From EncyclopAtys
What's up in 2018, in 2017 back to to User Manual.
- Access the Roadmap with some explanation
Big changes
JY 2603 patch
For US: May, 17th May after 22:00 UTC, and May 18th after midnight CEST
In short (see full message on the official forum), a client, data and server patching and a restart of the game server :
- new interface for teleportation at Kamis and Karavan altars, Option to automatically rebuy a Kami or Kara pact after a TP (requires max fame)
- option to put a Zig in the bag, your Zig can be teleported with you
- team Invite button in Guild Member List and Friend List
- welcome message in chat channels
- Kami and Karavan teleport pacts no longer have weight/bulk in your bag
- Ryzom installer (new URLs for download, erasing of a profile on MAC or Linux debugged)
- New fresh backgrounds for icons
- landmarks stored in XML file instead of ICFG file (meaning editable out of game)
- new underwear icons (they now show the right color)
This patch also includes the results of the work done on Dynamic Events (DE), New Horizons (NH) and the target command.
- Dynamic Events: addition of the "Kitin Invasion", "Puzzle" Dynamic Event, a new button in the Map (to display all Dynamic Events, with a new a blue round icon)
- New Horizons: merger of New Horizons and Brotherhood of the Fortunate Gubani; global limit for "Support Missions" (fame rewards) removed; 1 000 dappers for all (whatever their fame)...
- Target command now supports keyword search (e.g. for a yubo) as follows:
- /tar yubo -- no quotes, target closest entity that contains 'yubo' in its name;
- /tar suckling yubo -- no quotes, target closest entity that contains both 'suckling' and 'yubo' in its name;
- Order not important, full words not needed '/tar y kling' would be a match. Also /tar "ora" -- with quotes, Will target an entity who's name starts with 'ora', as currently /tar "suckling yubo" -- with quotes, targets an entity who's name starts with 'suckling yubo';
- some current old macros may need quotes now for short keywords, i.e. 'ora', but existing macros using quotes will continue to work.
Addendum: Evolution of hardware infrastructure The month of March and the beginning of April were the occasion for a spring cleaning, including:
- the moving of the billing server to
- the migration of Ryzom Chat to another server while retaining its URL:
- the migration of the Yubo server to a new, more powerful machine; it is now dedicated to the tests required by ongoing developments;
- the installation, identical to that of Yubo, of a new server called Gingo, which hosts the tests for acceptance of completed developments before they are put into operation on Atys; this is the pre-production server whose implementation was long overdue;
The next step in the hardware reconfiguration of the platform will see the migration of Atys, the game server, to new higher performing machine and the confirmation of Gingo as the Atys mirror server facilitating the application of patches and providing a rescue solution in the event of a failure of the latter. The Ryzom Team remains at your disposal for any additional information, and best wishes to you!
More on the official forum
Jena Year 2602 Patch v3.5.0
On the forum Patch 3.5.0 - 2019-02-08
In very very short : a client, data and server patch + a restart of the game server, on February 8th, 2019 :
- New rewards at Wheel of Fortune
- Guild Islands
- Yubokin comes to settle on the island of Silan
- Change in OP battles: Removal of the neutral status during the battle
- Ranger Gameplay balance, Marauder Improvments
- Clients Improvements
As an example of lovely Improvements : UI-Scale for all Clients, let's have a look in System / Configuration / Graphics / General :
It goes from 0.80 to 2.00.
And new Inventory features, with a better quality filter (here, only mats, from q 50 to q 200)
To Discovery of guild islands, by CraftJenn.
Forge reports
2019 May
The 13th : see the report :
- a public RC channel, to help improve wiki on
- Arionasis / Teeneemai Memorial: a zig will stay on Silan. Very soon, more on the forum.
- deepl for In Game translations (better than Goo-Trad, specially with EN-DE and DE-EN), in test, as an automatic translator on all channels in game. It will have an on/off option. Test it on
- Thanks to contact Tamarea, as we need volunteers in almost all teams on
2019 March
See Forge report on the forum
- Announce about new TP interface (they won't take place in our bags anymore), by Inky
- Searching people for CSR and event team
- New servers ! Gingo is is installed (Atys mirror, for pre-patch tests), and we are moving to more efficient servers.
2019 Jan
See Forge report on the forum
- it gives lot of informations
- about the Inventory bug :
Q: Any idea of the date of resolution of the inventory bug (the filter by clicking on "?" is now ineffective) and of the objects-grouping one (the displayed list of equipped objects is faulty)?
A: We are actively working on this and should soon be successful. As mentioned above, the bug that prevented replies to tickets from being sent is now fixed and we are taking this opportunity to improve their tracking (e.g. acknowledgement of receipt giving the number of the ticket). However, it is still recommended that players issuing tickets always use the same email address while exchanging with the team about the same ticket.
--CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati (talk) 10:18, 28 January 2019 (UTC)