Difference between revisions of "Wiki Technical Guide/Special Pages"

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m (Array with main Special pages, on the 6 wikis)
(31 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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{{Trad|DE=Technischer Wiki-Leitfaden/Spezialseiten|EN=Wiki Technical Guide/Special Pages|H=1|palette=tech}}
<big>About Special Pages - Au sujet des Pages Spéciales</big>
<big>About Special Pages - Au sujet des Pages Spéciales</big>
== Array with main Special pages, on the 6 wikis ==
<!-- Add here some special pages you think are usefull -->
<!-- Add here some special pages you think are usefull -->
{|cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="text-align:left;" class="sortable"  
{|cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="text-align:left;" class="sortable"  
|-bgcolor="#eee" style="color:black;"  
|-bgcolor="#eee" style="color:black;"  
!EN wiki  
!EN wiki [[Special:SpecialPages]]
!FR wiki  
!FR wiki [[:fr:Spécial:Pages_spéciales]]
!DE wiki  
!DE wiki [[:de:Spezial:Spezialseiten]]
!Common [[:atys:Special:SpecialPages]]
! Special pages ('''main''') + [[:es:Especial:PáginasEspeciales]] and [[:ru:Служебная:Спецстраницы]]
<!-- Suivre les nouveautés -->
| <big>'''[[Special:RecentChanges]]'''</big>
| '''[[:fr:Spécial:Modifications récentes]]'''
| '''[[:de:Spezial:Letzte_Änderungen]]'''
| '''[[:atys:Special:RecentChanges]]'''
| Track the last changes
| [[Special:Statistics]]
| [[Special:Statistics]]
Line 13: Line 24:
| [[:de:Spezial:Statistik]]
| [[:de:Spezial:Statistik]]
| [[:atys:Special:Statistics]]
| [[:atys:Special:Statistics]]
| Stats: '''Page''': content, all p (talk p, redirects...),upload files ; '''Edit''' ; '''User''' (registered, active, bots, admins, Bureaucrats)
| Stats: '''Page''',upload files ; '''Edit''' ; '''User''' (registered, active, bots, admins, Bureaucrats) <ref>Here is a page, with [[Wiki Technical Guide/Statistics on the March 5th 2020]] with some comments.</ref> [[:es:Especial:Estadísticas]] and [[:ru:Служебная:Статистика]]
|[https://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Sp%C3%A9cial%3AMassEditRegex Modification en masse avec expr. rationnelles]
| [[:de:Spezial:Regex-Massenbearbeitung]]
| [[:atys:Special:MassEditRegex]]
|'''Caution here !!!''' For '''admin only''', see https://regex101.com/
Line 27: Line 32:
|Wiki IG need small pages (text + image size).  
|Wiki IG need small pages (text + image size).  
| [[Special:All pages with prefix]]. For ex: https://en.wiki.ryzom.com/w/index.php?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&prefix=Amosys%2FDraft%2F&namespace=2&stripprefix=1 see image for explanation
| [[Special:PrefixIndex]]
| [[:fr:Spécial:Index]]
| [[:fr:Spécial:PrefixIndex]]
| [[:atys:SpecialAll pages with prefix]]
| [[:atys:Special:PrefixIndex]]
|see [[File:Special Pages p with prefix 2019-06-26.png|thumb]]
|[[File:Special Pages p with prefix 2019-06-26.png|left|thumb]] given by https://en.wiki.ryzom.com/w/index.php?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&prefix=Amosys%2FDraft%2F&namespace=2&stripprefix=1
| [[Special:LonelyPages]]
| [[:fr:Spécial:Pages_orphelines]]
|<!-- For DE wiki col -->
|  [[:atys:Special:LonelyPages]]
| Orphaned pages (add links to them)
<!-- Too short, see 0 k pages to delete -->
| [[Special:ShortPages]] -> '''no category here todelete ?!?'''
|[[:fr:Spécial:Pages_courtes]] -> [[:fr:Catégorie:À_blanchir]]
| ??
| [[:atys:Special:ShortPages]] -> [[:atys:Category:Todelete]]
| The 0k pages are to delete (or move under the correct caretogy "todelete"
| [[Special:BrokenRedirects]]
| [[:fr:Spécial:Redirections_cassées]]
|<!-- For DE wiki col -->
| [[:atys:Special:BrokenRedirects]] (most Heernis work, corrected March 2020)
| Redirections cassées (mènent vers des pages inexistantes)
| [[Special:AncientPages]]
| [[:fr:Spécial:Pages_anciennes]]
|<!-- For DE wiki col -->
|<!-- For ATYS common wiki col -->
| Pages les plus anciennement modifiées => pages to check
| [[Special:UncategorizedPages]]
| [[:fr:Spécial:Pages_non_catégorisées]]
|<!-- For DE wiki col -->
| [[:atys:Special:UncategorizedPages]]
| Pages sans catégorie - Page with no category (pls check)
<!-- Thanks to copy paste theses lines, for easy use -->
| [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]]
| [[fr:Spécial:Suivi_des_liens]]
|<!-- For DE wiki col -->
|<!-- For ATYS common wiki col -->
| Nice when renaming/moving pages
| [[Special:UncategorizedFiles]] when using Edit local description or from import
| [[:fr:Spécial:Fichiers_non_catégorisés]] qd ajout dépot local ou issu d'un import
