From EncyclopAtys
- 1 Hints & Tips
- 2 Spoilers
- 2.1 Don't read any further if you don't want to take away the fun of discovering things by yourself.
- 2.2 Map of the Ruins of Silan
- 2.3 Fight Line - Given by Guilan [02]
- 2.4 Magic line - given by Nomis [03]
- 2.5 Crafting line - given by Sterga [04]
- 2.6 Harvesting Line - given by Miles [05]
- 2.7 (Optional) Kami Line - given by the Kami Guide [07]
- 2.8 (Optional) Karavan quests given by the Karavan Communication Officer [08]
- 2.9 (Optional) Ranger Line - given by Chiang the Strong [01]=
- 2.10 Talk to Chiang the Strong and leave Silan
Hints & Tips
- No matter what the quest log says, no quest requires you to be in a team in order to finish it.
- No matter what the quest log says, no quest requires you to use a certain skill (melee damage, magic damage, root, etc.) to kill a mob. If you want, you can use magic to kill mobs needed for a fighter quest, and the other way around. This especially applies to the quest in the Magic line that says you must root Javings to kill them -- root does no damage by itself, it merely stops the Javings at a distance where they cannot hit and disarm you.
- Some quest log counters don't update after every kill. For example, for the "Team work" quest, you have to kill 10 Javings. The counter will stay at 10 until you kill 10 Javings. Only then will the quest entry change.
- If you are on a team, and more than one member has the same "kill X mobs" or "kill a named mob" mission, each kill will count for only one of the players with that mission. The credit is random. This means the team must kill enough to satisfy the mission multiple times for everyone to be assured of completing theirs. Fortunately, as players complete their missions, kill credits stop counting towards them and go only to players who still need to finish.
- If a quest requires you to find a material of quality X, a material of higher quality will also count.
- You can use the "/target <name>" command to find NPCs, mobs, or players. The command has a 250m range, and <name> can only be one word. For example, if you want to target the Dominant Cray, you can use "/target dominant" but not "/target dominant cray". As you might expect, this will catch any "Dominant"-named mobs in the area, so you may still have to move around to find the Cray. Also, the command does not work for all NPCs. Both the word "target" and <name> can be abbreviated.
- ROOT and ROT are two different spells.
- Ask for teammates, resurrection, and Silan-specific help in the /region channel. The /universe channel is for more general questions.
- YOU CAN LEAVE SILAN AT ANY TIME. Once you are comfortable with:
- Selecting Skills by spending skill points,
- Creating your own Stanzas for Combat and Magic,
- The basic principles of Crafting,
- The basic principles of Harvesting,
Then talk to Chiang the Strong as directed at the very end of this page.
Don't read any further if you don't want to take away the fun of discovering things by yourself.
You have been warned.
Map of the Ruins of Silan

Map Legend
- [01] - Chiang the Strong & respawn point
- [02] - Guilan (the fighter trainer, 1h melee weapons merchant, 2h melee weapons merchant are nearby)
- [03] - Nomis (the magic trainer is nearby)
- [04] - Sterga (the craft trainer, light armor merchant, medium armor merchant, heavy armor merchant are nearby)
- [05] - Miles (the harvest trainer and jewelry merchant are nearby)
- [06] - Be'Tooly (the tool merchant is nearby)
- [07] - Kami Guide & respawn point
- [08] - Karavan Communication Officer
- [09] - Karavan teleportation point
- [10] - Kami of the lake & Kami respawn point
- [11] - Arken
- [12] - Specialist bandit
- [13] - Reitzak
- [14] - Fine Zun Amber spot
- [15] - Fine Motega Wood, Fine Sarina Seed and Fine Hash Amber spot
- [16] - Ragus Lair
- [17] - Yelk Hill
- [18] - Entrance to the jungle tunnel
- [19] - Exit from the jungle tunnel
- [20] - Dominant Kirosta
Fight Line - Given by Guilan [02]
Hunters and prey #1
- Kill 10x Suckling Yubo
- Reward: 3000 XP, 1500 dappers
Suckling Yubos are found around the camp.
