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(Created page with "{{TheBigBox|type=U|palette=ranger|title=<big><strong>Minutes of the June the 2nd 2024 meeting</strong></big>|image=Dummy.png|content=<div style="text-align: right;">{{Trad |DE...")
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— '''[[user:Azazor|Azazor]]''' : ''and cal i selak eloan!
— '''[[user:Azazor|Azazor]]''': ''and cal i selak eloan!
[[user:Zorroargh|Zorroargh]] est ému mais ne le montre pas trop. [[user:Kyriann|Kyriann]] fait un signe à [[user:Nilstilar|Nilstilar]].
[[user:Zorroargh|Zorroargh]] is moved but tries to show it not. Kyriann waves to [[user:Nilstilar|Nilstilar]].
— '''[[user:Ostium|Ostium]]''' : ''Vu ce qu'on dit de lui, il n'y aura pas de neige longtemps.
— '''[[user:Ostium|Ostium]]''': ''Given what is said about him, the snow won't last long.
Nilstilar s'incline respectueusement. Zorroargh fait un signe à Nilstilar. Zorroargh est reconnaissant envers Nilstilar. Ostium fait un signe à Nilstilar.
Nilstilar bows respectfully. Zorroargh waves to Nilstilar. Zorroargh is grateful to Nilstilar. Ostium waves to Nilstilar.
— '''Kyriann''' sourit :''Lordoy Nair Ambassadeur !
— '''Kyriann''' smiles: ''Lordoy Nair Ambassador!
— '''Ostium''' : ''Lordoy Nair-Nilstilar.
— '''Ostium''': ''Lordoy Nair-Nilstilar.
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''Deles silam, Seraei é Seri.
— '''Nilstilar''': ''Deles silam, Seraei é Seri.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Woren siloy, Nair.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Woren siloy, Nair.
Azazor lève un sourcil à la venue de nilstilar.
Azazor raises an eyebrow at Nilstilar's arrival.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Prenez place près du feu.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Take your place by the fire.
— '''[[user:Eloan|Eloan]]''' râle intérieurement à l'attention de Nilstilar : ''Oh tiens… encore vous.
— '''[[user:Eloan|Eloan]]''' moans inwardly at Nilstilar: ''Oh dear… you again.
Kyriann regarde alternativement Nils et Eloan sans comprendre.
Kyriann looks alternately at Nils and Eloan without understanding.
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''Euh... Vous aurais-je déplu en quelque manière, Nair Eloan ?
— '''Nilstilar''': ''Er… Have I displeased you in some way, Nair Eloan?
Nilstilar fixe Eloan, perplexe.
Nilstilar stares at Eloan, puzzled.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Sauf si vous avez froid, prenez place à mes côtés, Nair Ambassadeur et Modérateur des chercheurs
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Unless you feel cold, take a seat next to me, Nair Ambassador and Moderator of Researchers.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Chercheur modéré tu veux dire ?
— '''Azazor''': ''Moderate searcher you mean?
— '''Eloan''' : ''J'suis plus vieille que j'en ai l'air, et à ce jour toujours la seule épouse d'Ufo, premier chef de guerre des Légions.
— '''Eloan''': ''I'm older than I look, and to this day still the only wife of Ufo, the Legions' first warlord.
— '''Kyriann''' : ''Nair Ambassadeur est un grand ami des trykeri, Eloan.
— '''Kyriann''': ''Nair Ambassador is a great friend of the Trykeri, Eloan.
— '''Eloan''' : ''Alors… je râle !
— '''Eloan''': ''So… I grumble!
— '''Nilstilar''' rit : ''Hum… Toujours spirituel, Sire Azazor. Mais je ne peux pas vous donner tort !
— '''Nilstilar''' laughs: ''Er… Always witty, Sire Azazor! But I just can't disagree with you.
— '''Azazor''' : ''La vérité sort toujours de la bouche des fyros.
— '''Azazor''': ''The Truth always comes out of the mouths of the Fyros.
— '''Ostium''' : ''J'ai pu lire votre compte-rendu de la précédente réunion nair Nilstilar. Merci à vous.
— '''Ostium''': ''I could read your report of the previous meeting, Nair Nilstilar. Thank you very much.
— '''Eloan''' chuchote à son voisin Nilstilar : les temps changent, je me méfie juste toujours des matis, pardonnez moi ! mais je râlais discrètement !
— '''Eloan''' whispers to his neighbor Nilstilar: times change, I'm just always wary of Matis, forgive me! but I was grumbling discreetly!
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''C'étaient minutes, seulement, Nair Ostium… et je vous prie tous de m'en excuser.
— '''Nilstilar''': ''It was "minutes", only, Nair Ostium... and I apologize to you all for that.
— '''Ostium''' : ''C'était très complet, et très suffisant.
— '''Ostium''': ''It was very complete, and quite sufficient.
— '''Azazor''' : ''ça la suffisance, avec les matis…
— '''Azazor''': ''well… smugness<ref>Word pun: FR "suffisant" means EN "smug" or "sufficient".</ref>  of the matis…
Azazor sourit de toutes ses dents à Nils. Kyriann lance une boule de neige sur Azazor.
Azazor smiles with all his teeth at Nils. Kyriann throws a snowball at Azazor.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Mais ces minutes sont utiles. Elles nous font connaître aux autres homins. Elles sont aussi un gage de transparence.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''But these minutes are useful. They make us known to other homins. They are also a guarantee of transparency.
Ostium ne peut pas réfréner un sourire en entendant les piques. Azazor époussette la neige nonchalamment.
Ostium can't suppress a smile as he hears the piques. Azazor dusts the snow nonchalantly.
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''Décidément… ça va être ma fête, ce soir !
— '''Nilstilar''': ''Definitely… it's going to be my treat tonight!
— '''Azazor''' : ''On attend d'autre personnes ?
— '''Azazor''': ''Are we expecting other people?
— '''Zorroargh''' à Nilstilar : ''Mais non, Nair. Ça va être la preuve qu'il n'y a pas meilleur ambassadeur pour la N'ASA.
— '''Zorroargh''' to Nilstilar: ''Nonsense, Nair. This will prove that there's no better ambassador for the N'ASA.
— '''Kyriann''' à Azazor : ''Pas vu Elke depuis quelques jours donc je ne pense pas.
— '''Kyriann''' to Azazor: ''Haven't seen Elke for a few days so I don't think so.
— '''Ostium''' : ''(on annonce la réunion en canal univers ?)
— '''Ostium''': ''(do we announce the meeting in universe channel?)
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''(J'ai failli… Pourquoi pas ?)
— '''Nilstilar''': ''(I almost did… Why not?)
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''(Ah oui, tu t'en charge? Je ferais plein de fautes…)
— '''Zorroargh''' to Ostium: ''(Oh yes! You'll do it? I'd make lots of typos….)
— '''Ostium''' : ''(Nilstilar saura trouver les mots. Ou je le ferai s'il préfère.:-))
— '''Ostium''': ''(Nilstilar will find the words. Or I will do it if he prefers :-))
— '''Eloan''' : ''Pardonnez moi si mon tyll et autres langues sont un peu rouillées j'ai encore fait une longue retraite et je suis revenue il y a peu. Et tout change tout le temps…
— '''Eloan''': ''Forgive me if my Tyll and other languages are a bit rusty. I've been on a long retreat again and just came back a little while ago. And everything changes all the time….
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''(Je pense comme toi Ostium.:-))
— '''Zorroargh''': ''(I agree with you Ostium. :-))
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''(Laye mai, je m'en charge, Nair.)
— '''Nilstilar''': ''(Laye mai, I'll take care of it, Nairs.)
— '''Eloan''' s'adressant à Azazor : []<ref>Voir les minutes, annexées ci-dessus aux principales, d'apartés… partagés en public !</ref>
— '''Eloan''' addressing Azazor: [...]<ref>See the minutes, appended (in blue) above under the main ones, of asides… shared in public!</ref>
— '''Ostium''' hoche la tête : ''Okal. On fera attention à parler le plus souvent en langage commun alors.
— '''Ostium''' nods to Eloan: ''Okal. We'll be careful to speak in common language as often as possible then.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''On vous pardonne Eloan. Surtout ici à la N"ASA où l'on parle toutes les langues et tous les dialectes (langues IRL).
— '''Zorroargh''': ''We forgive you Eloan. Especially here at N'ASA where we speak all languages and dialects (IRL languages).
— '''Eloan''' à Zorroargh : ''Oy comme vous voulez, mais il faudra qu'on me redonne des cours !
— '''Eloan''' to Zorroargh: ''Oy as you like, but I'll have to be taught again!
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''(Merci Nilstilar.)
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''(Thanks Nilstilar.)
— '''Ostium''' : ''(Parfait, merci.:))
— '''Ostium'''' : ''(Perfect, thank you.:-))
Ostium sort une byrh et en boit une gorgée.
Ostium pulls out a byrh and takes a sip.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Alors Nair Azazor, Vous vouliez nous proposer des plans de recherche?
— '''Zorroargh''': ''So Nair Azazor, you wanted to propose some research plans?
— '''Azazor''' : ''oui.
— '''Azazor''': ''yes.
Ostium écoute.
Ostium is listening.
— '''Azazor''' : ''J’ai travaillé sur les kipees et les kinchers pour voir s’ils avaient des zones de plus grande fragilité.
— '''Azazor''': ''I worked on the [[kipee]]s and the [[kincher]]s to see if they got areas of greater weakness.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Allez-y puisque pour l'instant personne n'a proposé d'autres thèmes.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Go ahead, as so far no one has suggested any other themes.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Pour ça, j’ai simplement tapé dessus aux différents endroits, comme le corps, la tête, les pattes avant et arrières, pour voir si ça changeait quelque chose. Verdict : que ce soit à la hache ou à la pique, rien ne permet de le penser que ça change quoi que ce soit.
— '''Azazor''': ''For this, I simply hit it in different places, like the body, the head, the front and back legs, to see if it changed anything. Verdict: whether with an axe or a pike, there's nothing to suggest that it makes any difference.
Zorroargh écarquille les yeux et se demande si ses oreilles le trahissent comme ses mains et ses yeux.
Zorroargh widens his eyes and wonders if his ears betray him like his hands and eyes.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Même résistance peu importe où on tape. en clair, les dégâts subits sont les mêmes, peu importe que ce soit patte avant, arrière, corps ou tête. par ailleurs, même si ça n’a pas trop de rapport, le ciblage ne fonctionne que pour la tête. Tous les autres ciblages sont en fait aléatoires et la brique de ciblage correspondante est donc inutile.
— '''Azazor''': ''Same resistance no matter where you hit. in other words, the damage done is the same, whether it's front, back, body or head. by the way, even if it's not too relevant, targeting only works for the head. All other targeting is in fact random, so the corresponding targeting brick is useless.
