From EncyclopAtys
Fyros | History | Protagonists | Politics | Culture | Roleplay | fyrk |
Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2021-10-30)
Fyrk Lexicon
Fyrk (FY) | Allemand (DE) | Anglais (EN) | Espagnol (ES) | Français (FR) |
an | erster, Meister von (Suffix) | first, master of (suffix) | primero, maestro de (sufijo) | premier, maître de (suffixe) |
ak | Qualität | quality | calidad | qualité |
aka | was | what | qué | quoi |
akaï | Heldentum | heroism | heroísmo | héroïsme |
akaïos | Held | hero | héroe | héros |
akash | Ehre | honor | honor | honneur |
akega (aka geyès) | Wozu, zu welchem Zweck? | what … for? | ¿por qué? | pour quoi, dans quel but, vers quoi vas-tu ? |
akegen | Ziel | aim, objective | objetivo | but, objectif |
aken | Tugend | virtue | virtud | vertu |
akenya (aka geniyèt) | warum (was ist die Ursache?) | why (what is the cause of that?) | (el) porque (de) | pourquoi (de quelle chose cela vient-il ?) |
akep | danke
Es handelt sich um eine Abkürzung des Ausdrucks "akash dèpyr" (wörtlich: Tod in Ehren), mit dem die Soldaten der Fyros, wenn sie auf dem Schlachtfeld starben, ihren Gegnern dafür dankten, dass sie ihnen einen würdigen Tod bereitet hatten. |
thank you
It is a contraction of the expression "akash dèpyr" (literally: Death with Honor) by which Fyros soldiers, when dying on the battlefield, thanked their opponents for having given them a dignified death. |
Es una contracción de akash dèpyr, literalmente "Muerte en honor" que fue utilizada por los soldados Fyros que mueren en el campo de batalla, que "agradecieron" a sus oponentes por una muerte digna. |
Il s'agit d'une contraction de l'expression akash dèpyr (littéralement : La mort dans l'Honneur) par laquelle les soldats fyros, lorsque mourants sur le champ de bataille, remerciaient leurs adversaires de leur avoir procuré une mort digne. |
aketim | Rüstung | armor | armadura | armure |
aketimos | Wache | guard | guardia | garde |
aketimùch | schützen | to protect | proteger | protéger |
akum | Wert | value | valor | valeur |
an | ein | one | uno | un |
an, an-gey | leicht rechts, etwa auf 1 Uhr | overflow slightly to the right, at an hour | ligeramente desbordar por la derecha (hacia la una hora) | déborder légèrement par la droite, à une heure |
anaï | 1,728 (123) | 1,728 (123) | 1728, 123 | 1 728 (123) |
anaï ûr anaï | 2,985,984 (126) | 2,985,984 (126) | ~dos millones, 126 | 2 985 984 (126) |
anash | 144 (122) | 144 (122) | 144, 122 | 144 (122) |
anash ûr anaï ûr anaï | 429 981 696 (128) | 429,981,696 (128) | ~cuatro cientos millones, 128 | 429 981 696 (128) |
anash-kün | ein paar hundert, mehr als 144 | some hundreds, more than 144 | unos pocos cientos, más de 144 | quelques centaines, plus de 144 |
anul | Verknüpfung, einzigartig | link, single | vinculo, unico | lien, unique |
anulèch | verbunden, eine Einheit sein | to be linked, to be united | estar unidos | être lié, être unifié |
anum | zwölf, ganze Drehung | twelve, turn | doce, vuelta | douze, tour |
anum-de-gey | aufhören zu drehen | to cease turning | cesar de girar | cesser de tourner |
anum-gey | umdrehen (im Uhrzeigersinn) | to turn around (clockwise) | girar alrededor de (en el sentido horario) | tourner autour (dans le sens horaire) |
anum-kün | ein paar Dutzend, mehr als zwölf | some tens, more tahn twelve | unas pocas docenas, más de doce | quelques dizaines, plus de douze |
apotùch | zerstören | destroy | destruir | détruire |
ata | wenn | when | cuando | quand |
atak | Vorfahr, sehr alt | ancestor, ancient | ancestro, antepasado | ancêtre, très vieux |
atal | alt, früher | old | anciano | ancien |
atalbem | Eltern (Vater oder Mutter) | parent (father or mother) | padres (padre o madre) | parent (père ou mère) |
atalmalos | Onkel, Tante | uncle, aunt | tío, tía | oncle, tante |
atalmeyu | Sägemehl | sawdust | serrín | sciure |
atalor | Astro | star | astro | astre |
atalos | alter Mann, Großvater | elder, grandparent | anciano, abuelo | vieillard, grand-parent |
atalùch | suchen | to search for | buscar | chercher |