| [[:de:Spezial:Nicht_kategorisierte_Dateien]] empty on March 2020
| [[:atys:Special:UncategorizedFiles]]
| Fichiers sans catégorie
<!-- Suivre les nouveautés -->
| [[Special:ComparePages]]
| [[Special:RecentChanges]]
| [[:fr:Spécial:Comparer_des_pages]]
| [[:fr:Spécial:Modifications récentes]]
|<!-- For DE wiki col -->
| [[:de:Spezial:Letzte_Änderungen]]
|<!-- For ATYS common wiki col -->
| [[:atys:Special:RecentChanges]]
| Compare 2 pages in FR, or 2 p in EN (doublons)
| Track the last changes
<!-- Talk Discussions -->
|[https://en.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Special:AllPages?from=&to=&namespace=1&hideredirects=1 All pages (Talk namespace)] •    [https://en.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Special:AllPages?from=&to=&namespace=15&hideredirects=1 Category Talk]
|[https://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Sp%C3%A9cial:Toutes_les_pages?from=&to=&namespace=1&hideredirects=1 Toutes les pages (ns) Discussion]  • [https://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Sp%C3%A9cial:Toutes_les_pages?from=&to=&namespace=15&hideredirects=1 Discussion catégorie]
|[https://de.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Spezial:Alle_Seiten?from=&to=&namespace=1&hideredirects=1 Namensraum: Diskussion] • [https://de.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Spezial:Alle_Seiten?from=&to=&namespace=15&hideredirects=1 Ns: Kategorie Diskussion]
|[https://atys.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Special:AllPages?from=&to=&namespace=1&hideredirects=1 All pages (Talk namespace)] •  [https://atys.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Special:AllPages?from=&to=&namespace=15&hideredirects=1 Category talk ns]
|Pages de discussions, Talk pages
<!-- Active users -->
|[[Special:ActiveUsers|Active users list]]
|[[:fr:Spécial:Utilisateurs_actifs|Liste des utilisateurs actifs]]
|[[:de:Spezial:Aktive_Benutzer|Aktive Benutzer]]
|[[:atys:Special:ActiveUsers|Active users list]]
|Active users  [[file:Es.png]] [[:es:Especial:UsuariosActivos]] and [[file:Ru.png]] [[:ru:Служебная:Активные_участники]]
<!-- Confirm account requests -->
|'''[[:en:Special:AllPages?from=&to=&namespace=2]]'''  • <br /> [[Special:ConfirmAccounts|Confirm account requests]]
| [[:fr:Spécial:Toutes_les_pages?from=&to=&namespace=2]] •  <br />[[:fr:Spécial:ConfirmerCompte]]
|  [[:de:Spezial:Alle_Seiten?from=&to=&namespace=2]]•  <!-- For DE wiki col -->
| [[:atys:Special:AllPages?from=&to=&namespace=2]]
|Confirm account requests: same users for the 6 wikis - links just to help French only readers. <br />
But only User spacename shows where '''profiles''' are. • [[:es:Especial:Todas?from=&to=&namespace=2]] • [[:ru:Special:AllPages?from=&to=&namespace=2]]
|[https://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Sp%C3%A9cial%3AMassEditRegex Modification en masse avec expr. rationnelles]
| [[:de:Spezial:Regex-Massenbearbeitung]]
| [[:atys:Special:MassEditRegex]]
| For '''admin only''', Caution here !!!  see https://regex101.com/
<!-- Thanks to copy paste theses lines, for easy use -->
<!-- Thanks to copy paste theses lines, for easy use -->
|<!-- For Notes col -->
|<!-- For EN wiki col -->
|<!-- For EN wiki col -->
|<!-- For FR wiki col -->
|<!-- For FR wiki col -->
Line 46: Line 123:
|<!-- For ATYS common wiki col -->
|<!-- For ATYS common wiki col -->
|<!-- For Notes col -->
|<!-- For Notes col -->
==Recent changes==
The 20 last recent changes on English wiki:
<!--- transcusion from FR wiki give 301 nginx error  {{:fr:Special:RecentChanges|limit=20}} --->
== Others links ==
To [[Wiki Technical Guide/Comparaison of lists ns and other]] it's a backup/translations and reorganisation of Heernis work, on the 2019 06 30
To [[Wiki Technical Guide/Comparaison of lists ns and other]] it's a backup/translations and reorganisation of Heernis work, on the 2019 06 30
To [[Wiki Technical Guide/API]].
To [[Wiki Technical Guide/API]].
=== Help ns ===
7 p 🇫🇷  [https://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Sp%C3%A9cial:Toutes_les_pages?from=&to=&namespace=12 espace de noms Aide] •
'''18 p''' 🇬🇧 [https://en.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Special:AllPages?from=&to=&namespace=12 Help namespace] • 5p 🇩🇪 [https://de.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Spezial:Alle_Seiten?from=&to=&namespace=12 Namensraum: Hilfe]
4p 🇬🇧 common [https://atys.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Special:AllPages?from=&to=&namespace=12 Help namespace]
{{clear}}{{Last version link}}
{{clear}}{{Last version link}}