— '''Ostium''' : ''(Un bug à remonter ?)
— '''Ostium''': ''(A bug to report?)
— '''Azazor''' : ''(pas un bug, sûrement un développement jamais poussé à son terme.)
— '''Azazor''': ''(not a bug, probably a development never pushed to completion.)
— '''Azazor''' : ''Par contre, j’ai peut-être pu remarquer quelque chose d’intéressant.
— '''Azazor''': ''On the other hand, I may have noticed something interesting.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Ah, je croyais que vous parliez de vous-même. Alors s'agissant des Kitins, je ne suis pas trop surpris.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Ah, I thought you were talking about yourself. So when it comes to Kitins, I'm not too surprised.
— '''Kyriann''' à Ostium : ''(Je ne sais plus qui m'a dit que peut être c'est un défaut de mise en place des débuts du jeu et que les dev n'ont jamais eu le temps de finir cette partie du gameplay.)
— '''Kyriann'''' to Ostium: ''(I don't remember who told me that maybe it's a flaw in the game's early implementation and that the devs never had time to finish that part of the gameplay).
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Intéressant ? J'écoute.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Interesting? I'm listening.
— '''Azazor''' : ''La tête et les pattes avant du kipee ont l’air d’être plus facilement accessibles.
— '''Azazor'''': ''The kipee's head and front legs seem to be more easily accessible.
Ostium écoute plus attentivement.
Ostium listens more closely.
— '''Azazor''' : ''De même que les pattes arrières du kincher. En gros, quand on tape dans le tas sans viser, on touche plus souvent ces zones là. En coups aléatoires, ça a l’air de tomber plus souvent dessus, mais j’ai clairement pas assez de données pour en faire une vérité statistique. Sur 36 coups, ça donne 12 tête, 12 pattes avant, 8 pattes arrières et 5 corps pour le kipee.
— '''Azazor''': ''So do the kincher's back legs. Basically, when you hit without aiming, you hit these areas more often. In random shots, it seems to hit them more often, but I clearly don't have enough data to make a statistical statement. Out of 36 hits, I gave 12 of them to heads, 12 to front legs, 8 to back legs and 5 to bodies for the kipee.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Aaahhh. Les pattes arrière du kincher… Curieux en effet.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Aaahhh. The kincher's back legs…. Curious indeed.
— '''Azazor''' : ''J'ai bien des hypothèses, vous me direz ce que vous en pensez.  
— '''Azazor''': ''I've got a lot of hypothesis, you'll let me know what you think of them.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''On vous écoute.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''We're listening.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Peut-être que pour le kipee, cela vient du fait que celui-ci utilise sa tête pour attaquer. Il a donc tendance à présenter sa tête et ses pattes avant face à l’ennemi.
— '''Azazor'''': ''Perhaps for the kipee, it comes from the fact that it uses its head to attack. So it tends to present its head and front legs facing the enemy.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Ça paraît logique.
— '''Ostium''' : ''That makes sense.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Tandis que pour le kincher, il utilise ses pattes avant pour attaquer mais les garde levées, ce qui les rend plus difficilement accessibles mais rend ses pattes arrières plus atteignables.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Whereas for the kincher, it uses its front legs to attack but keeps them raised, which makes them more difficult to reach but makes its back legs more reachable.
Zorroargh approuve de la tête.
Zorroargh nods in agreement.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Mais il faudrait plus de données pour établir un relevé statistique pertinent. C'est pures spéculations. Voilà déjà ça.
— '''Azazor''': ''But more data would be needed to establish a relevant statistical statement. This is pure speculation. So much for that.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Certes, mais c'est cohérent.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Sure, but it's consistent.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Il y a d’autres choses dont j’aimerais vous parler, mais on peut déjà commencer par ça.
— '''Azazor''': ''There are other things I'd like to talk to you about, but we can start with this.
Ostium hoche la tête : ''Grytt. Ça fait des informations. À confirmer alors.
— '''Ostium''' nods: ''Grytt. That's a lot of information. To be confirmed then.
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''On ne peut attaquer que de face ? Jamais latéralement ? Au moins pour le premier coup ?
— '''Nilstilar''': ''We can only attack from the front? Never sideways? At least for the first shot?
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Quant à la résistance de la carapace, je crois que c'est normal qu'elle soit identique partout. Ce sont des insectes et pas des animaux de chair et d'os.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''As for the resistance of the shell, I think there's no reason why it shouldn't be the same everywhere. These are insects, not flesh-and-blood animals.
Eloan, intriguée, observe le fyros qui lui remémore des mots en tyll…. Ostium fait un signe à Nisroch. Nisroch s'incline respectueusement. Zorroargh fait un signe à Nisroch.
Eloan, intrigued, observes the Fyros recalling words in Tyll….
— '''Ostium''' : ''Lordoy tryker. Viens t'asseoir avec nous.
Ostium waves to Nisroch. Nisroch bows respectfully. Zorroargh waves to Nisroch.
Eloan s'incline devant Nisroch. Nilstilar fait une révérence des plus courtoises à Nisroch.
— '''Ostium''': ''Lordoy tryker. Come and sit with us.
— '''Azazor''' : ''L'idée du premier coup, c'est intéressant à tester en effet. Bien que… mes kipees sont morts au premier coup et j'ai tapé pas forcément de front. Mais y'a aussi eu d'autres kipees plus coriaces morts après plusieurs coups. faudrait refaire les stats avec le même type de kipee.
Eloan bows to Nisroch. Nilstilar makes a courteous bow to Nisroch.
— '''Eloan''' : ''Moi, ils meurent jamais et je cours de front sans me retourner mais ça va pas vous aider beaucoup.
— '''Azazor''': ''The idea of the first shot, it would be worth testing indeed. Although… my kipees died on the first shot and I didn't necessarily hit them head-on. But there have also been tougher kipees who died only after several hits. You'd have to redo the stats with the same type of kipee.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Tu es allé où pour ça ? J'ai vu de grands kipees au couloir brûlé.
— '''Eloan''': ''As for me, they never die and I run head-on without looking back… but that's not going to help you much.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Dunes Impériales, les kipees près de Pyr principalement.
— '''Ostium''': ''Where did you go for this? I saw some big kipees at the Scorched Corridor.
Zorroargh rigole en entendant Eloan.
— '''Azazor''': ''Imperial Dunes, the kipees near Pyr mainly.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Les kinchers, à Thesos.
Zorroargh laughs on hearing Eloan.
— '''Eloan''' : ''Avec un appât (qui ne sera pas moi), as-tu essayé les coups de côté ?
— '''Azazor''': ''The kinchers, in Thesos.
— '''Kyriann''' : ''En fait il faut peut-être prendre des très gros et taper avec une arme qui ne fait pas trop mal.
— '''Eloan'''': ''Using a bait (which won't be me), have you tried side swipes?
— '''Azazor''' : ''Une fois que le kipee t'a dans le collimateur, c'est compliqué de taper sur le côté. Il te suit.
— '''Kyriann''': ''In fact, maybe you should need to take some really big ones and hit with a weapon that doesn't hurt too much.
— '''Eloan''' : ''d'où l'appât… mais pas moi !!!
— '''Azazor''': ''Once the kipee has you in its sights, it's complicated to hit from the side. It follows you.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Oui Kyriann, faudrait…
— '''Eloan''': ''hence the bait... but not me!!!!
— '''Ostium''' : ''Hum, je l'ai fait avec des kinchers au Vide. Je les contournais pour attaquer de l'arrière, pendant que mes coéquipiers l'attaquaient de front
— '''Azazor''': ''Yes Kyriann, you should...
— '''[[user:Krill|Krill]]''' : ''’doy ad toll.
— '''Ostium''': ''Hum, I did it with kinchers in the Void. I went around them to attack from behind, while my teammates attacked them head-on.
— '''Kyriann''' : ''On peut monter une équipe pour ça.
— '''[[user:Krill|Krill]]''': ''’doy ad toll.
— '''Eloan''' : ''ben nous on protège l'avant, l'arrière'' rit ''mais moins les côtés… eux aussi peut-être.
— '''Kyriann''': ''We can put together a team for that.
Ostium fait un signe à Krill. Nisroch fait un signe à Krill.
— '''Eloan''': ''well we protect the front, the back'' *laughs* ''but less the sides... them too maybe.
— '''Ostium''' : ''’doy Krill.
Ostium waves to Krill. Nisroch waves to Krill.
Nilstilar fait une révérence des plus courtoises à Krill.
— '''Ostium''': ''’doy Krill.
— '''Eloan''' : ''Kriiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllll !
Nilstilar makes a courteous bow to Krill.
Krill s'installe à côté de son tonneau. Kyriann embrasse Krill sur les deux joues. Krill envoie un bisou à sa coupine Kyriann
— '''Eloan''': ''Kriiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllll !
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''As-tu déjà demandé la coopération d'autres grands chasseurs ? Dans notre guilde on a un matis qui est excellent au combat.
Krill settles down beside her barrel. Kyriann kisses Krill on both cheeks. Krill sends a kiss to his girlfriend Kyriann.
Krill envoie un bisou à sa coupine Eloan. Azazor fait un signe à Krill.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Have you ever asked for the cooperation of other great hunters? In our guild we have a Matis who is excellent in combat.
— '''Eloan''' : ''J'me sentais seule à dire des bêtises.'' rit
Krill sends a kiss to his girlfriend Eloan. Azazor waves to Krill.
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''Lordoy, An-Nair… et grytt !
— '''Eloan''': ''was feeling lonely talking nonsense.'' *laughs*
— '''Eloan''' encourage Nisroch : ''Fonce Nisroch ! Est-ce que Krill veut danser ?
— '''Nilstilar''': ''Lordoy, An-Nair… and grytt!
Zorroargh fait un signe à Krill.
— '''Eloan''' urges Nisroch: ''Go for it, Nisroch! Does Krill want to dance?
— '''Azazor''' : ''Perso, j'ai plus trop envie de me pencher sur ce sujet, je laisse ça à d'autre. J'ai dégrossi le sujet, à vous d'affiner.
Zorroargh waves to Krill.
— '''Nilstilar''' à Krill : ''Nous parlions des expériences menées par Azazor sur les vulnérabilités des kitins… Avez-vous quelque idée là-dessus, An-Nair ?
— '''Azazor''': ''Personally, I don't feel like looking into this subject anymore, I'll leave it to others. I've been roughing it out, it's up to you to refine it.
Krill se demande qui a été dégrossi par Azazor. Un sujet matis apparemment, mais lequel ?
— '''Nilstilar''' to Krill: ''We were talking about Azazor's experiments on kitin vulnerabilities…. Do you have any idea about this, An-Nair?