bakünos | Diplomat | diplomat | diplomático | diplomate |
bam | Sprache | tongue | lengua | langue |
bamiùch | Lecken (das) | lick | lamer | léchouiller |
bamùch | lecken | lick | lamer | lécher |
bav | Sprache | language | lenguaje | langage |
bavùch | sprechen | to speak | hablar | parler |
bavul | der Mund | the mouth | la boca | la bouche |
baven | Wort, Satz | word, sentence | palabra, frase | parole, phrase |
bavèch | gesagt zu werden (mir wurde gesagt, daß ..) | to be told (I have been told that…) | se me han contado | se faire raconter (on m'a dit que ...) |
bavèchaï | Mythos | myth | mito | mythe |
bavèchak | Legende | legend | leyenda | légende |
bavèchen | Klatsch und Tratsch | gossip, rumor | chismorreo | ragot, on-dit |
bavum | Rede, Erzählung | speech, story | discurso, recital | discours, récit |
bek-i-bemaï | Seelenverwandter | soul mate | amigo del alma | âme soeur |
bek | Freund | friend | amigo | ami |
beken | Freundschaft | friendship | amistad | amitié |
bekum | Clan, Gruppe | clan, group | clan, grupo | clan, groupe |
bekum[ukud] | zusammenfassen, gruppieren | gather together | reagruparse | regroupez-vous |
bel | sie, du, die anderen | you | usted(es), vosotras, vosotros | vous |
bem | ähnlich, auch, (ich) auch = (sel) bem | similarity, (I) too : (sel) bem | similitud, (yo) tambien = (sel) bem | similitude, (moi) aussi : (sel) bem |
bemaï | Zweites Ich (auch: Seele) | alter-ego | alter-ego | alter-ego |
bemen | ähnlich, wie .. | similar | semejante | semblable |
bemum | homogenes Ganzes, Harmonie, Familie | homogeneous whole, harmony, family | conjunto homogéneo, armonía, familia | ensemble homogène, harmonie, famille |
cak | Land | soil | tierra | terre |
caken | Gebiet | ground | terreno | terrain |
cakum | Territorium | territory | territorio | territoire |
cal | stark, Stärke | strong, strength | fuerte, fuerza | fort, force |
calem | Säule | pillar | pilar | pilier |
calpyren | Alkohol (buchstäblich Branntwein) | alcohol (literally hard water | alcohol (literalmente aguardiente) | alcool (littéralement eau forte) |
calpyrèküd | Zum Wohl! (Trinkspruch) | cheers! (in drinking sessions) | ¡Salud! (brindis) | santé ! (quand on trinque) |
coriolis | Zeichen der Unzufriedenheit | mark of discontent | señal de descontento | marque de mécontentement |
daï | Null, Abwesenheit, leer, Standard, nichts | zero, absence, void, by default, nothing | cero, ausencia, vacío, por defecto, nada | zéro, absence, vide, par défaut, rien |
de-anum-gey | drehen (in die entgegengesetzte Richtung) | to turn around (counterclockwise) | girar (en sentido contrario) | tourner (en sens inverse) |
debek | Feind | foe | enemigo | ennemi |
debekum[ukud] | entfalten, auflösen | deploy, ungroup | desplegados | déployez-vous, dégroupez |
debash | bizarr | odd | bizarro | bizarre |
debem | anders, fremd (zu einer Sache) | different, alien, unknown (object) | diferente, otro, extraño (por un lado) | différent, autre, étranger (pour une chose) |
debos (debemos) | der Nachbar, die anderen | the other, others | el prójimo, los otros | autrui, les autres |
decal | niedrig, klein, schwach | weak | debil | faible |
dèchùch | töten | to kill | matar | tuer |
dedèchùch | verschonen das Leben von | to spare, not to kill | perdonar la vida a | épargner, ne pas tuer |
defyr | kalt | cold | frió | froid |
defyrèch | kalt werden, kalt sein | to cool, to be cold | enfriarse, tener frió | se refroidir, avoir froid |
defyrùch | abkühlen | to cool | enfriar | faire refroidir |
defèch (defyrenèch) | ausgelöscht werden (durch ..) | to extinguish, to be extinguished | apagarse, ser apagado por | s'éteindre, être éteint par |
defùch (defyrenùch) | ausschalten | to extinguish | apagar | éteindre |
degey | Unbeweglichkeit, unbeweglich, gelähmt, ruhig (im erweiterten Sinne) | immobility, paralysed, calm (by extension) | inmovilidad, paralizado, calmo (por extensión) | immobilité, paralysé, calme (par extension) |
degey[ukud] | Halt! | stop ! | ¡alto! | stop ! |
degeyùch | stoppen | to immobilize, to stop moving | detenerse | s'immobiliser, s'arrêter |