Hunters and prey #2
- Find 1 x Suckling Bodoc
- Find 1 x Weanling Bodoc
- Find 1 x Weeny Ragus
- Find 1 x Weanling Yubo
- Reward: 6000 XP, 3000 dappers
All you have to do is to select one of each type as your target. Suckling Bodocs, Weanling Bodocs and Weanling Yubos are found in the Hunting Grounds, Weeny Ragus are aggro and are found at [16].
Hunters and prey #3
- Obtain and give 10 x Q6 Bodoc Meat
- Reward: 12000 xp, 4000 dappers
Bodoc Meat is a quest item and is obtained from any type of Bodoc found in the Hunting Grounds.
Hunters and prey #4
- Find 1 x Weeny Ragus
- Kill 5 x Weeny Ragus
- Reward: 9000 xp, 1x 1 Handed Axe
Weeny Ragus are aggro and are found at [16].
Team work
- Kill 10 x Newborn Javings
- Reward: 15000 xp, 1 Handed sword
New-born Javings are aggro, can disarm you and are found east and north-east of the Ruins of Silan, in the forest.
Red blades #1
- Kill Chlorogoo Looters until you obtain a Bandits' plan
- Reward: 5000 dappers, large shield
The Bandits' Plan is a quest item and is obtained from Chlorogoo Looters. They are are aggro, social, come in groups of four and are found the middle of the Ruins of Silan. You need to kill 1-2 of them until you get the Bandit's plan.
Red blades #2
- Kill Arken
- Reward: two handed word
Arken is found at [11] and has 5 Chlorogoo Looters with him, all of them being aggro and social. Ask in /region and get a group.
Magic line - given by Nomis [03]
First steps in magic #1
- Kill 10 x Suckling Yubo
- Reward: 1500 xp
Suckling Yubos are found around the camp.
First steps in magic #2
- Talk to Nomis
- Reward: 3000 xp, 1500 dappers
Birth of a magician #1
- Talk to Nomis
- Requirement Magic lvl 10; Cold 2 or Acid 2
- Reward: 6000 XP
Birth of a magician #2
- Kill 10 x Weaned Rendor
- Reward: 8000 xp, magic amplifiers
Weaned Rendors are found south and south-east of the Ruins of Silan, in the forest.
Birth of a magician #3
- Kill 10 x New-born Javing
- Requirements Root 1
- Reward: 10000 xp, 1 x light pants
New-born Javings are aggro, can disarm and are found east and north-east of the Ruins of Silan, in the forest.
In the service of people #1
- Kill 15 x Peaceful Slaveni
- Requirement Rot 1
- Reward: 22000 xp, 30000 dappers
Peaceful Slavenis are found east of the Ruins of Silan, near the forest.
In the service of people #2
- Loot and give 10 x Q10 Basic Yelk Mushroom
- Requirement Fear 1
- Reward: 15000 xp, magic amplifiers
Basic Yelk Mushroom is looted from Yelks that are found in and near the Ruins of Silan.
- Warning: Yelks have an AoE poison gas that is released after they are killed. This is the reason that Fear is a requirement for this quest. The Yelks will not release the AoE poison if they are feared at the moment of death.
- Protip: If you're working on Melee and Magic both anyway, melee the Yelks using a Stanza that includes Increased Damage 2. Melee them with it until they are at around 30% health, then use a Stanza that includes Fear. You should be able to kill them before they run out of range with one more use of the Increased Damage 2 Stanza, causing them to flop down dead within 3-5 meters of you. This is an excellent way to reduce downtime between Yelk Kills. As a side benefit, the Harvesters gathered on Yelk Hill will send you fewer hateful tells for killing a Yelk on top of them. :)
In the service of people #3
- Kill 10 x Puny Gingo
- Reward: 15000 xp, Magic Amplifiers
Puny Gingos are aggro and are found around the Throne Room.
Crafting line - given by Sterga [04]
A future artisan #1
- Craft 1 x Q10 Basic Light Boots
- Reward: 3000 xp, 1000 dappers
Sterga will give you 30 x Q10 Generic Raw Material.
A future artisan #2
- Buy 2 x Q10 Basic Buo Fiber
- Buy 2 x Q10 Basic Glue Resin
- Buy 1 x Q10 Basic Irin Oil
- Buy 1 x Q10 Basic Redhot Sap
- Craft 1 x Q10 Basic Light Boots
- Reward: 4000 xp, 2000 dappers
Sterga will give you 10000 gold and you can buy the mats from Be'Tooly at [06].