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Merci Azazor.
Krill wonders who Azazor was roughing up. A Matis subject apparently, but which one?
— '''Krill''' lève le nez de sa byrh : ''Euh... An. Je préfère les éviter que les affronter.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Thank you Azazor.
— '''Nisroch''' : ''Mes connaissances en combats n'en sont pas encore là…
— '''Krill''' looks up from her byrh: ''Uh... An. I'd rather avoid them than face them.
— '''Ostium''' : ''On tâchera d'amasser plus d'informations alors.
— '''Nisroch''': ''My fighting skills haven't got that far yet….
— '''Eloan''' à Krill : ''Tu veux faire l'appât ?
— '''Ostium''': ''We'll try to gather more information then.
— '''Krill''' : ''C'est pas bon pour la byrh, de prendre un kitin sur le sac-à-dos.
— '''Eloan''' to Krill: ''You want to be the bait?
— '''Nilstilar''' lève les yeux au ciel : ''Impossible d'être sérieux :-(
— '''Krill''': ''It's not good for the byrh, taking a kitin on the backpack.
— '''Krill''' : ''Mais je suis très sérieuse ! J'évite beaucoup les kitins !
— '''Nilstilar''' raises his eyes to the sky: ''Impossible to be serious :-(
— '''Eloan''' : ''Ben tu ferais un excellent appât !
— '''Krill''': ''But I'm very serious! I avoid kitins a lot!
— '''Krill''' : ''Uniquement si les kitins aiment la byrh.
— '''Eloan''': ''Well, you'd be excellent bait!
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''En fait, beaucoup de chercheurs sont de mauvais chasseurs.
— '''Krill''': ''Only if kitins like byrh.
— '''Eloan''' rit : ''certes…
— '''Zorroargh''': ''In fact, many researchers are bad hunters.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Hum, à propos d'appât, il faudrait voir s'ils sont attirés par quelque chose. Des fruits ou autres.
— '''Eloan''' laughs: ''’sure….
— '''Eloan''' : ''Ben euh… moi ils m'aiment…
— '''Ostium'''': ''Um, speaking of bait, we should see if they're attracted by anything. Fruit or something.
'''Azazor''' à Ostium : ''Tu les prends pour des gibbaïs ? Non, ce qui les intéresse c'est les homins. Sauf pour les [[Kitins des profondeurs|KoD]]…
— '''Eloan''': ''Well… they like me….
— '''Eloan''' aux trykers présents : ''Oh… ameen… le mot tyll, c'est juste ?
— Azazor to Ostium: “Do you think they're gibbais? No, they're interested in homins. Except for [[Kitins of the Depths|KoD]]….
— '''Ostium''' à Azazor : ''C'est vrai, ils n'ont rien à voir.
— '''Eloan''' to the Trykers present: ''Oh… ameen… the Tyll word, is that right?
— '''Ostium''' : ''ameen veut bien dire aimer en tyll.
— '''Ostium''' to Azazor: ''That's right, they have nothing to do.
— '''Eloan''' : ''Grytt. ça va revenir !
— '''Ostium to Eloan''': ''ameen does mean to love in Tyll.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Pas que les homins, je les ai vu se battre, pour se défendre certes, contre des Rois.
— '''Eloan''': Grytt. That'll come back!
Eloan s'excuse et se tait.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Not just homins, I've seen them fight, to defend themselves certainly, against Bosses.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Oui, quand ils se font agresser.
Eloan apologizes and remains silent.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Tout à fait
— '''Azazor''': ''Yes, when they're attacked.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Je crois avoir aussi vu des kipestas attaquer des armas.
Zorroargh: ''Absolutely.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Faut croire qu'ils ont un passif avec nous et nous voient comme une agression pour leur milieu de vie.
— '''Ostium''': ''I think I've also seen [[kipesta]]s attack [[arma]]s.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Mais, le Roi qui se faisait agresser ne me semblait pas de nature agressive… donc à creuser !
— '''Azazor''': ''I guess they've got a history with us and see us as an attack on their environment.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Un Roi quoi ?
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''But the Boss who was being attacked didn't seem to me to have an aggressive nature… so let's dig deeper!
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Je ne m'en souviens pas pour l'instant.
— '''Azazor''' : ''What species, the Boss?
— '''Azazor''' : ''Et les kipestas avec les armas, t'es sur de toi Ostium?
— '''Zorroargh''': ''I can't remember at the moment.
Kyrean s'incline profondément.
— '''Azazor''': ''And the kipestas with the armas, are you sure about that Ostium?
— '''Ostium''' fronce les sourcils en regardant de côté : ''J'irai vérifier.
Kyrean bows deeply.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Pour ce qui est de l'agressivité contre les homins, je partage. C'était le premier sujet d'étude de la NASA.
— '''Ostium''' frowns, looking sideway: ''I'll check.
Ostium fait un signe à Kyrean. Nilstilar fait une révérence des plus courtoises à Kyrean. Nisroch fait un signe à Kyrean. Kyriann fait un signe à Kyrean.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''As for the aggressiveness against homins, I agree. It was NASA's first subject of study.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Lordoy ! Assieds-toi avec nous si tu veux.
Ostium nods to Kyrean. Nilstilar makes a courteous bow to Kyrean. Nisroch waves to Kyrean. Kyriann waves to Kyrean.
— '''Kyriann''' : ''Grytt Nair.
— '''Ostium''': ''Lordoy! Sit with us if you like.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Vous me direz, y'a bien des kinchers au Couloir qui défoncent les timaris parce qu'ils ont l'audace d'occuper la même place qu'eux.
— '''Kyriann''': ''Grytt Nair.
Zorroargh fait un signe à Kyriann.
— '''Azazor''': ''There are some kinchers in the Corridor who beat up the timaris because they have the audacity to occupy the same seat as them.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Ils sont territoriaux, oy.
Zorroargh gestures to Kyriann.
— '''Azazor''' : ''yep. comme les KoD…
— '''Ostium''': ''They're territorial, oy.
Zorroargh approuve de la tête
— '''Azazor''': ''yep. like the KoDs….
— '''Azazor''' : ''D'ailleurs en parlant de KoD…
Zorroargh waves to Kyriann.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Oui ?
— '''Azazor''': ''Speaking of KoDs….
— '''Azazor''' : ''J’ai pu commencer à mesurer les points de vitalité des kitins des profondeurs lors de la dernière invasion dans la Jungle. Et j’ai débuté un tableau.
— '''Zorroargh: Yes?
Azazor fait circuler un tableau ( https://lite.framacalc.org/kitinsofdepthpv-a816 )avec des données chiffrées sur leurs points de vitalité suivant leur type. Le tableau s'appelle revient par contre.
— '''Azazor''' : ''I was able to start measuring the vitality points of the kitins of depths during the last invasion in the Jungle. And I started a chart * is circulating the table https://lite.framacalc.org/kitinsofdepthpv-a816 * with figures on their vitality points according to their type. The chart is called "return" though.
— '''Eloan''' : ''ohhh tu nommes tes œuvres ?  
— '''Eloan''': ''ohhh you name your works?  
Kyriann fait circuler rapidement, les chiffres ça lui donne le tournis.
Kyriann circulates quickly, numbers make her head spin.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Ouais, j'aime donner un nom à ce qui compte. Ma hache s'appelle courtoisie.
— '''Azazor'''': ''Yeah, I like to give a name to things that matter. My axe is called Courtesy.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Intéressant aussi.
— '''Ostium''': ''Interesting too.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Pour le kipesta atroce, celui dont j’ai le plus de données, j’ai pu établir que ses points de vitalité se situent autour de 9650.
— '''Azazor''': ''For the atrocious (?) kipesta, the one I have the most data on, I've been able to establish that its vitality points are around 9650…
Nisroch lit et passe à sa voisine.
Nisroch reads and moves on to his neighbor.
'''Nilstilar''' : ''Hum… Je serais bien incapable de le compléter. Il a dû vous demander du boulot, Sire Azazor.
— ''Nilstilar'': ''Hmm… I wouldn't be able to complete it. He must have asked you for a lot of work, Sire Azazor.
— '''Azazor''' : ''… soit 4200 de plus que les plus grands spécimens qu’on trouve habituellement dans nos contrées. Hors Rois et Nommés bien sûr.
— '''Azazor''': ''… that's 4200 more than the largest specimens usually found in our lands. Excluding Kings and Named of course.— '''Zorroargh''': ''Thank you Nair Ambassador.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Merci Nair Ambassadeur.
— '''Azazor''': ''I invite you to help me complete this table by sending me your data on the subject (in practical terms, you can fill in the spreadsheet online).
— '''Azazor''' : ''Je vous invite à m’aider à compléter ce tableau en m’envoyant vos données sur le sujet (concrètement, vous pouvez remplir en ligne le tableur).
Zorroargh returns the chart to Azazor.
Zorroargh rend le tableau à Azazor.
— '''Ostium''': ''Kitins of the Depths have a greater constitution than their known surface counterparts, then?
— '''Ostium''' : ''Les kitins des profondeurs ont une plus grande constitution que leur équivalents connus en surface alors ?
— '''Azazor''': ''(just kill the kitin and count how much damage it took you to finish it off)
— '''Azazor''' : ''(suffit de tuer le kitin et compter combien de dégâts il vous a fallu pour l'achever)
— '''Azazor''': ''Yes Ostium, for the kipesta anyway.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Oui Ostium, pour le kipesta en tout cas.
— '''Nilstilar''' to Azazor: ''I guess… but I'm used to typing OR counting. The two together is something else. Well… I suppose science requires sacrifice.:-)
— '''Nilstilar''' à Azazor : ''J'imagine… mais j'ai coutume de taper OU de compter. Les deux ensemble, c'est autre chose. Enfin… je présume que la science demande des sacrifices.:-)
— '''Azazor''' : ''it requires a certain amount of training.
— '''Azazor''' : ''ça demande un certain entraînement.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''A quick question, to satisfy those whose specialty is running as fast as possible. Have the running skills of kitins been measured?
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Une petite question, pour satisfaire ceux dont la spécialité est de courir le plus vite possibe. A-t-on mesuré les compétence de course des kitins?
— '''Ostium'''': ''Um, for those on the surface, we got this info in the [[The Book of the SKA|SKA document]], I believe.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Hum, pour ceux de la surface, on a eu cette info dans le [[Le Livre du SKA|document du SKA]], je crois.
— '''Azazor''': ''They're faster than you'd expect. But as to measure it….
— '''Azazor''' : ''Ils vont plus vite à vue de nez. De là à le mesurer…
Ostium waves to Lyren.
Ostium fait un signe à Lyren.
— '''Ostium''': ''Lordoy Lyren.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Lordoy Lyren.