Latest revision as of 10:01, 19 October 2023

de:Technischer Wiki-Leitfaden/Spezialseiten en:Wiki Technical Guide/Special Pages
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2023-10-19)

About Special Pages - Au sujet des Pages Spéciales

Array with main Special pages, on the 6 wikis

EN wiki Special:SpecialPages FR wiki fr:Spécial:Pages_spéciales DE wiki de:Spezial:Spezialseiten Common atys:Special:SpecialPages Special pages (main) + es:Especial:PáginasEspeciales and ru:Служебная:Спецстраницы
Special:RecentChanges fr:Spécial:Modifications récentes de:Spezial:Letzte_Änderungen atys:Special:RecentChanges Track the last changes
Special:Statistics fr:Spécial:Statistiques de:Spezial:Statistik atys:Special:Statistics Stats: Page,upload files ; Edit ; User (registered, active, bots, admins, Bureaucrats) [1] es:Especial:Estadísticas and ru:Служебная:Статистика
Special:LongPages fr:Spécial/Pages longues de:Spezial:Lange Seiten atys:Special:LongPages Wiki IG need small pages (text + image size).
Special:PrefixIndex fr:Spécial:PrefixIndex atys:Special:PrefixIndex
Special Pages p with prefix 2019-06-26.png
given by https://en.wiki.ryzom.com/w/index.php?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&prefix=Amosys%2FDraft%2F&namespace=2&stripprefix=1
Special:LonelyPages fr:Spécial:Pages_orphelines atys:Special:LonelyPages Orphaned pages (add links to them)
Special:ShortPages -> no category here todelete ?!? fr:Spécial:Pages_courtes -> fr:Catégorie:À_blanchir  ?? atys:Special:ShortPages -> atys:Category:Todelete The 0k pages are to delete (or move under the correct caretogy "todelete"
Special:BrokenRedirects fr:Spécial:Redirections_cassées atys:Special:BrokenRedirects (most Heernis work, corrected March 2020) Redirections cassées (mènent vers des pages inexistantes)
Special:AncientPages fr:Spécial:Pages_anciennes Pages les plus anciennement modifiées => pages to check
Special:UncategorizedPages fr:Spécial:Pages_non_catégorisées atys:Special:UncategorizedPages Pages sans catégorie - Page with no category (pls check)
Special:RecentChangesLinked Nice when renaming/moving pages
Special:UncategorizedFiles when using Edit local description or from import fr:Spécial:Fichiers_non_catégorisés qd ajout dépot local ou issu d'un import de:Spezial:Nicht_kategorisierte_Dateien empty on March 2020 atys:Special:UncategorizedFiles Fichiers sans catégorie
Special:ComparePages fr:Spécial:Comparer_des_pages Compare 2 pages in FR, or 2 p in EN (doublons)
All pages (Talk namespace)Category Talk Toutes les pages (ns) DiscussionDiscussion catégorie Namensraum: DiskussionNs: Kategorie Diskussion All pages (Talk namespace)Category talk ns Pages de discussions, Talk pages
Active users list Liste des utilisateurs actifs Aktive Benutzer Active users list Active users Es.png es:Especial:UsuariosActivos and Ru.png ru:Служебная:Активные_участники
Confirm account requests
de:Spezial:Alle_Seiten?from=&to=&namespace=2 atys:Special:AllPages?from=&to=&namespace=2 Confirm account requests: same users for the 6 wikis - links just to help French only readers.

