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<center><big><big><big>'''Jahreszeiten oder Saison''' <ref>[https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic%2Fview%2F31053%2F2&lang=de Foren » EVENTS » &#x5B;Zoraï&#x5D;  Jahreszeiten oder Saison (28/08/2020)]</ref></big></big></big></center>
<center><big><big><big>'''The seasons of Season''' <ref>[https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic%2Fview%2F31053%2F2&lang=en Foren » EVENTS » &#x5B;Zoraï&#x5D;  The seasons of Season (2020/08/28)]</ref></big></big></big></center>
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==Haido Xuan==
==Haido Xuan==
<poem>    Haido Xuan, der Dynastische Gärtner, war in Eile, um nicht zu spät zu ihrem Termin mit Mabreka zu kommen. Ihre Mission im Nexus lief sehr gut. Seit dem Rindenbeben hatte sie Änderungen in der Region bemerkt und das Auftauchen von Pflanzen anderer Regionen faszinierte sie. Sie war beschäftigt, aber das letzte Treffen der Wissenschaftler ließ ihr ein Schauern den Rücken hinunterlaufen. Sie musste der großen Maske sobald wie möglich davon erzählen und nach Rat fragen.
<poem>    [[Haido Xuan]], the Dynastic Gardener, was in a hurry not to be late for her appointment with Mabreka. Her mission in Nexus was going pretty well. Since the barkquake, she had seen the region change and the emergence there of plants from other areas was intriguing to her. She had been busy, but the last meeting of the scientists had given her the creeps. She had to tell the Great Mask about it as soon as possible and ask for his advice.
    “Kami'ata Revered Mabreka!
– Kami'ata verehrte Mabreka!
Kami'ata Haido! You seem fidgety a lot! What's troubling your serenity?
Kami'ata Haido! Ihr seht etwas unruhig aus. Was bereitet Euch Sorgen, Euer Durchlaucht?
— Season! exclaimed the gardener.
– Saison! rief die Gärtnerin.
     [[Mabreka Cho|Mabreka]] looked at her, troubled in turn.
Haido Xuan made an effort to overcome her emotion and began to explain:
     [[Mabreka Cho|Mabreka]] sah sie an, ihrerseits besorgt.
— We have regular meetings between scientists from the four nations in the Nexus. During the last one, Meeny O'Lan and Arry Sanin were talking about the recordings they are conducting in the region. According to them, it is possible that new tremors may occur, especially in the northern Nexus, which until now has been pretty well preserved. That is when the stele of Sage Season suddenly came back to my mind and, upset by this thought, I didn't follow too much what our two collaborators from [[The FISHES society]] were saying.
    Haido Xuan versuchte ihre Gefühle in den Griff zu bekommen und begann zu erklären:
     Mabreka stared at the gardenerer for a moment and then seemed to concentrate before speaking again.
– Wir haben regelmäßige Treffen im Nexus von uns Wissenschaftlern der vier Nationen. Während des letzten Treffens sprachen Meeny O'Lan und Arry Sanin über ihre Aufzeichnungen in der Region. Ihren Angaben zufolge ist es möglich, dass neuerliche Beben auftreten können, besonders im nördlichen Nexus, welcher bisher größtenteils unversehrt geblieben ist. Dann musste ich plötzlich an die Stele vom Weisen Saison denken, und von diesem Gedanken mitgenommen, habe nicht nicht mehr mitverfolgt, was unsere Mitarbeiter von der FISHES-Gesellschaft sagten.
— Do you think they would agree to come and tell us about the situation?
     Mabreka starrte die Gärtnerin einen Moment lang an und konzentrierte sich bevor sie wieder sprach.
— I'm sure they would, Great Mask: they love to talk about their recordings! The only worry will be to stop them when they are launched on the topic.
– Glaubt Ihr, dass sie willens wären, zu kommen und uns von der Situation berichten?
— Thank you, Haido! And be serene: Ma-Duk will show us the way!</poem>
– Dessen bin ich mir sicher, Große Maske: sie lieben es, über ihre Aufzeichnungen zu reden! Die einzige Sorge wird sein, sie zum Aufhören zu bewegen sobald sie einmal mit dem Thema angefangen haben.
– Danke, Haido! Und sei versichert: Ma-Duk wird uns den Weg zeigen!</poem>
     Mabreka betrachtete den Batao. Trotz der Jahre, die vergangen waren, konnte er nicht sinnieren ohne an seinen Freund Saison zu denken. Er sah es als ob sie direkt vor ihm wären, der Kami und Saison, die sich unterhielten. Er konnte die jugendliche Stimme seines Freundes klar hören, fragend <q>Welches Wissen muss ich mir aneignen, um selbst zum Ma-Duk aufzusteigen ?</q> und die Antwort des Kami <q>Der Batao muss seine Blüten verlieren. Morgen wird Atys sich im Winter zusammenkauern</q>.
     Mabreka was watching the batao. In spite of the years that had elapsed, he could not contemplate one without thinking of his friend Season. He saw, as if they had been there, in front of him, the Kami and Season conversing. He could hear his friend's voice, clear in his youth, ask <q>What knowledge do I need to acquire to raise myself to Ma-Duk ?</q> and the Kami's answer:  <q>The batao is shedding its flowers. Tomorrow Atys will be huddled in the winter</q>.
     Saison brauchte ein ganzes Jahr an Meditation, vier Atysche Zyklen, um die Tiefe dieser wenigen Worte zu ermessen. Aber Mabreka zweifelte nicht, dass er alle Jahreszeiten Atys' für sich Zeit nahm. Also warum nun diese Drohung? Aber war es wirklich eine Drohung ? War es nicht der Große Schöpfer der hierdurch ein Zeichen an seine Jünger sendete ?
     It had taken Season a whole year of meditation, four atysian cycles, to completely measure the depth of these few words, but Mabreka had no doubt that he had managed to take all the seasons of Atys for himself. So why this threat now ? But was it really a threat ? Was not the Great Maker thereby making a sign to his disciples ?
   Er musste noch meditieren und den zwei Wissenschaftlern zuhören. Die Eingeweihten und Erleuchteten könnten ihm helfen, mehr Verständnis zu erlangen.</poem>
   He still had to meditate and listen to the two scientists. The Initiates and Awakened could help him to better understand.</poem>
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|+Plakat an den Wänden der Städte der Zoraï
|+Poster on the walls of the Zoraï cities
|style=" padding:25px;"|<poem><span style="font:  1em serif; color: purple;">
|style=" padding:25px;"|<poem><span style="font:  1em serif; color: purple;">
    Awakened, Initiates, Friends of Theocracy, Ambassadors, I invite you to an exceptional Assembly of the Circles on 8h - Dua, Pluvia 8, 4th AC 2609<ref>[OOC] On Friday, 28 August 19:00:00 UTC[/OOC]</ref>, dedicated to the events that took place in the Nexus region.
     Erleuchtete, Jünger, Freunde der Theokratie, Botschafter, ich lade Euch ein zu einer außergewöhnlichen Versammlung der Kreise am 8h - Dua, Pluvia 8, 4. AZ 2609 <ref>[OOC]Am Freitag 28 August 20:00:00 UTC[/OOC]</ref>. Thema ist das Geschehen im Nexus.
     Two scientists from the FISHES Society will come to talk to us about these events and their possible consequences.
    Zwei Wissenschaftler der FISHES - Gesellschaft werden uns über die Ereignisse berichtet und deren mögliche Konsequenzen.  
     Eingreifen im Nexus wird sehr wahrscheinlich erforderlich sein: kommt mit passender Ausrüstung.
     Action in the Nexus will most likely be necessary: come with the appropriate equipment.
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[[Category:Zoraï]] [[Category:Zoraï Literature]] [[Category:Events]][[Category:History after 2525]]
[[de:Jahreszeiten oder Saison]] [[en:The seasons of Season]] [[es:Temporadas de Estación]] [[fr:Les saisons de Saison]] [[ru:Сезоны Сезона]]
[[Category:Zoraï]] [[Category:Ranger-Literatur]] [[Category:Animations]]
{{last version link|The seasons of Season}}</noinclude>
[[de:Jahreszeiten oder Saison]] [[en:The seasons of Season]] [[es:Temporadas de Estación]] [[fr:Une vieille archive]] [[ru:Сезоны Сезона]]
{{last version link|Jahreszeiten oder Saison}}</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 20:11, 13 May 2021