— '''Lyren''' approaches, a little hesitantly: ''cal i s'lak, chief, sorry, I hadn't seen your note.
— '''Lyren''' s'approche, un peu hésitante : ''cal i s'lak, chef, désolée, j'avais pas vu ta note.
Nisroch waves to Lyren. Nilstilar makes a courteous bow to Lyren.
Nisroch fait un signe à Lyren. Nilstilar fait une révérence des plus courtoises à Lyren.
— '''Azazor''' shouts: ''CAL I SELAK!!!!
— '''Azazor''' crie : ''CAL I SELAK !!!
— '''Zorroargh''': ''So we can consult the SKA and their authors to draw inspiration from their work.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Donc on peut consulter le SKA et leurs auteurs pour s'inspirer de leur travail.
— '''Lyren''': ''oren pyr!
— '''Lyren''' : ''oren pyr !
Zorroargh waves to Lyren. Eloan bows to Lyren. Eloan observes the female newcomer, intrigued.
Zorroargh fait un signe à Lyren. Eloan s'incline devant Lyren. Eloan observe la nouvelle arrivante, intriguée.
— '''Azazor''': ''(as a reminder: the FR doc on kitins of the depths compiled by the [[CEK]] >>> https://atys.wiki.ryzom.com/images/5/5e/Rapport_du_CEK_sur_les_KoD.pdf )
— '''Azazor''' : ''(pour rappel : le doc sur les kitins des profondeurs établi par le [[Collectif d'étude des kitins|CEK]] >>> https://atys.wiki.ryzom.com/images/5/5e/Rapport_du_CEK_sur_les_KoD.pdf )
Lyren wonders what this mysterious gathering is all about, but is reassured by the few familiar faces.
Lyren se demande ce qu'est cette mystérieuse assemblée, mais est rassurée par les quelques visages familiers
— '''Ostium'''' notes in a whisper: ''Take information on the constitution of surface and of the depths kitins, and check their walking and running speeds.
— '''Ostium''' note en murmurant : ''Prendre des informations sur la constitution des kitins de surface et des profondeurs, et vérifier leur vitesse de marche et de course.
— '''Ostium''' to Azazor: ''(Ah yes, we have the constitution of kitins of the depths in this document.)
— '''Ostium''' à Azazor : ''(Ah oui, on a la constitution des kitins des profondeurs dans ce document.)
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Any other research topics?
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''D'autres thèmes de recherche?
— '''Azazor''' to Ostium: ''(their attacks, not their constitution.)
— '''Azazor''' à Ostium : ''(leur attaque, pas leur constitution)
Lyren observes Krill and wonders if she's getting some z's under her tray hat.
Lyren observe Krill et se demande si elle pionce sous son chapeau-couvercle.
— '''Azazor''': ''We have to continue the report of unusual KoD spots, i.e. those not listed on the CEK map.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Faut continuer de faire remonter les spots de KoD inhabituels, c'est à dire ceux non répertorié sur la carte du CEK.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Don't forget, dear friends, that research isn't limited to Kitins. There's Goo, fauna, flora, raw materials and Hominity.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''N'oubliez par cher amis que la recherche ne se limite pas aux Kitins. Il y a la Goo, la faune, la flore, les matières premières et l'Hominité.
— '''Ostium''': ''Oy. When we realized it was always these points, we relaxed efforts a bit.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Oy. Quand on s'est rendus compte que c'étaient toujours ces points , on s'est un peu relâchés.
— '''Kyriann''': ''Have you launched any research into homin sciences such as the science of storytelling, also known as literature?
— '''Kyriann''' : ''Est-ce que vous avez lancé des recherches dans le domaine des sciences hominiennes comme la science des contes aussi dite littérature ?
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Why not. You're welcome to pilot such a subject.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Pourquoi pas. Tu es bienvenue si tu pilotes un tel sujet
— '''Nilstilar''': ''And that of the Powers, of religions, in other words. Theology, that is!
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''Et celle des Puissances, des religions, donc. La théologie, quoi !
— '''Ostium''' lowers his head, thinking back to Lylanea: ''A former bard and member of the N'ASA who is no longer seen on Atys was versed in the arts.
— '''Ostium''' baisse la tête en repensant à Lylanea : ''Une barde ancienne membre de la N'ASA qu'on ne voit plus aujourd'hui était versée dans les arts.
Nilstilar sadly nods.
Nilstilar hoche tristement la tête.
— '''Zorroargh''' to Nilstilar: ''Holinity! Nair ambassador. Yes, isn't that one of the interesting themes not to be forgotten?
— '''Zorroargh''' à Nilstilar : ''L'Holinité ! Nair ambassadeur. Oui n'est-ce pas l'un des thèmes intéressants à ne surtout pas oublier.
— '''Ostium''' smiles: ''Should we list the tales told during the bards' evenings?
— '''Ostium''' sourit : ''Il faut répertorier les contes racontés pendant les soirées des bardes ?
— '''Azazor''' nods: ''It's always fascinating to go back to the origin of tales.
— '''Azazor''' hoche la tête : ''Il est toujours fascinant de remonter à l'origine des contes.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''And to see what they mean, in what context.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Et de voir se qu'il veulent dire dans quel contexte.
— '''Lyren''' whispers: ''fairy tales, they dare all…
— '''Lyren''' chuchote : ''les contes, ça ose tout…
— '''Ostium''': ''Oy. They always betray at least something of their time.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Oy. Ils trahissent toujours au moins quelque chose de leur époque.
— '''Azazor''' whispers to Lyren: ''Yes, that's how you recognize them.<ref>With that of Lyren, cult lines of a famous FR movie.</ref>
— '''Azazor''' chuchote : ''oui, c'est à ça qu'on les reconnaît.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''But here, we'd rather do a report like Azazor than a proper research lab.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''En revanche, ici, nous il vaut mieux faire un compte-rendu comme Azazor qu'un labo de recherche preporement dit.
— '''Kyriann''' is for once a little at a loss for words: ''The problem is that I'm terribly short of time to conduct research. But I can help.
— '''Kyriann''' est pour une fois un peu à court de mots : ''Le problème c'est que je manque affreusement de temps pour conduire la recherche. Par contre je peux aider.
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Research is a work of patience. That's why it's inappropriate here.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''La recherche est un travail de patience. C'est pourquoi il est inadapté ici.
— '''Ostium''': ''Who volunteers to compile and archive these tales?
— '''Ostium''' : ''Qui se porte volontaire pour compiler et archiver ces contes ?
— '''Zorroargh''': ''But we have izams flying day and night.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Mais nous avons des izams qui volent jour et nuit.
Kyriann smiles, seeing Nilstilar's fire as good as Azazor's.
Kyriann sourit en voyant le feu de Nilstilar aussi bon que celui d'Azazor.
— '''Azazor''': ''And do a comparative analysis, to see the evolution of the same tale through the ages, while we're at it.
— '''Azazor''' : ''et faire une analyse comparée, pour voir l'évolution d'un même conte à travers les âges, tant qu'on y est.
— '''Kyriann''': ''Grytt Nair Ambassador!
— '''Kyriann''' : ''Grytt Nair Ambassadeur !
— '''Lyren''' repeats several times to herself: ''compiling comparative tales,
— '''Lyren''' répète plusieurs fois en elle-même : ''compiler des contes comparés,
— '''Kyriann''' is horrified: “But it's too much work!
— '''Kyriann''' est horrifiée : ''Mais, mais c'est trop de travail !
— '''Nilstilar''': ''I'm not sure I've attended all the bards' evenings, but I remember giving some of them to the Great Library.
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''Je ne suis pas certain d'avoir assité à toutes les soirées des bardes, mais je me souviens d'avoir versé certaines d'entre elles à la Grande Bibliothèque.
— '''Ostium''': ''And don't forget to put them in context.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Et il ne faut pas oublier de les remettre dans leur contexte.
— '''Azazor''': ''Don't you think it's getting colder?
— '''Azazor''' : ''Vous trouvez pas qu'il fait plus froid ?
Azazor analyzes the Nilstilar's fire.
Azazor analyse le feu de nilstilar.
— '''Kyriann''': ''An it's warm!
— '''Kyriann''' : ''An il fait bon !
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Voilà. Et rien ne presse. Trouvez-vous des amis. Il y en a.:-)
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Voilà. Et rien ne presse. Trouvez-vous des amis. Il y en a.:-)
— '''Nisroch''' : ''C'est la neige, prend une bière ça ira mieux…
— '''Zorroargh''': ''There. And there's no hurry. Find yourself some friends. There are some :-)
— '''Nilstilar''' à Azazor : ''Si. Mais nous sommes en Mystia depuis peu.:-)
— '''Nisroch''' to Azazor: ''It's snowing, have a beer and you'll feel better…
— '''Azazor''' : ''Ah ben oui, c'est ça. Le bois n'est pas bien disposé, il ne donne pas son plein potentiel calorifique. Quant à l'huile utilisée, surement du bas de gamme des forêts…
— '''Nilstilar''' to Azazor: ''Yes. But we're only in Mystia.:-)
Azazor hausse les épaules. Zorroargh se sert d'une byrh de Krill.
— '''Azazor''': ''Oh yes, that's it. The wood isn't well laid out, so it doesn't give off its full calorific potential. As for the oil used, it's probably cheap forest oil….
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''Ce n'est plus de l'esprit critique, c'est de la paranoïa !
Azazor shrugs. Zorroargh helps himself to a Krill's byrh.
Kyriann rigole franchement
— '''Nilstilar''': “This is no longer critical thinking, it's paranoia!
— '''Ostium''' : ''Tu veux dire qu'il est seulement cinq-posé ?
Kyriann laughs outright.
— '''Kyriann''' : ''Bah lala Ny-Amn !
— '''Ostium''': ''You mean he's only five-put?<ref>An other word pun in FR (disposé/laid out=dix-posés/ten-put).</ref>
Ostium rigole.
— '''Kyriann''': ''Bah lala Ny-Amn!
— '''Azazor''' : ''Pire, il est jeté au hasard.
Ostium laughs.
— '''Nilstilar''' à Ostium : ''Nec, Nair : six bûches seulement :-)
— '''Azazor''': ''Worse, it's thrown in at random.
— '''Azazor''' : ''Mais bon, au moins ça brûle, c'est déjà ça.
— '''Nilstilar''' to Ostium: ''Nec, Nair: six logs only :-)
— '''Ostium''' : ''Azazor, tu nous avais parlé d'un autre sujet d'étude ?
— '''Azazor''': ''But hey, at least it burns, that's something.
Zorroargh boit pour mieux encaisser le feu du langage.
— '''Ostium''': ''Azazor, didn't you tell us about another subject of study?
— '''Azazor''' : ''Non, pas que je sache.