deglad | unbewaffnet, in Frieden | unarmed, in peace | sin armas, en paz | sans armes, en paix |
dekün | klein | small | pequeño | petit |
dekünos | Kleiner (nicht unbedingt abwertend) | Tryker (not necessarily pejorative) | tryker (no necesariamente peyorativo) | tryker (pas forcément péjoratif) |
deku (tem) | Finger (kleiner Körperteil) | fingers (body's littles) | dedos | doigts (petits du corps) |
dekùch | Berühren (mit dem Finger) | to touch (with the finger) | tocar (con el dedo) | toucher (du doigt) |
dekior | schlecht, hässlich | evil, ugly | feo | mauvais, laid |
delek | Schwindel, Betrug | trick, swindle | estafa | arnaque, escroquerie |
delekos | Betrüger | swindler, trickster | estafador | escroc, arnaqueur |
demakèch | hassen | detest | odiar | détester |
demelo | endlos, immer | endless, always | sin fin, siempre | sans fin, toujours |
déné | Keine Ursache (umgangssprachliche Form von deney) | you're welcome(colloquial form of deney) | de nada (expresión familiar de deney) | de rien (forme familière de deney) |
deney (en) | Gern geschehen (Antwort auf akep) | no problem, you're welcome (in reply to akep) | no hay de qué (respuesta a akep) | pas de besoin, de rien (en réponse à akep) |
deok | außerhalb | outside | exterior | extérieur |
dekoùch | gehen, hinausgehen | to get out | salir | sortir |
depyr | tot | dead | muerto | mort |
depyrèch | sterben | to die | morir | mourir |
deran | weit von, weit weg | far from, distant, remote | lejos de, lejanos | loin de, distant, lointain |
detal | Idiot | idiotic | idiota | idiot |
detalaï | Vergessen | oversight | olvido | oubli |
detalèch | vergessen | to forget | olvidar | oublier |
detraz | Schweigen, Stille | silence | silencio | silence |
dey | kein | no | no | non |
deyùch | verweigern, ablehnen | to decline | negar, rechazar | refuser |
deza[ush] | verringern, reduzieren | to slow down, slow down | reducir, reduzca | ralentir, ralentissez |
di | acht | eight | hocho | huit |
didra | downward, depth | nach unten, tiefgründig | hacia abajo, profundidad | vers le bas, profondeur |
didraùch | absteigen | to go down | bajar | descendre |
didrup (didra ùr pyrae) | Quelle, Brunnen (Wasser aus der Tiefe) | spring, well (water of depths) | fuente, pozo | source, puits (l'eau des profondeurs) |
didrum | See, Teich | lake, pond | lago, estanque | lac, étang |
didren | liegend, horizontal | lying, horizontal | tumbado, horizontal | couché, horizontal |
dies | Fuß | foot | pie | pied |
dikar | Tritt, treten | kick | patada | coup de pied |
diren | nacht, schwarz | night, black | noche, negro | nuit, noir |
ditak | sehr jung, Baby, Neugeborenes | very young, baby, newborn | muy joven, bebé, recién nacido | très jeune, bébé, nouveau-né |
dital | neu, jung | new, young | nuevo, joven | nouveau, jeune |
ditalos | Anfänger, grün (im übertragenen Sinne) | beginner, newbie | debutante, novato | débutant, bleu |
ditalùch | erneuern, reparieren | to renovate, to repair | renover, arreglar | renover, réparer |
dizhaï | 13 824 (8x123) | 13,824 (8x123) | 13824, 8*123 | 13 824 (8x123) |
dizhash | 1 152 (8x122) | 1,152 (8x122) | 1152, 8*122 | 1 152 (8x122) |
dizhum | 96 (8×12) | 96 (8×12) | 96, 8*12 | 96 (8×12) |
do | weil, denn | because | ya qué | car |
ekar | Schlag, Durchschlag | punch | puñetazo | coup de poing |
el | du | you | tú | tu |
eps | fünf, Hand (fünf Finger) | five, hand (5 fingers) | cinco, mano (cinco dedos) | cinq, main (5 doigts) |
epzhaï | 8640 (5*123) | 8,640 (5x123) | 8640, 5*123 | 8 640 (5x123) |
epzhash | 720 (5x122) | 720 (5x122) | 720, 5*122 | 720 (5x122) |
epzhum | fünfzig = 60 (5×12) | fifty = 60 (5×12) | 60, 5*12 | cinquante = 60 (5×12) |
èr | von, das gehört zu | of, that belongs to | de, que pertenece a | de, qui appartient à |
eti-kamen | rettende (Heil-)Magie | healing magic | magia curanda | magie salvatrice |
eti-kamenos | Heiler (Magie) | healer (magus) | curandero mago | soigneur (magique) |
etikamen-lo | zweite [Gruppe von] Betreuern | second [goup of] healers | segundo [grupo de] curanderos | second [groupe de] soigneurs |
