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<poem>    For the [[Zoraï]], Matis research is an aberration. The Matis ambition goes beyond what a homin has the right to want, so, for the Zoraï, the [[Celestial Seed]] so much hoped for from the Matis is nothing more than a poison intended to infect other homins. The Matis are exuberant in that they do not seek the advice of the Kamis before undertaking their research and they risk, again and again, the wrath of Atys. One will have understood that for the Zoraï, the Celestial Seed is only an illusion for the common homins.</poem>
<poem>    For the [[Zoraï]], Matis research is an aberration. The Matis ambition goes beyond what a homin has the right to want, so, for the Zoraï, the [[Celestial Seed]] so much hoped for from the Matis is nothing more than a poison intended to infect other homins. The Matis are exuberant in that they do not seek the advice of the Kamis before undertaking their research and they risk, again and again, the wrath of Atys. One will have understood that for the Zoraï, the Celestial Seed is only an illusion for the common homins.</poem>
== La Graine Tryker ==
== The Tryker Seed ==
<poem>    "La [[Graine des Rêves]]", telle que la nomme les [[Trykers]], est une illusion nourrissant ces fous de Matis. Si ces derniers pensent qu'ils peuvent faire grandir tout ce qu'ils désirent à partir d'une simple graine, tous les Trykers savent bien qu'Atys est faite de milliers de plantes qui ont chacune leurs propres particularités et que des milliers de graines seraient nécessaires. Ce qui fait du projet matis une idiotie et une perte de temps. Les Trykers aiment à plaisanter en disant que les matis cultivent l'espoir d'une énorme graine mais que jamais elle ne sera aussi grande que leur ego collectif ..."Va chercher la Graine Céleste !" est une expression fréquemment employée par les aînés Trykers lorsqu'ils veulent qu'on leur fiche la paix ! L'expression "Arrête de chercher la graine céleste" montre également le peu de respect que les Trykers ont pour le rêve des matis.</poem>
<poem>    The “[[Seed of Dreams]], as the [[Trykers]] call it, is an illusion feeding those Matis fools. If they think they can grow anything they want from a single seed. Every Tryker know that Atys is made of thousands of plants, each one with its own particularities and that thousands of seeds would be needed. This makes the matis project nonsense and a waste of time. The Trykers like to joke that the Matis cultivate the hope of a huge seed but that it will never be as big as their collective ego ... ''“Go get the Celestial Seed!”'' is an expression frequently used by the tryker elders when they want to be left alone! The expression ''“Stop looking for the Celestial Seed”'' also shows how little respect the Trykers have for the Matis’ dream.</poem>
== La Graine Fyros ==
== The Fyros Seed ==
<poem>    Pour les [[Fyros]], les recherches matis visent à cultiver un organisme qui serait capable de résister à n'importe quelle agression. Mais, pour les Fyros, c'est oublier un peu vite que rien ne peut arrêter la brûlante progression du grand incendiaire. Les efforts des Matis sont donc totalement vains. Les Fyros critiquent ouvertement les recherches matis, soulignant que les homins des forêts préfèrent débattre de leurs recherches dans leurs labo-salons plutôt que de se confronter au véritable Ennemi, comme les guerriers Fyros le font.</poem>
<poem>    For the [[Fyros]], Matis research aims to cultivate an organism that would be capable of resisting any aggression. But, for the Fyros, it means forgetting a little quickly that nothing can stop the burning progression of the great arsonist. The efforts of the Matis are therefore totally in vain. The Fyros openly criticize the Matis research, pointing out that the forest homins prefer to debate about their research in their lounge-labs rather than confronting the real Enemy, as the Fyros warriors do.</poem>
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Revision as of 11:10, 6 December 2020

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The last editing was from Dorothée on 6.12.2020.

de:Himmlischer Same
en:Celestial Seed
es:Semilla celestial
fr:Graine Céleste
ru:Небесное семя
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2020-12-06)

The Matis Seed

    The Celestial Seed is the key to the great Matis pharmacology. It is said that it gives full power to its “germinator” to create any living object from a simple nucleus... The master botanists Matis learned how to generate new shoots from their most common Seeds. They thus guide the growth of young plants, day after day, sculpting them with their imagination into refined forms. The task is arduous because the plant grows slowly and is prone to anarchic growth. On average, it takes more than fifty years to produce most of the most beautiful creations. The matis would like to speed up the growth process so that they do not have to deal with the plants every day, their research is dedicated to this goal. The Matis seek to cultivate weapons, furniture, houses, but also have ambitious plans to create entire cities and, ultimate success, a planet. But this last ambition is nourished by the most extravagant Matis scientists. The craziest even imagine a world totally encompassed by a single Matis meta-spirit, where every centimeter of the seed would respond even to ephemeral subconscious desires? Matis have only a few rare seeds to work with. They are in search of the Celestial Seed, which is considered to be the largest of all Atys' seeds. A Matis legend tells that this seed can only be manipulated by the spirits of an entire civilization and that it would guarantee to this people the accomplishment of their deepest desires...

The Zorai Seed

    For the Zoraï, Matis research is an aberration. The Matis ambition goes beyond what a homin has the right to want, so, for the Zoraï, the Celestial Seed so much hoped for from the Matis is nothing more than a poison intended to infect other homins. The Matis are exuberant in that they do not seek the advice of the Kamis before undertaking their research and they risk, again and again, the wrath of Atys. One will have understood that for the Zoraï, the Celestial Seed is only an illusion for the common homins.

The Tryker Seed

    The “Seed of Dreams”, as the Trykers call it, is an illusion feeding those Matis fools. If they think they can grow anything they want from a single seed. Every Tryker know that Atys is made of thousands of plants, each one with its own particularities and that thousands of seeds would be needed. This makes the matis project nonsense and a waste of time. The Trykers like to joke that the Matis cultivate the hope of a huge seed but that it will never be as big as their collective ego ... “Go get the Celestial Seed!” is an expression frequently used by the tryker elders when they want to be left alone! The expression “Stop looking for the Celestial Seed” also shows how little respect the Trykers have for the Matis’ dream.

The Fyros Seed

    For the Fyros, Matis research aims to cultivate an organism that would be capable of resisting any aggression. But, for the Fyros, it means forgetting a little quickly that nothing can stop the burning progression of the great arsonist. The efforts of the Matis are therefore totally in vain. The Fyros openly criticize the Matis research, pointing out that the forest homins prefer to debate about their research in their lounge-labs rather than confronting the real Enemy, as the Fyros warriors do.


Last version 2021-09-17•