Zorroargh drinks to better absorb the fire of language.
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Alors, on peut s'arrêter là ?
— '''Azazor''': ''No, not that I know of.
— '''Azazor''' : ''(c'était sur les spot de KoD, mais j'ai rien à apporter.)
— '''Zorroargh''': ''So, can we stop here?
— '''Ostium''' : ''Okal. Alors, il y a longtemps, on avait parlé de luciographie en hauteur.
— '''Azazor''': ''(it was about KoD's spots, but I've got nothing to contribute.)
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Wow ! J'écoute.
— '''Ostium''': Okal. So, a long time ago, we'd talked about luciography at height.
— '''Nisroch''' : ''Lucio… quoi !?!
— '''Zorroargh''': ''Wow! I'm listening.
— '''Nilstilar''' à Ostium : ''Luciographie aérienne, vous voulez dire ?
— '''Nisroch''': ''Lucio... what!?!
— '''Ostium''' : ''J'ai… un peu adapté le concept pour ceux qui m'ont vu essayer de voler, mais à la base, on voulait mettre un appareil à lucios en l'air.
— '''Nilstilar''' to Ostium: ''Aerial luciography, you mean?
— '''Ostium''' : ''(luciographie = photographie ;-))
— '''Ostium''': ''I've… adapted the concept a little for those who've seen me try to fly, but basically, we wanted to put a lucios device in the air.
— '''Nisroch''' : ''(merci :-))
— '''Ostium''': ''(luciography = photography ;-))
— '''Eloan''' : ''(est-ce qu'on pourrait ne pas retranscrire les murmures par hasard dans le compte-rendu :p lol :D))<ref>'''NDR''' : Ici, j'ai (comme Zorroargh ?) compris l'inverse de ce que voulait dire Eloan… D'où ma réponse "à chaud" et l'annexe signalée plus haut qui veut ménager la chèvre (les apartés) et le chou (leur publicité en réunion).</ref>
— '''Nisroch''': ''(thanks :-))
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''(les "tell" vous voulez dire ? Si oui il faudrait les collecter... on n'est pas sortis de l'auberge !)
— '''Eloan''': ''(could we, by chance, not transcribe the murmurs in the minutes? :p lol :D))<ref>'''Editor's note''': Here, I (like Zorroargh?) understood the opposite of what Eloan meant…. Hence my “on the spot” reply and the appendix pointed out above which wants to keep both parties (the asides and their publicity in the meeting) sweet.</ref>
— '''Lyren''' est intriguée : Donc, tu envoies ton luciographe en l'air et tu espères que ça réussisse ?
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''(you mean the “tells”? If so, we'd have to collect them… we're not out of the woods yet!)
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''(Ce serait même indispensable pour le souvenir d'évenement RP. Il suffit dans le wiki par exemple de signaler que c'est une info non RP.)
— '''Lyren''' is intrigued: So, you send your luciograph up in the air and hope it succeeds?
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''Nec, Confrère. Il faut chevaucher un flyner !
— '''Zorroargh''': ''(It would even be indispensable for the memory of RP events. In the wiki, for example, it's enough to indicate that it's OOC info).
— '''Lyren''' : ''Chequoicher?
— '''Nilstilar''' to Lyren: ''Nec, Colleague. You have to horse ride a flyner!
— '''Ostium''' à Lyren : ''Oy. Je voudrais voir ce qu'il y a au-delà des falaises.
— '''Lyren''' : ''WHAT ride?
— '''Azazor''' : ''Je vais vous laisser. Les lucios, c'est pas mon truc. Je lirai le compte-rendu (je tiens plus je vous laisse ;-)).
— '''Ostium''' to Lyren: ''Oy. I'd like to see what's beyond the cliffs.
Zorroargh est reconnaissant envers Azazor.
— '''Azazor''': ''I'll leave you to it. Lucios aren't my thing. I'll read the report (I can't take it anymore ;-)).
— '''Eloan''' : ''(bonne nuit les partants)
Zorroargh is grateful to Azazor.
— '''Kyriann''' : ''(Bonne nuit zazor!!)
— '''Eloan'''' : ''(good night you leaving.)
Azazor s'en va au pas de course vers le nord d'Almati.
— '''Kyriann''' : ''(Good night zazor!!)
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Lorandoy Azazor
Azazor strides off to the north of Almati.
— '''Lyren''' : '''ren fyraï chef
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Lorandoy Azazor.
— '''Nilstilar''' à Lyren : ''Euh… "mektouber", je voulais dire :-)
— '''Lyren''' : ''’ren fyraï chief.
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''Nuit, Akenak !
— '''Nilstilar''' à Lyren : ''Uh… "mek ride", I meaned.:-)
— '''Lyren''' soupire et chuchote pour elle-même : ''il devient aussi grabataire que l'empereur…
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''Night, Akenak !
— '''Eloan''' : ''C'est fini ?
— '''Lyren''' sighs and whispers to herself: ''he's becoming as bedridden as the emperor….
— '''Kyriann''' : ''Donc on met un homin avec un luciographe suspendu au bout de ton truc qu'on peut pas manœuvrer et on espère que le luciographe survivra à l'atterrissage. L'homin c'est moins grave. C'est ça l'idée générale ?
— '''Eloan''': ''Is it over?
— '''Zorroargh''' : ''Je suis aussi obligé de vous laisser. Mais je vous laisse en de bonnes mains. Merci à vous tous et bonne fin de réunion de chercheurs.
— '''Kyriann''': ''So we put a homin with a luciograph suspended at the end of your thing we can't maneuver and hope the luciograph survives the landing. The homin is less serious. Is that the general idea?
— '''Nisroch''' : ''Heu…
— '''Zorroargh''': ''I also have to leave you. But I leave you in good hands. Thank you all and enjoy the rest of the researchers' meeting.
— '''Lyren''' à Kyriann : ''L'homin c'est moins grave ?
— '''Nisroch''': ''Uh...
— '''Eloan''' : ''Je vais moi aussi m'éclipser.
— '''Lyren''' to Kyriann: ''The homin is less serious?
— '''Ostium''' : ''(Bonne nuit Azazor )
— '''Eloan: ''I'll be off too.
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''J'ai obtenu autrefois, et pas moi seulement, un "certificat de vol en flyner". Donc ça doit être jouable.
— '''Ostium''' : ''(Good night Azazor.)
— '''Kyriann''' à Lyren : ''Bah on répare l'homin plus facilement.
— '''Nilstilar''': ''I once, and not just I, obtained a “flyner certificate”. So it must be playable.
— '''Lyren''' hoche la tête : ''tant qu'il tombe pas dans la goo…
— '''Kyriann''' to Lyren: ''Bah, we fix the homin more easily.
— '''Kyriann''' : ''Lorandoy aux partants.
— '''Lyren''' nods: ''as long as it doesn't fall in the goo....
Eloan s'approche de Lyren pour lui chuchoter quelques mots…. Zorroargh se dirige vers son tipee…. Lyren s'incline devant Zorroargh.
— '''Kyriann''': ''Lorandoy to the leaving ones.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Lorandoy aux partants.
Eloan approaches Lyren to whisper a few words…. Zorroargh heads for his tipee…. Lyren bows to Zorroargh.
— '''Kyriann''' à Nilstilar : ''Eny Nair ambassadeur on ne sait jamais où on va atterrir.
— '''Ostium''': ''Lorandoy to the leaving ones.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Mais on met un flyner attaché à une corde avec un appareil à lucios et on l'envoie en l'air.
— '''Kyriann''' to Nilstilar: ''Eny Nair ambassador you never know where you'll land.
— '''Kyriann''' : ''Ah alors : sans homin.
— '''Ostium''': ''But we put a flyner attached to a rope with a lucios device and send it into the air.
— '''Nisroch''' : ''Je ne suis pas volontaire pour monter là-dessus !
— '''Kyriann''': ''Ah, then: without any homin.
— '''Ostium''' : ''(J'ai retrouvé l'appareil luciographique >>> https://www.flickr.com/photos/ryzom/14540009770/ )
— '''Nisroch''': ''I'm not volunteering to go up there!
— '''Kyriann''' à Nisroch : Tu sais il a sauté d'une des tours d'Avendale pendant son mariage alors…
— '''Ostium''': ''(I found the luciographic device >>> https://www.flickr.com/photos/ryzom/14540009770/ )
— '''Ostium''' pouffe : ''Oy. J'ai eu quelques égratignures pour ça, mais ça valait le coup !
— '''Kyriann''' to Nisroch: You know he jumped from one of Avendale's towers during his wedding, so….
— '''Kyriann''' : ''Il est capable de tout
— '''Ostium'''' chuckles: ''Oy. I got a few scratches for that, but it was worth it!
— '''Kyriann''' : ''Eny les flyners c'est différent. On part d'en bas.
— '''Kyriann''': ''He's capable of anything.
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''Joli (enfin... façon de parler) Nair Ostium !
— '''Kyriann''': ''Eny the flyners are different. We start from the bottom.
— '''Ostium''' sourit : ''C'est la N'ASA qui m'a permis de le faire !
— '''Nilstilar''': ''Nice (well… so to speak) Nair Ostium!
— '''Ostium''' : ''La magie curative, qui fait s'élever, le feu, un peu d'ingénierie pour sappuyer sur le vent.
— '''Ostium''' smiles: ''The N'ASA allowed me to do it!
— '''Ostium''' : ''Est-ce que ce sujet, la luciographie, intéresse certains d'entre vous ?
— '''Ostium''': ''Healing magic, which makes the fire rise, a bit of engineering to lean on the wind.
— '''Kyriann''' secoue la tête : ''An ny-Amn
— '''Ostium''': ''Does this subject, luciography, interest any of you?
— '''Eloan''' : ''Pardon… pas vraiment, je ne sais pas prendre de luciographie… je ne sais plus a vrai dire.
— '''Kyriann''' shakes his head: ''An ny-Amn
— '''Kyriann''' : ''Je te laisse te perdre dans le ciel.
— '''Eloan''': ''Sorry… not really, I don't know how to take luciography… I don't know anymore to tell you the truth.
— '''Lyren''' sourit : ''Si ça me fait pas perdre plus de cheveux, je peux te donner un coup de pouce, Ostium.
— '''Kyriann''': ''I'll let you get lost in the sky.
— '''Ostium''' lève les yeux et voit les nuages : ''Je n'irai pas aujourd'hui visiblement.
— '''Lyren''' smiles: ''If it doesn't make me lose more hair, I can give you a boost, Ostium.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Grytt Lyren. On verra ensemble alors.
— '''Ostium''' looks up and sees the clouds: ''I'm not going today obviously.
— '''Kyriann''' murmure : ''Et je demande aux puissances de te ramener entier.
