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de:Benutzerin:Dorothée en:User:Dorothée es:Usuaria:Dorothée fr:Utilisatrice:Dorothée ru:Участница:Dorothée
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Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2020-06-19)

Personal Amber
Do'Ro Thee
Dorothée Portrait 01.png
Do'Ro Thee means in Atysian: The richest of the branches
(Thée: a wood, rich in resin)
Race Tryker
Gender Female
Nation None
Organization Rangers
Worship None
Faction Rangers
Guild Cercle du Bois d'Almati
Rank High Officer
Birth Unknown
Death Alive
Mother Kay N'su-Ger
Father Sel 'Ordu Thée
Babel user information
fr-N Cette utilisatrice a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
de-1 Diese Benutzerin beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
es-0 Esta usuaria no tiene ningún conocimiento del español (o lo entiende con mucha dificultad).
Users by language


    I remember little about my early childhood among the Trykers, except the terror I experienced during the Kitins of the Deep raid that took my family. Hidden in (empty) beer barrels by our parents, we were able to escape the massacre. I guess the smell of clopper secretion repelled the kipestas... Luckily, shortly afterwards, a Ranger patrol found my twin sister Am'al Thée, my cousin Da'ni Ellea and I, starving to death, and took us to the Silan refugee camp.


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