''”
The seventh was a female officer of the Karavan. I was a bit worried about approaching her, given my allegiance, but the Kuilde let me pass this time, and I got the package without being too shoved. She said to me:
“'''''Jena considers all homins as her children, even those who get lost for a while. And some will always have her support, even if they are not the most pious.'''''”
Ich zog es vor, nicht zu verweilen und schnell nach Silan zurĂŒckzukehren. Ich fragte mich, ob Chiang mich noch lange laufen lassen wĂŒrde... aber der Offizier war der letzte gewesen!
“''Perfekt, sagte der Ranger, Atysmas kann jetzt beginnen!''”
I preferred not to linger and return quickly to Silan. I wondered if Chiang would make me run for a long time more... but the officer had been the last one!
Er reichte mir die Pakete, die alle in verschiedenfarbiges Papier eingewickelt waren, und ließ mich sie öffnen. Es waren die verschiedenen Elemente eines Ornaments und zwei Dolche, und auf jedem StĂŒck war eine Botschaft eingraviert, ein Echo dessen, was mir alle gesagt hatten.
“''Perfect, said the Ranger, Atysmas can start now!''”
“''Was ist mit der Geschichte, Chiang? fragte ich.<br>
He handed me the packages, all wrapped in various colored papers, and let me open them. They were the various elements of an ornament and two daggers, and on each piece was engraved a message, an echo of what everyone had told me.
—''Was hast du bei diesen Wanderungen gelernt??''”
Ich dachte nach und verstand. Dank ihm hatte ich Menschen aus allen Fraktionen und allen Nationen kennengelernt. Sie alle waren irgendwann in ihrem Leben auf Silan gewesen und hatten einige Erinnerungen daran bewahrt. Alle hatten sich auch auf die eine oder andere Weise fĂŒr die Rinde engagiert. Und schließlich hatte jeder auf seine Weise an Chiang's Projekt mitgewirkt. Abgesehen von dem, was diese Homins im Alltag gegeneinander aufbringen könnte, waren sie in der Lage, unter bestimmten UmstĂ€nden ihre Anstrengungen zu vereinen.
“''What about the tale, Chiang?' I asked.<br>
—''What did you learn from those walks?''”
I ponder, and I understood. Thanks to him, I had met people from all factions and all nations. All of them had been on Silan at some point in their lives and had kept some memories of it. Everyone had also committed themselves in one way or another for the Bark. Finally, everyone had participated together in the Chiang project, in their own way. Beyond what could set these homins against each other on a daily basis, they were capable to unite their efforts in certain circumstances.
<div align=center>'''Alles, was Sie tun mĂŒssen, ist, die richtigen Argumente und die richtige Motivation zu finden'''
<div align=center>'''All you need to do is find the right arguments and the right motivation'''
''' fĂŒr alle Homins, sich auf Atys zu vereinen, ohne ihre Werte zu verleugnen
''' for all the homins to unite on Atys, without even denying their values
<small>''Diese Geschichte wurde von Haokan wÀhrend des [[:en:Tales of Atysmas 2611 vigil|Tales of Atysmas 2611 (OOC : Christmas 2020) Vigil]].''</small>
<small>''This story has been told by Haokan, during the [[Tales of Atysmas 2611 vigil|Tales of Atysmas 2611 (OOC : Christmas 2020) Vigil]].''</small>
[[Kategorie:MĂ€rchen und Legenden zum Segensfest]]
[[Category:Tales and Legends of Atysmas]][[Category:Atysmas 2020]]</noinclude>
[[Kategorie:Atysmas 2020]]

Revision as of 07:11, 9 September 2023

en:Chiang's Atysmas Walk fr:La balade d'Atysoël de Chiang
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Leda, 2023-09-09)

Atysmas 2020 Haokan.png

A tale while walking Atys

Some time ago, someone I hold in high esteem asked me for a tale of Atysoel for this vigil. At first I was quite embarrassed: I don't know how to make up stories. So I searched my memory if I could remember something that you might like. But the stories that came back to me you probably already know them... So I decided to go back to the source of these tales. After my Mask ceremony, I spent a lot of time on Silan, and that's where I heard the best stories.