— '''Ostium''': ''Grytt Lyren. We'll see together then.
— '''Eloan''' : ''Lorandoy à tous.
— '''Kyriann''' murmurs: ''And I ask the Powers to bring you back whole.
— '''Ostium''' murmure : ''Garde aussi des amplis à portée pour le soin.
— '''Eloan''': ''Lorandoy to all.
Lyren fait une révérence des plus courtoises à Eloan.
— '''Ostium''' murmurs: ''Also keep amps handy for healing.
— '''Kyriann''' : ''donc on a une expédition à monter contre des KoD, pour tester leur course.
Lyren makes a courteous bow to Eloan.
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''Seelagan, Nair Eloan.
— '''Kyriann''': ''So we have an expedition to mount against KoDs, to test their race speed.
Ostium fait un signe à Eloan.
— '''Nilstilar''': ''Seelagan, Nair Eloan.
— '''Eloan''' : ''(je sais plus "emote" correctement non plus.:p))
Ostium waves to Eloan.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Seelagan nair Eloan.
— '''Eloan''': ''(I don't know how to “emote” properly either.:p))
Eloan s'incline.
— '''Ostium''': ''Seelagan nair Eloan.
— '''Eloan''' : ''Pardon pour la fin de cette session. et pour son "pendant" aussi d'ailleurs.
Eloan bows.
— '''Ostium''' à Eloan : ''(/saluer ?)
— '''Eloan''': ''Sorry for the end of this session. and for its “during” too for that matter.
— '''Kyriann''' à Eloan : ''(ça va revenir)
— '''Ostium''' à Eloan : ''(/bow?)
— '''Eloan''' : ''mais si je disais pardon à chaque fois que je fais une maladresse vous n'entendriez que cela !
— '''Kyriann''' à Eloan : ''(That'll come back.)
Kyriann rigole. Lyren rit. Ostium rigole.
— '''Eloan''': ''but if I said sorry every time I made a clumsy mistake you'd hear nothing but that!
'''Nilstilar''' : ''Tssstttt. Vous vous calommniez, Nair !
Kyriann laughs. Lyren laughs. Ostium laughs.
— '''Eloan''' : ''Krill !!! un peu de soutien s'il te plait !
— Nilstilar: ''Tssstttt. You're slandering yourself, Nair!
— '''Eloan''' désigne Krill : ''Ma deuxième meilleure amie c'est elle, . Même si elle fait semblant que non !
— '''Eloan''': ''Krill!!! a little support please!
— '''Lyren''' : ''Elle dort… chut
— '''Eloan''' points to Krill: ''My second best friend is her, there. Even if she pretends she isn't!
— '''Kyriann''' sourit : ''Mais je crois que elle, c'est son tonneau sa première deuxième et même troisième meilleure amie.
— '''Lyren''': ''She's sleeping… shh
— '''Eloan''' : ''Alors retour à Thesos pour moi, Lorandoy !
— '''Kyriann''' smiles: ''But I think for Krill her barrel is her first second and even third best friend.
— '''Kyriann''' : ''Lorandoy Eloan !
— '''Eloan''': ''Then back to Thesos for me, Lorandoy!
— '''Ostium''' : ''Lorandoy nair Eloan :-)
— '''Kyriann''': Lorandoy Eloan!
Nilstilar essaie de saluer Eloan… (trop tard): ''Laye mai… Je vais vous laisser à mon tour.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Lorandoy Nair Eloan.:-)
— '''Kyriann''' regarde la nuit, la neige… : ''Je crois bien que tout le monde va rentrer.
— '''Nilstilar''' tries to wave Eloan… (too late): ''Laye mai… I'll leave you in my turn.
— '''Nilstilar''' : ''Je vous souhaite bon repos et tâcherai de pondre des minutes lisibles avant peu.
— '''Kyriann''' looks at the night, the snow…: ''I think everyone's going home.
Kyriann se redresse.
— '''Nilstilar''': ''I wish you a good rest and will try to deliver readable minutes before long.
— '''Nisroch''' : ''Bon courage Nils.
Kyriann straightens up.
Lyren se demande ce que le matis couve. Nilstilar déchire un pacte.
— '''Nisroch''' : ''Good luck Nils.
— '''Ostium''' : ''Okal. Seelagan nair ambassadeur.
Lyren wonders what the Matis is brooding on. Nilstilar tears up a pact.
Lyren s'incline devant Nilstilar.
— '''Ostium''': ''Okal. Seelagan nair ambassador.
— '''Kyriann''' : ''Rho mais on est tout coincé à rester assis dans la neige comme ça.
Lyren bows to Nilstilar.
— '''Kyriann''': ''Rho but we're all stuck sitting in the snow like this.
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Revision as of 22:11, 4 June 2024


Minutes of the June the 2nd 2024 meeting

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Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Nilstilar, 2024-06-04)

10 h - Holeth, Pluvia 30, 4th AC 2628

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There are currently still 73 articles in preparation in the category "WIP"
Article in preparation. Please let the author finish it before you modify it.
The last editing was from Nilstilar on 4.06.2024.

Azazor: and cal i selak eloan!
Zorroargh is moved but tries to show it not. Kyriann waves to Nilstilar.
Ostium: Given what is said about him, the snow won't last long.
Nilstilar bows respectfully. Zorroargh waves to Nilstilar. Zorroargh is grateful to Nilstilar. Ostium waves to Nilstilar.
Kyriann smiles: Lordoy Nair Ambassador!
Ostium: Lordoy Nair-Nilstilar.
Nilstilar: Deles silam, Seraei é Seri.
Zorroargh: Woren siloy, Nair.
Azazor raises an eyebrow at Nilstilar's arrival.
Zorroargh: Take your place by the fire.
Eloan moans inwardly at Nilstilar: Oh dear… you again.
Kyriann looks alternately at Nils and Eloan without understanding.
Nilstilar: Er… Have I displeased you in some way, Nair Eloan?
Nilstilar stares at Eloan, puzzled.
Zorroargh: Unless you feel cold, take a seat next to me, Nair Ambassador and Moderator of Researchers.
Azazor: Moderate searcher you mean?
Eloan: I'm older than I look, and to this day still the only wife of Ufo, the Legions' first warlord.
Kyriann: Nair Ambassador is a great friend of the Trykeri, Eloan.
Eloan: So… I grumble!
Nilstilar laughs: Er… Always witty, Sire Azazor! But I just can't disagree with you.
Azazor: The Truth always comes out of the mouths of the Fyros.
Ostium: I could read your report of the previous meeting, Nair Nilstilar. Thank you very much.
Eloan whispers to his neighbor Nilstilar: times change, I'm just always wary of Matis, forgive me! but I was grumbling discreetly!
Nilstilar: It was "minutes", only, Nair Ostium... and I apologize to you all for that.
Ostium: It was very complete, and quite sufficient.
Azazor: well… smugness[1] of the matis…
Azazor smiles with all his teeth at Nils. Kyriann throws a snowball at Azazor.
Zorroargh: But these minutes are useful. They make us known to other homins. They are also a guarantee of transparency.
Ostium can't suppress a smile as he hears the piques. Azazor dusts the snow nonchalantly.
Nilstilar: Definitely… it's going to be my treat tonight!
Azazor: Are we expecting other people?
Zorroargh to Nilstilar: Nonsense, Nair. This will prove that there's no better ambassador for the N'ASA.
Kyriann to Azazor: Haven't seen Elke for a few days so I don't think so.
Ostium: (do we announce the meeting in universe channel?)
Nilstilar: (I almost did… Why not?)
Zorroargh to Ostium: (Oh yes! You'll do it? I'd make lots of typos….)
Ostium: (Nilstilar will find the words. Or I will do it if he prefers :-))
Eloan: Forgive me if my Tyll and other languages are a bit rusty. I've been on a long retreat again and just came back a little while ago. And everything changes all the time….
Zorroargh: (I agree with you Ostium. :-))
Nilstilar: (Laye mai, I'll take care of it, Nairs.)
Eloan addressing Azazor: [...][2]
Ostium nods to Eloan: Okal. We'll be careful to speak in common language as often as possible then.
Zorroargh: We forgive you Eloan. Especially here at N'ASA where we speak all languages and dialects (IRL languages).
Eloan to Zorroargh: Oy as you like, but I'll have to be taught again!
Zorroargh : (Thanks Nilstilar.)
Ostium' : (Perfect, thank you.:-))
Ostium pulls out a byrh and takes a sip.
Zorroargh: So Nair Azazor, you wanted to propose some research plans?
Azazor: yes.
Ostium is listening.
Azazor: I worked on the kipees and the kinchers to see if they got areas of greater weakness.
Zorroargh : Go ahead, as so far no one has suggested any other themes.
Azazor: For this, I simply hit it in different places, like the body, the head, the front and back legs, to see if it changed anything. Verdict: whether with an axe or a pike, there's nothing to suggest that it makes any difference.
Zorroargh widens his eyes and wonders if his ears betray him like his hands and eyes.
Azazor: Same resistance no matter where you hit. in other words, the damage done is the same, whether it's front, back, body or head. by the way, even if it's not too relevant, targeting only works for the head. All other targeting is in fact random, so the corresponding targeting brick is useless.
Ostium: (A bug to report?)
Azazor: (not a bug, probably a development never pushed to completion.)
Azazor: On the other hand, I may have noticed something interesting.
Zorroargh: Ah, I thought you were talking about yourself. So when it comes to Kitins, I'm not too surprised.
Kyriann' to Ostium: (I don't remember who told me that maybe it's a flaw in the game's early implementation and that the devs never had time to finish that part of the gameplay).
Zorroargh: Interesting? I'm listening.
Azazor': The kipee's head and front legs seem to be more easily accessible.
Ostium listens more closely.
Azazor: So do the kincher's back legs. Basically, when you hit without aiming, you hit these areas more often. In random shots, it seems to hit them more often, but I clearly don't have enough data to make a statistical statement. Out of 36 hits, I gave 12 of them to heads, 12 to front legs, 8 to back legs and 5 to bodies for the kipee.
Zorroargh: Aaahhh. The kincher's back legs…. Curious indeed.
Azazor: I've got a lot of hypothesis, you'll let me know what you think of them.
Zorroargh : We're listening.
Azazor': Perhaps for the kipee, it comes from the fact that it uses its head to attack. So it tends to present its head and front legs facing the enemy.
Ostium : That makes sense.
Azazor : Whereas for the kincher, it uses its front legs to attack but keeps them raised, which makes them more difficult to reach but makes its back legs more reachable.
Zorroargh nods in agreement.
Azazor: But more data would be needed to establish a relevant statistical statement. This is pure speculation. So much for that.
Zorroargh : Sure, but it's consistent.
Azazor: There are other things I'd like to talk to you about, but we can start with this.