But only User spacename shows where profiles are. • es:Especial:Todas?from=&to=&namespace=2ru:Special:AllPages?from=&to=&namespace=2

Special:MassEditRegex Modification en masse avec expr. rationnelles de:Spezial:Regex-Massenbearbeitung atys:Special:MassEditRegex For admin only, Caution here !!! see https://regex101.com/

Recent changes

The 20 last recent changes on English wiki:

11 March 2025

 m   13:23  The Sacred War‎ (diff | hist) . . (+74). . Nilstilar (talk | contribs)

10 March 2025

N    00:50 

Nocturnal Sparks‎‎ (2 changes | history) . . (+1,856). . [Craftjenn‎ (2×)]



(cur | prev) . . (+11). . Craftjenn (talk | contribs)



(cur | prev) . . (+1,845). . Craftjenn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<noinclude>{{WIP}}{{Trad |DE = |DEs= 1 |EN = Nocturnal Sparks |ENs= 4 |ES = |ESs= |FR = Étincelles nocturnes |FRs= 0 |RU = |RUs= |H = 1 |palette= ranger }}{{Clear}} {|...")

     00:00  Trial of Azazor Eridlo Mirihus‎ (diff | hist) . . (+16). . Zamoor (talk | contribs) (Homins)

7 March 2025

 m   17:42 

Trial of Azazor Eridlo Mirihus‎‎ (6 changes | history) . . (+2,373). . [Craftjenn‎ (6×)]



(cur | prev) . . (+48). . Craftjenn (talk | contribs) (Craftjenn's report)



(cur | prev) . . (+45). . Craftjenn (talk | contribs) (Craftjenn's report)



(cur | prev) . . (+263). . Craftjenn (talk | contribs) (Called to testify)



(cur | prev) . . (+574). . Craftjenn (talk | contribs) (Homins)



(cur | prev) . . (+1,380). . Craftjenn (talk | contribs) (Craftjenn's report)



(cur | prev) . . (+63). . Craftjenn (talk | contribs) (Official announce)

N    17:18  Trial of Azazor Eridlo Mirihus/Lucios‎ (diff | hist) . . (+1,507). . Craftjenn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<noinclude>{{Trad |DE=|DEs=1 |EN=Trial of Azazor Eridlo Mirihus/Lucios|ENs=4 |ES=|ESs=1 |FR=Procès d'Azazor Eridlo Mirihus/Lucios |FRs=0 |RU= |RUs=1 |H = 1 |palette=fyros }}...")

Others links

To Wiki Technical Guide/Comparaison of lists ns and other it's a backup/translations and reorganisation of Heernis work, on the 2019 06 30

To Wiki Technical Guide/API.

Help ns

7 p 🇫🇷 espace de noms Aide18 p 🇬🇧 Help namespace • 5p 🇩🇪 Namensraum: Hilfe

4p 🇬🇧 common Help namespace

  1. Here is a page, with Wiki Technical Guide/Statistics on the March 5th 2020 with some comments.

Last version 2023-10-19•