de:Jahreszeiten oder Saison
en:The seasons of Season
es:Temporadas de Estación
fr:Les saisons de Saison
ru:Сезоны Сезона
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2021-05-13)

The seasons of Season [1]

Haido Xuan

    Haido Xuan, the Dynastic Gardener, was in a hurry not to be late for her appointment with Mabreka. Her mission in Nexus was going pretty well. Since the barkquake, she had seen the region change and the emergence there of plants from other areas was intriguing to her. She had been busy, but the last meeting of the scientists had given her the creeps. She had to tell the Great Mask about it as soon as possible and ask for his advice.
     “Kami'ata Revered Mabreka!
— Kami'ata Haido! You seem fidgety a lot! What's troubling your serenity?
— Season! exclaimed the gardener.
    Mabreka looked at her, troubled in turn.
Haido Xuan made an effort to overcome her emotion and began to explain:
— We have regular meetings between scientists from the four nations in the Nexus. During the last one, Meeny O'Lan and Arry Sanin were talking about the recordings they are conducting in the region. According to them, it is possible that new tremors may occur, especially in the northern Nexus, which until now has been pretty well preserved. That is when the stele of Sage Season suddenly came back to my mind and, upset by this thought, I didn't follow too much what our two collaborators from The FISHES society were saying.
    Mabreka stared at the gardenerer for a moment and then seemed to concentrate before speaking again.
— Do you think they would agree to come and tell us about the situation?
— I'm sure they would, Great Mask: they love to talk about their recordings! The only worry will be to stop them when they are launched on the topic.
— Thank you, Haido! And be serene: Ma-Duk will show us the way!”


    Mabreka was watching the batao. In spite of the years that had elapsed, he could not contemplate one without thinking of his friend Season. He saw, as if they had been there, in front of him, the Kami and Season conversing. He could hear his friend's voice, clear in his youth, ask What knowledge do I need to acquire to raise myself to Ma-Duk ? and the Kami's answer: The batao is shedding its flowers. Tomorrow Atys will be huddled in the winter.
    It had taken Season a whole year of meditation, four atysian cycles, to completely measure the depth of these few words, but Mabreka had no doubt that he had managed to take all the seasons of Atys for himself. So why this threat now ? But was it really a threat ? Was not the Great Maker thereby making a sign to his disciples ?
   He still had to meditate and listen to the two scientists. The Initiates and Awakened could help him to better understand.

Poster on the walls of the Zoraï cities

    Awakened, Initiates, Friends of Theocracy, Ambassadors, I invite you to an exceptional Assembly of the Circles on 8h - Dua, Pluvia 8, 4th AC 2609[2], dedicated to the events that took place in the Nexus region.

    Two scientists from the FISHES Society will come to talk to us about these events and their possible consequences.

    Action in the Nexus will most likely be necessary: come with the appropriate equipment.

Ma Kwai

  1. Foren » EVENTS » [Zoraï] The seasons of Season (2020/08/28)
  2. [OOC] On Friday, 28 August 19:00:00 UTC[/OOC]

Last version 2021-05-13•
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