Ostium nods: Grytt. That's a lot of information. To be confirmed then.
Nilstilar: We can only attack from the front? Never sideways? At least for the first shot?
Zorroargh : As for the resistance of the shell, I think there's no reason why it shouldn't be the same everywhere. These are insects, not flesh-and-blood animals.
Eloan, intrigued, observes the Fyros recalling words in Tyll….
Ostium waves to Nisroch. Nisroch bows respectfully. Zorroargh waves to Nisroch.
Ostium: Lordoy tryker. Come and sit with us.
Eloan bows to Nisroch. Nilstilar makes a courteous bow to Nisroch.
Azazor: The idea of the first shot, it would be worth testing indeed. Although… my kipees died on the first shot and I didn't necessarily hit them head-on. But there have also been tougher kipees who died only after several hits. You'd have to redo the stats with the same type of kipee.
Eloan: As for me, they never die and I run head-on without looking back… but that's not going to help you much.
Ostium: Where did you go for this? I saw some big kipees at the Scorched Corridor.
Azazor: Imperial Dunes, the kipees near Pyr mainly.
Zorroargh laughs on hearing Eloan.
Azazor: The kinchers, in Thesos.
Eloan': Using a bait (which won't be me), have you tried side swipes?
Kyriann: In fact, maybe you should need to take some really big ones and hit with a weapon that doesn't hurt too much.
Azazor: Once the kipee has you in its sights, it's complicated to hit from the side. It follows you.
Eloan: hence the bait... but not me!!!!
Azazor: Yes Kyriann, you should...
Ostium: Hum, I did it with kinchers in the Void. I went around them to attack from behind, while my teammates attacked them head-on.
Krill: ’doy ad toll.
Kyriann: We can put together a team for that.
Eloan: well we protect the front, the back *laughs* but less the sides... them too maybe.
Ostium waves to Krill. Nisroch waves to Krill.
Ostium: ’doy Krill.
Nilstilar makes a courteous bow to Krill.
Eloan: Kriiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllll !
Krill settles down beside her barrel. Kyriann kisses Krill on both cheeks. Krill sends a kiss to his girlfriend Kyriann.
Zorroargh: Have you ever asked for the cooperation of other great hunters? In our guild we have a Matis who is excellent in combat.
Krill sends a kiss to his girlfriend Eloan. Azazor waves to Krill.
Eloan: was feeling lonely talking nonsense. *laughs*
Nilstilar: Lordoy, An-Nair… and grytt!
Eloan urges Nisroch: Go for it, Nisroch! Does Krill want to dance?
Zorroargh waves to Krill.
Azazor: Personally, I don't feel like looking into this subject anymore, I'll leave it to others. I've been roughing it out, it's up to you to refine it.
Nilstilar to Krill: We were talking about Azazor's experiments on kitin vulnerabilities…. Do you have any idea about this, An-Nair?
Krill wonders who Azazor was roughing up. A Matis subject apparently, but which one?
Zorroargh: Thank you Azazor.
Krill looks up from her byrh: Uh... An. I'd rather avoid them than face them.
Nisroch: My fighting skills haven't got that far yet….
Ostium: We'll try to gather more information then.
Eloan to Krill: You want to be the bait?
Krill: It's not good for the byrh, taking a kitin on the backpack.
Nilstilar raises his eyes to the sky: Impossible to be serious :-(
Krill: But I'm very serious! I avoid kitins a lot!
Eloan: Well, you'd be excellent bait!
Krill: Only if kitins like byrh.
Zorroargh: In fact, many researchers are bad hunters.
Eloan laughs: ’sure….
Ostium': Um, speaking of bait, we should see if they're attracted by anything. Fruit or something.
Eloan: Well… they like me….
— Azazor to Ostium: “Do you think they're gibbais? No, they're interested in homins. Except for KoD….
Eloan to the Trykers present: Oh… ameen… the Tyll word, is that right?
Ostium to Azazor: That's right, they have nothing to do.
Ostium to Eloan: ameen does mean to love in Tyll.
Eloan: Grytt. That'll come back!
Zorroargh: Not just homins, I've seen them fight, to defend themselves certainly, against Bosses.
Eloan apologizes and remains silent.
Azazor: Yes, when they're attacked.
— Zorroargh: Absolutely.
Ostium: I think I've also seen kipestas attack armas.
Azazor: I guess they've got a history with us and see us as an attack on their environment.
Zorroargh : But the Boss who was being attacked didn't seem to me to have an aggressive nature… so let's dig deeper!
Azazor : What species, the Boss?
Zorroargh: I can't remember at the moment.
Azazor: And the kipestas with the armas, are you sure about that Ostium?
Kyrean bows deeply.
Ostium frowns, looking sideway: I'll check.
Zorroargh: As for the aggressiveness against homins, I agree. It was NASA's first subject of study.
Ostium nods to Kyrean. Nilstilar makes a courteous bow to Kyrean. Nisroch waves to Kyrean. Kyriann waves to Kyrean.
Ostium: Lordoy! Sit with us if you like.
Kyriann: Grytt Nair.
Azazor: There are some kinchers in the Corridor who beat up the timaris because they have the audacity to occupy the same seat as them.
Zorroargh gestures to Kyriann.
Ostium: They're territorial, oy.
Azazor: yep. like the KoDs….
Zorroargh waves to Kyriann.
Azazor: Speaking of KoDs….
Zorroargh: Yes?
Azazor : I was able to start measuring the vitality points of the kitins of depths during the last invasion in the Jungle. And I started a chart * is circulating the table https://lite.framacalc.org/kitinsofdepthpv-a816 * with figures on their vitality points according to their type. The chart is called "return" though.
Eloan: ohhh you name your works?
Kyriann circulates quickly, numbers make her head spin.
Azazor': Yeah, I like to give a name to things that matter. My axe is called Courtesy.
Ostium: Interesting too.
Azazor: For the atrocious (?) kipesta, the one I have the most data on, I've been able to establish that its vitality points are around 9650…
Nisroch reads and moves on to his neighbor.
Nilstilar: Hmm… I wouldn't be able to complete it. He must have asked you for a lot of work, Sire Azazor.
Azazor: … that's 4200 more than the largest specimens usually found in our lands. Excluding Kings and Named of course.— Zorroargh: Thank you Nair Ambassador.
Azazor: I invite you to help me complete this table by sending me your data on the subject (in practical terms, you can fill in the spreadsheet online).
Zorroargh returns the chart to Azazor.
Ostium: Kitins of the Depths have a greater constitution than their known surface counterparts, then?
Azazor: (just kill the kitin and count how much damage it took you to finish it off)
Azazor: Yes Ostium, for the kipesta anyway.
Nilstilar to Azazor: I guess… but I'm used to typing OR counting. The two together is something else. Well… I suppose science requires sacrifice.:-)
Azazor : it requires a certain amount of training.
Zorroargh : A quick question, to satisfy those whose specialty is running as fast as possible. Have the running skills of kitins been measured?
Ostium': Um, for those on the surface, we got this info in the SKA document, I believe.
Azazor: They're faster than you'd expect. But as to measure it….
Ostium waves to Lyren.
Ostium: Lordoy Lyren.
Lyren approaches, a little hesitantly: cal i s'lak, chief, sorry, I hadn't seen your note.
Nisroch waves to Lyren. Nilstilar makes a courteous bow to Lyren.
Azazor shouts: CAL I SELAK!!!!
Zorroargh: So we can consult the SKA and their authors to draw inspiration from their work.
Lyren: oren pyr!
Zorroargh waves to Lyren. Eloan bows to Lyren. Eloan observes the female newcomer, intrigued.
Azazor: (as a reminder: the FR doc on kitins of the depths compiled by the CEK >>> https://atys.wiki.ryzom.com/images/5/5e/Rapport_du_CEK_sur_les_KoD.pdf )
Lyren wonders what this mysterious gathering is all about, but is reassured by the few familiar faces.
Ostium' notes in a whisper: Take information on the constitution of surface and of the depths kitins, and check their walking and running speeds.
Ostium to Azazor: (Ah yes, we have the constitution of kitins of the depths in this document.)
Zorroargh: Any other research topics?
Azazor to Ostium: (their attacks, not their constitution.)
Lyren observes Krill and wonders if she's getting some z's under her tray hat.
Azazor: We have to continue the report of unusual KoD spots, i.e. those not listed on the CEK map.
Zorroargh: Don't forget, dear friends, that research isn't limited to Kitins. There's Goo, fauna, flora, raw materials and Hominity.
Ostium: Oy. When we realized it was always these points, we relaxed efforts a bit.
Kyriann: Have you launched any research into homin sciences such as the science of storytelling, also known as literature?
Zorroargh: Why not. You're welcome to pilot such a subject.
Nilstilar: And that of the Powers, of religions, in other words. Theology, that is!
Ostium lowers his head, thinking back to Lylanea: A former bard and member of the N'ASA who is no longer seen on Atys was versed in the arts.
Nilstilar sadly nods.
Zorroargh to Nilstilar: Holinity! Nair ambassador. Yes, isn't that one of the interesting themes not to be forgotten?
Ostium smiles: Should we list the tales told during the bards' evenings?
Azazor nods: It's always fascinating to go back to the origin of tales.
Zorroargh: And to see what they mean, in what context.
Lyren whispers: fairy tales, they dare all…
Ostium: Oy. They always betray at least something of their time.
Azazor whispers to Lyren: Yes, that's how you recognize them.[3]
Zorroargh: But here, we'd rather do a report like Azazor than a proper research lab.
Kyriann is for once a little at a loss for words: The problem is that I'm terribly short of time to conduct research. But I can help.
Zorroargh: Research is a work of patience. That's why it's inappropriate here.
Ostium: Who volunteers to compile and archive these tales?
Zorroargh: But we have izams flying day and night.
Kyriann smiles, seeing Nilstilar's fire as good as Azazor's.
Azazor: And do a comparative analysis, to see the evolution of the same tale through the ages, while we're at it.
Kyriann: Grytt Nair Ambassador!
Lyren repeats several times to herself: compiling comparative tales,
Kyriann is horrified: “But it's too much work!
Nilstilar: I'm not sure I've attended all the bards' evenings, but I remember giving some of them to the Great Library.
Ostium: And don't forget to put them in context.
Azazor: Don't you think it's getting colder?
Azazor analyzes the Nilstilar's fire.
Kyriann: An it's warm!
Zorroargh : Voilà. Et rien ne presse. Trouvez-vous des amis. Il y en a.:-)
Zorroargh: There. And there's no hurry. Find yourself some friends. There are some :-)
Nisroch to Azazor: It's snowing, have a beer and you'll feel better…
Nilstilar to Azazor: Yes. But we're only in Mystia.:-)
Azazor: Oh yes, that's it. The wood isn't well laid out, so it doesn't give off its full calorific potential. As for the oil used, it's probably cheap forest oil….