So I went back to Chiang the Strong to ask his advice. We talked for a while. Then he had an idea, which he didn't want to confide in me at the time:

“Come back in a few days, he said, and you'll have a story that hasn't been told for a long time!”

I went back to see him a few days later, eager to hear this tale.

“Patience, Chiang told me. Before you have your story, you need to gather certain elements.”

And he gave me a list of people to go see. You know Chiang; he didn't give me the list all at once! I would go to the mainland to find the person he had designated for me, I would come back, then he would give me another name, and I would go again. Maybe I would have seen the catch coming if he had told me the whole list at once. But I'll spare you the details of these round trips...

The first was a priest of the Temple of Zora. I introduced myself to him, and we discussed the Kami faith and the greatness of Ma-duk, until finally I could discuss the subject of my visit. He then spoke of his own visit to Silan years before and the pleasure he had had in traveling through this island blessed by the Kamis. Finally, he handed me a small package, with the instruction not to open it without Chiang's agreement.

And he concluded the exchange with these words:“The course of Light can take many paths.”

The second was a Fyros. I found him at Lydix' bar. He was an old warrior, worn out by a thousand battles for the glory of the sharĂŒk, who grumbled about the failure of young men to serve the Empire with loyalty. When I was finally able to come about the why of my visit, he handed me a small package, with the same instructions, and confided to me:

“There is more than one way to be loyal and to serve.”

The third was a ZoraĂŻ homina, a herbalist whose tent contained many strange plants. What she made me drink for sure was not a simple tea.

“It is the dose that makes the poison
 or the remedy.” She explained to me before giving me a spicy smelling package.

The fourth was an homina, too, a former Marauder who had grown up in a clan of the Old Lands. She now lived as a hermit in the heart of the Prime Roots, and received me almost kindly. She gave me the package after having made me face a tyrancha with bare hands. The tyrancha won, but the homina lifted me up and honored my courage by handing me the object of my quest. She accompanied its giving with these words:

“What matters is to fight valiantly and for a just cause.”

The fifth was a Tryker, a crafty trader who had already relieved me of a lot of dappers these last months. He insisted on playing cards for the package. Of course I lost, again and again, until he took pity on me
 He let me go home pockets empty
 but with the package and a mockery :

“It doesn't matter the bottle, as long as we get drunk in good company!”

The sixth was a Matis homina. She was a great lady, a former courtier to the Karan, who was spending her old age teaching elegance to the aristocratic youth of Yrkanis. She made a little fuss at receiving me. Yet I had donned my best clothes! Finally, she agreed to entrust me with a small package for Chiang. Before I leave, she said to me:

“Even if some people don't know anything about good manners, that doesn't prevent them from doing good... and that's already enough.” I hope she wasn't talking about me?

The seventh was a female officer of the Karavan. I was a bit worried about approaching her, given my allegiance, but the Kuilde let me pass this time, and I got the package without being too shoved. She said to me: “Jena considers all homins as her children, even those who get lost for a while. And some will always have her support, even if they are not the most pious.”

I preferred not to linger and return quickly to Silan. I wondered if Chiang would make me run for a long time more... but the officer had been the last one!

“Perfect, said the Ranger, Atysmas can start now!”

He handed me the packages, all wrapped in various colored papers, and let me open them. They were the various elements of an ornament and two daggers, and on each piece was engraved a message, an echo of what everyone had told me.

“What about the tale, Chiang?' I asked.
—What did you learn from those walks?”

I ponder, and I understood. Thanks to him, I had met people from all factions and all nations. All of them had been on Silan at some point in their lives and had kept some memories of it. Everyone had also committed themselves in one way or another for the Bark. Finally, everyone had participated together in the Chiang project, in their own way. Beyond what could set these homins against each other on a daily basis, they were capable to unite their efforts in certain circumstances.

All you need to do is find the right arguments and the right motivation

for all the homins to unite on Atys, without even denying their values

This story has been told by Haokan, during the Tales of Atysmas 2611 (OOC : Christmas 2020) Vigil.