Rebuilding the future #1
Requirements: Light Pants Plan Reward: 5000 xp
- Craft 5 x Q10 Basic Light Boots
- Craft 5 x Q10 Basic Light Pants
Sterga will give you the following:
- 15 x Q15 Basic Enola Sap
- 30 x Q15 Basic Bodoc Skin
- 30 x Q15 Basic Anete Fiber
- 30 x Q15 Basic Glue Resin
- 30 x Q15 Basic Bodoc Tooth
- 15 x Q15 Basic Irin Oil
Use those materials to complete this quest.
Rebuilding the future #2
- Craft 5 x Q10 Basic Light Boots with HP Boost 1
- Craft 5 x Q10 Basic Light Pants with HP Boost 1
- Sell them to the Light armor merchant at [04].
- Requirement Crafting Option for HP Boost 1
- Reward: 8000 xp, light pants
Secrets of Silan #1
- Forage 15 x Basic Mitexi Bark
- Loot 15 x Javing Bone
- Reward: 10000 xp, 10000 dappers
New-born Javings are aggro, can disarm and are found east and north-east of the Ruins of Silan, in the forest.
Secrets of Silan #2
- Loot 15 x Q20 Basic Yelk Skin
- Loot 15 x Q20 Basic Yelk Mushroom
- Reward: 12000 xp, light vest
Basic Yelk Skin and Basic Yelk Mushroom are looted from Yelks that are found in and near the Ruins of Silan.
Secrets of Silan #3
- Craft 3 x Q15 magic amplifiers
- Requirement Melee Weapon Crafting 2, Magic Amplifier Plan, Crafting Tool for Melee Weapons
- Reward: 15000 xp, light boots
Secrets of Silan #4
- Loot 10 x Q12 Basic Slaveni Bud
- Loot 10 x Q12 Basic Slaveni Moss
- Talk to Sterga
- Give them to either Aryu or Nomis
- Reward: 15000 xp, 10000 dappers, light gloves
Basic Slaveni Bud and Basic Slaveni Moss are looted from Placid or Peaceful Slaveni found east of the Ruins of Silan.
Harvesting Line - given by Miles [05]
Art of harvesting #1
- Forage 2 x Q1 Basic Motega Wood
- Forage 2 x Q1 Basic Anete Fiber
- Forage 2 x Q1 Basic Horny Shell
- Forage 2 x Q1 Basic Koorin Oil
- Forage 2 x Q1 Basic Dung Resin
Reward: 2000 xp, 1000 dappers All of them can be foraged around the camp.
Art of harvesting #2
- Forage 15 x Q1 Basic Caprice Seed
- Requirement: Basic Prospecting
- Reward: 3000 xp
Caprice Seeds are on the hill where Chiang the Strong is [01].
Art of harvesting #3
- Forage 5 x Q5 Fine Motega Wood
- Forage 5 x Q5 Fine Sarina Seed
- Forage 5 x Q5 Fine Hash Amber
- Requirement Prospection for only fine materials
- Reward: 5000 xp
When you receive the mission a new flag [15] will appear on your map , the mats you need are found on a 50 meters radius area around it.
When you look at our map, the ambers are to the west of the marker, by the mushrooms
Art of harvesting #4
- Forage and give 1 x Q10 Fine Zun Amber
- Requirement 50m Deposit Tracking
- Reward: 7500 xp, light pants
Fine Zun Amber is found at [14], under the "E" in "Karavan Embassy", outside the Karavan compound, near the fence and between some trees.
Shattered Ruins #1
- Forage 5 x Q20 Basic Big Shell
- Forage 5 x Q20 Basic Gulatch Oil
- Forage 5 x Q20 Basic Buo Fiber
- Requirement: Harmful Extraction 20
- Reward: 10000 XP
All of them are found on the Yelk Hill [17].
Shattered ruins #2
- Obtain and give a Prince Diadem
- Reward: 12500 xp, light vest
The Prince Diadem is a quest item and is obtained from boxes (caisses) found in the north part of the Ruins of Silan.