Azazor shrugs. Zorroargh helps himself to a Krill's byrh.
Nilstilar: “This is no longer critical thinking, it's paranoia!
Kyriann laughs outright.
Ostium: You mean he's only five-put?[4]
Kyriann: Bah lala Ny-Amn!
Ostium laughs.
Azazor: Worse, it's thrown in at random.
Nilstilar to Ostium: Nec, Nair: six logs only :-)
Azazor: But hey, at least it burns, that's something.
Ostium: Azazor, didn't you tell us about another subject of study?
Zorroargh drinks to better absorb the fire of language.
Azazor: No, not that I know of.
Zorroargh: So, can we stop here?
Azazor: (it was about KoD's spots, but I've got nothing to contribute.)
Ostium: Okal. So, a long time ago, we'd talked about luciography at height.
Zorroargh: Wow! I'm listening.
Nisroch: Lucio... what!?!
Nilstilar to Ostium: Aerial luciography, you mean?
Ostium: I've… adapted the concept a little for those who've seen me try to fly, but basically, we wanted to put a lucios device in the air.
Ostium: (luciography = photography ;-))
Nisroch: (thanks :-))
Eloan: (could we, by chance, not transcribe the murmurs in the minutes? :p lol :D))[5]
Nilstilar : (you mean the “tells”? If so, we'd have to collect them… we're not out of the woods yet!)
Lyren is intrigued: So, you send your luciograph up in the air and hope it succeeds?
Zorroargh: (It would even be indispensable for the memory of RP events. In the wiki, for example, it's enough to indicate that it's OOC info).
Nilstilar to Lyren: Nec, Colleague. You have to horse ride a flyner!
Lyren : WHAT ride?
Ostium to Lyren: Oy. I'd like to see what's beyond the cliffs.
Azazor: I'll leave you to it. Lucios aren't my thing. I'll read the report (I can't take it anymore ;-)).
Zorroargh is grateful to Azazor.
Eloan' : (good night you leaving.)
Kyriann : (Good night zazor!!)
Azazor strides off to the north of Almati.
Zorroargh : Lorandoy Azazor.
Lyren : ’ren fyraï chief.
Nilstilar à Lyren : Uh… "mek ride", I meaned.:-)
Nilstilar : Night, Akenak !
Lyren sighs and whispers to herself: he's becoming as bedridden as the emperor….
Eloan: Is it over?
Kyriann: So we put a homin with a luciograph suspended at the end of your thing we can't maneuver and hope the luciograph survives the landing. The homin is less serious. Is that the general idea?
Zorroargh: I also have to leave you. But I leave you in good hands. Thank you all and enjoy the rest of the researchers' meeting.
Nisroch: Uh...
Lyren to Kyriann: The homin is less serious?
— 'Eloan: I'll be off too.
Ostium : (Good night Azazor.)
Nilstilar: I once, and not just I, obtained a “flyner certificate”. So it must be playable.
Kyriann to Lyren: Bah, we fix the homin more easily.
Lyren nods: as long as it doesn't fall in the goo....
Kyriann: Lorandoy to the leaving ones.
Eloan approaches Lyren to whisper a few words…. Zorroargh heads for his tipee…. Lyren bows to Zorroargh.
Ostium: Lorandoy to the leaving ones.
Kyriann to Nilstilar: Eny Nair ambassador you never know where you'll land.
Ostium: But we put a flyner attached to a rope with a lucios device and send it into the air.
Kyriann: Ah, then: without any homin.
Nisroch: I'm not volunteering to go up there!
Ostium: (I found the luciographic device >>> https://www.flickr.com/photos/ryzom/14540009770/ )
Kyriann to Nisroch: You know he jumped from one of Avendale's towers during his wedding, so….
Ostium' chuckles: Oy. I got a few scratches for that, but it was worth it!
Kyriann: He's capable of anything.
Kyriann: Eny the flyners are different. We start from the bottom.
Nilstilar: Nice (well… so to speak) Nair Ostium!
Ostium smiles: The N'ASA allowed me to do it!
Ostium: Healing magic, which makes the fire rise, a bit of engineering to lean on the wind.
Ostium: Does this subject, luciography, interest any of you?
Kyriann shakes his head: An ny-Amn
Eloan: Sorry… not really, I don't know how to take luciography… I don't know anymore to tell you the truth.
Kyriann: I'll let you get lost in the sky.
Lyren smiles: If it doesn't make me lose more hair, I can give you a boost, Ostium.
Ostium looks up and sees the clouds: I'm not going today obviously.
Ostium: Grytt Lyren. We'll see together then.
Kyriann murmurs: And I ask the Powers to bring you back whole.
Eloan: Lorandoy to all.
Ostium murmurs: Also keep amps handy for healing.
Lyren makes a courteous bow to Eloan.
Kyriann: So we have an expedition to mount against KoDs, to test their race speed.
Nilstilar: Seelagan, Nair Eloan.
Ostium waves to Eloan.
Eloan: (I don't know how to “emote” properly either.:p))
Ostium: Seelagan nair Eloan.
Eloan bows.
Eloan: Sorry for the end of this session. and for its “during” too for that matter.
Ostium à Eloan : (/bow?)
Kyriann à Eloan : (That'll come back.)
Eloan: but if I said sorry every time I made a clumsy mistake you'd hear nothing but that!
Kyriann laughs. Lyren laughs. Ostium laughs.
— Nilstilar: Tssstttt. You're slandering yourself, Nair!
Eloan: Krill!!! a little support please!
Eloan points to Krill: My second best friend is her, there. Even if she pretends she isn't!
Lyren: She's sleeping… shh
Kyriann smiles: But I think for Krill her barrel is her first second and even third best friend.
Eloan: Then back to Thesos for me, Lorandoy!
Kyriann: Lorandoy Eloan!
Ostium : Lorandoy Nair Eloan.:-)
Nilstilar tries to wave Eloan… (too late): Laye mai… I'll leave you in my turn.
Kyriann looks at the night, the snow…: I think everyone's going home.
Nilstilar: I wish you a good rest and will try to deliver readable minutes before long.
Kyriann straightens up.
Nisroch : Good luck Nils.
Lyren wonders what the Matis is brooding on. Nilstilar tears up a pact.
Ostium: Okal. Seelagan nair ambassador.
Lyren bows to Nilstilar.
Kyriann: Rho but we're all stuck sitting in the snow like this.

Minutes annexes

Eloan s'adressant à Azazor : le dos est agréable, mais votre visage m'a manqué… vous bouderez longtemps encore ?
Ostium à Eloan : (Tu vois qu'Azazor a la tête… Je te laisse dire à quoi tu ressembles Azazor.^^)
Azazor : (j'ai la tête tournée vers le feu… on me voit de dos ?)
Eloan : (moi oui. :p)
Azazor : (j'ai le visage et une bonne partie du corps cramé, dans le genre double face bien moche et un horrible trou au niveau du front)
Eloan est horrifiée : mais !!! qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé, on peut faire quelque chose !!!
Eloan à la cantonnade : (désolée… du hors-sujet en attendant.)Pardon… essaie d'être sage mais ne lache pas Azazor du regard.
Azazor murmure à Lyren : tu vois la trykette talodi ? c'est l'ancienne épouse d'Ufo.
Azazor murmure toujours : alors quand t'aura le temps, pense à lui présenter tes respects.
Lyren chuchote : Ufo ? Ah ? Euh… d'acc…
Azazor murmure toujours : et aussi la maitresse d'icus, ton père. mais t'inquiète, ta mère, c'est bien eeri, y'a pas de doute.
Lyren fronce les sourcils : On peut parler de ce genre de choses à un autre moment ?
Nilstilar se demande si un membre de la N'ASA n'aurait pas découvert le test ADN. Ostium rigole. Lyren dévisage la trykette en face d'elle, un peu froidement. Eloan est perdue dans ses pensées.
Lyren s'incline devant Eloan. Lyren recule un peu, pas très sûre.
Eloan : Pardonnez moi… mais, vous ressemblez trait pour trait à celle que je considère comme ma meilleure amie. Désolée de vous avoir regardée, je ne voulais pas vous offenser.
Lyren : Euh… Votre meilleure amie?
Eloan : Je suis partie longtemps… vraiment longtemps, et je n'ai pas de réponses à mes izams.
Lyren : Vous connaissez ma mère ?
Eloan : Eeri est votre mère ? Ouiiii ! oh mais quelle joie de vous rencontrer !!!
Eloan : Comment va-t-elle ?
Lyren hésite : elle va… euh… pas trop….
Eloan : Nous passions des nuits entières à refaire le monde au bar de Thesos.
Eloan : je suis une ancienne légionnaire mais y a longtemps… si longtemps maintenant.
Lyren grimace un peu : On peut en parler autour d'un verre, à l'occasion….
Eloan : Oy, volontiers… Eeri est devenue maman !! j'en reviens pas. rit
Lyren compte sur ses doigts : deux fois, même.
Eloan : Ohhhhhh ! un frère ? une sœur ?
Eloan semble réelllement heureuse, et sincère.
Lyren : Un petit frère. Le fils d'Azazor.
Eloan : oh la dernière fois que je les ai vu ensemble c'était… chez les frahars et c'était chien et chat. sourit
Lyren hésite à dire totalement ce qu'elle pense de sa mère, étant à portée de baffe de Kyriann.
Kyriann : (ça vaut mieux oy!)
Eloan reste bienveillante et visiblement naïve sur la situation.
Eloan : Demeurez-vous à Thesos ?
Lyren : Mais ravie de faire votre connaissance.
Eloan : j'y ai repris ma vieille cabane.
Lyren : ney, Thesos.
Eloan sourit : Enchantée Lyren. j'ai hâte si vous acceptez de me raconter un peu.
Lyren sourit : enchantée aussi, je vous raconterai… ce que je sais.
Eloan : Et moi ce que je sais si vous voulez.
Lyren : avec plaisir...

Eloan est ravie. Lyren ne sait pas vraiment si elle veut tout savoir, mais sourit le plus poliment possible

  1. Word pun: FR "suffisant" means EN "smug" or "sufficient".
  2. See the minutes, appended (in blue) above under the main ones, of asides… shared in public!
  3. With that of Lyren, cult lines of a famous FR movie.
  4. An other word pun in FR (disposé/laid out=dix-posés/ten-put).
  5. Editor's note: Here, I (like Zorroargh?) understood the opposite of what Eloan meant…. Hence my “on the spot” reply and the appendix pointed out above which wants to keep both parties (the asides and their publicity in the meeting) sweet.

Last version 2024-06-04•
