In Ryzom, players are able to become members of the lower branches of the governments. This allows them some say in how their nation reacts to the various events happening on Atys.
There are 4 nations in Ryzom, each corresponding to one of the four homin races. Each nation has it's own government, and it's own system by which the members of that government are chosen.
According to lore, the governments also differ greatly in their roles, duties and responsibilities. But in the current ingame reality they mostly all fulfil the same role.
The Fyros lower government is called the Akenak. It is made up of 5 members, and an individual member of this government is also called an Akenak. (The plural of this is also Akenak, thus the Akenak is made up of 5 Akenak.) The title given to players on this government is 'Fyros Akenak'.
The Akenak are chosen by election, which is held once every Jena Year (73 days IRL). Only citizens of the Fyros nation are allowed to run for Akenak, and only citizens of the Fyros nation are allowed to vote. The 5 candidates who receive the most votes become the Akenak for the following year.
The current Akenak (year 2550) are:
The Tryker lower government is called the Taliari. An individual member of this government is called a Taliar (Taliari is the plural). The title given to players on this government is 'Tryker Taliar'.
There is no fixed number of Taliari. Every leader of an active Tryker-aligned guild (or tribe) is automatically a Taliar, provided they are also a citizen of the Tryker nation. Thus the number of Taliari depends on how many of those guilds there are. A high officer of the guild can take over the duties of Taliar if the leader is absent, but they cannot actually become a Taliar.
The current Taliari (year 2550) are:
The Matis lower government is called the Chamber of Nobles. An individual member of this government is called a Noble (Nobles is the plural). The title given to players on this government is 'Matis Noble'.
There is no fixed number of Nobles. The Nobles are selected by the King out of guilds loyal to the Matis nation. Each such guild is then allowed to have two of it's member promoted to be Nobles: the guild leader and one high officer. They must both be citizens of the Matis nation and followers of the Karavan.
The current Nobles (year 2550) are:
The Zoraï player government, though it exists on the other servers, has not yet been implemented on the English server. The reason given is because there are not enough Zoraï citizens on the English server to form a proper government out of.
The higher governments are currently not open to the players and are composed entirely of NPCs. These higher up officials rarely appear and mostly leave business to the lower governments. They do appear in particularly important situations though, and can overrule decisions of the lower governments if they disagree with it.