Shattered Ruins #3
- Go to the Throne Room and back
- Reward: 15000 xp, light boots
Merry harvester #1
- Forage 10 x Q20 Plain Dead Leaf
- Reward: 20000 xp, light gloves
Plain Dead Leaves are found on the island in the middle of the Shining Lake.
Merry harvester #2
- Use 4 x Healing Mixture on 4 Fresh Goo Eruptions
- Reward: 22000 xp, ring
Fresh Goo Eruptions are found around the Chlorogoo Camp at [13].
(Optional) Kami Line - given by the Kami Guide [07]
Purge the lands #1
- Kill 8 x Nauseous Frippo
- Reward: 7500 dappers, Kami fame
Nauseous Frippos are found around the Blight Zone.
Purge the lands #2
- Kill 10 x Nauseous Capryni
- Reward: 12000 dappers, Kami fame
Nauseous Caprynis are found around the Blight Zone.
Purge the lands #3
- Kill 1 x Young Ocyx
- Reward: 15500 dappers, Kami fame
Young Ocyx are found north and north-east of the Blight Zone.
(Optional) Karavan quests given by the Karavan Communication Officer [08]
Study of the goo #1
- Forage 20 x Q11 Phial of Plain Fresh Goo Residue
- Obtain 20 x Q11 Plain Fresh Goo Residue
Reward: 7500 dappers, Karavan fame Plain Fresh Goo Residue is a quest item and is obtained from Nauseous Frippos that are found around the Blight Zone.
Study of the goo #2
- Forage 20 x Q23 Phial of Average Fresh Goo Residue
- Obtain 20 x Q23 Average Fresh Goo Residue
- Reward: 12000 dappers, Karavan fame
Average Fresh Goo Residue is a quest item and is obtained from Nauseous Caprynis that are found around the Blight Zone.
Study of the goo #3
- Forage 1 x Q24 Phial of Average Dried Goo Residue
- Obtain 1 x Q24 Average Dried Goo Residue
- Reward: 15500 dappers, Karavan fame
Average Dried Goo Residue is a quest item and is obtained from Young Ocyx that are found north and north-east of the Blight Zone.
(Optional) Ranger Line - given by Chiang the Strong [01]=
Investigation at the bandits, Gravest sin #1, Gravest sin #2, Gravest sin #3, Gravest sin #4
- Obtain Goo Remover from Specialist bandit
- Talk to Chiang the Strong
- Talk to Sterga
- Talk to Nomis
- Talk to Miles
- Talk to Guilan
- Talk to Chiang the Strong
- Talk to Kami of the lake
- Kill Reitzak
- Talk to Chiang the Strong
- Talk to Kami of the lake
- Go to the jungle
- Target a Weak Kipee
- Talk to Chiang the Strong
- Reward: 15000 fight xp, 15000 magic xp, 15000 craft xp, 15000 harvest xp
A new flag will appear on your map, south-east of the lake, marking the position of the Specialist bandit [12]. Kami of the lake is at [10], Reitzak is in the Chlorogoo camp at [13], the entrance of the tunnel that leads to the jungle is at [18], the tunnel exit is at [19].
Confront the Kitin Threat
- Kill 8 x Weak Kipee
- Kill 5 x Young Kipesta
- Kill 1 x Dominant Kirosta
- Forage 15 x Q1 Basic Redhot Sap
- Requirement Fight level 30 or Magic level 30
- Reward: medium vest, medium sleeves, medium pants, medium gloves, medium boots
Weak Kipees are found all over the jungle, Young Kipestas are found in the middle and northern part of the jungle, the Dominant Kirosta is at [20]. Basic Redhot Sap is found near the jungle entrance.
Talk to Chiang the Strong and leave Silan
At this point, if you've done the 4 main quest lines and the 3 optional quest lines, you've done everything there is to do on Silan, and it's time to go to the Mainland.
Talk to Chiang the Strong at any time, and select the very last quest in the list he has. He will send you to speak with either the Kami or the Karavan Communication Officer. On your return, he will offer to send you to any of the 4 main Racial Cities.
- Fairhaven, the Tryker city in the Lake District.
- Yrkanis, the Matis city in the Forest District.
- Zora, the Zorai city in the Jungle District.
- Pyr, the Fyros city in the Desert District.
Choose carefully. Once you arrive, you will be unable to travel to another City or District without going on a Trek, as there are very high level creature zones between the Cities.