etim | Hilfe | help | ayuda | aide |
etimùch | Helfer | to help | ayudar | aider |
etimen | Pflege | heal | cuidados | soin |
etimenùch | Helfer (jemand | healer (somebody) | curandero (mago o no) | soigneur (quelqu'un) |
etimenos | Heilerin (nicht-magisch) | healer (no magus) | curandero no mago | soigneur (non magique) |
etimenèch | zu heilen (geheilt zu werden) | to get healed | curarse (hacerse curar) | soigner (se faire ...) |
faz | Geruch | odor | olor | odeur |
fazdek | schlechter Geruch | stench | mal olor | mauvaise odeur |
fazul (tem) | Nase | nose | nariz | nez |
fazèch | riechen (einen Geruch verströmen) | to smell (emit an odor) | oler (exhalar) | sentir (dégager une odeur) |
fazùch | riechen (einen Geruch wahrnehmen) | to smell (perceive by smell) | oler (percebir) | sentir (percevoir une odeur) |
fyrk | Wärme | heat | calor | chaleur |
fyrèch | aufwärmen, warm sein | to heat, to get hot | calentarse, tener calor | se réchauffer, avoir chaud |
fyrùch | Wärme | to heat | calentar | chauffer |
fyraï | Schicksal | destiny | destino | destinée |
fyren | Feuer | fire | fuego | feu |
fyrenùch | entzünden | to set fire to | incendiar | enflammer |
fyrk (fyrash) | Drache, Brandstifter | dragon, incendiary | dragón, incendiario | dragon, incendiaire |
fyrkamen | Elementarmagie (eigentlich: Feuer-Magie) | elemental magic (fire, but, by extension, all of the elemental magics | magia elemental (fuego, mas por extensión, toda magia elemental) | magie élémentaire (feu, mais par extension magie élémentaire tout court) |
fyrkamenos | Elementarzauberer | magus of elements | mago elemental | magicien élémentaire |
fyrtem, tem ùr fyren | Herz (Körperfeuer) | heart (fire of the body) | corazón (fuego de cuerpo) | cœur (feu du corps) |
fyrum | Feuerstelle | blaze | hoguera | brasier |
geniyùch | kommen | to come | venir | venir |
geniya | woher (?) | where from (?) | de dónde (¿?) | d'où (?) |
-gen | von (Nachsilbe) | from (suffix) | desde (sufijo) | en provenance de (suffixe) |
geniyen | Herkunft, Ursprung (geografisch) | provenance, origin (geographic) | procedencia, origen (geográfico) | provenance, origine (géographique) |
gey-gey-zakün | Aufladen, los geht's! | charge to the max, move yourself! | cargad a fondo, ¡se mueve! | chargez à fond, bougez-vous ! |
gey-gey | vorwärts (beharrlich, verstärkt) | forward (stressed, accented) | adelante (con insistencia) | en avant (insistant, renforcé) |
gey-za | schnelles Laden | fast charge | carga veloz | charge rapide |
gey-zakün | Ladung bei Höchstgeschwindigkeit | charge on full speed | carga a velocidad máxima | charge vitesse maximale |
gey-zaküs | waghalsig, tollkühn | daring | temeroso | téméraire |
gey-zas | tapfer | brave | valiente | brave |
gey | Bewegung, Verschiebung, vorwärts | move, shift, forward | movimiento, desplazamiento, en adelante | mouvement, déplacement, en avant |
-gey | zu (Nachsilbe) | toward (suffix) | hacia (sufijo) | vers (suffixe) |
geyùch | gehen zu | to go | ir | aller |
geya | wo, wohin | where, where to | donde, adonde | où, vers où |
geyen | Zielort, Ankunftsort | destination, place of arrival | destino, lugar de llegada | destination, lieu d'arrivée |
geyos | Vagabund | tramp | vagabundo | vagabond |
geyèchen | Standort (gegenwärtig, zu Besuch) | place (present, of transit) | lugar (tener), sitio | lieu (présent, de passage) |
geyum | Reisen, Expedition | trip, expedition | viaje, expedición | voyage, expédition |
geyumùch | reisen | to travel | viajar | voyager |
geyumos | Reisende | traveller | viajero | voyageur |
glad | Waffe | trad EN | arma | arme |
gladùch | kämpfen | to fight | combatir | combattre |
gladen | Kampf | fight | combate | combat |
glados-an | erste [Gruppe von] Kriegern, oder Elitekrieger (je nach Kontext) | first [group of] warriors or elite warrior (depending on the context) | primer [grupo de] guerreros, guerreros élites (según el contexto) | premier [groupe de] guerriers, ou guerrier d'élite (suivant le contexte) |
glados-lo | zweite [Gruppe von] Kriegern | second [group of] warriors | segundo [grupo de] guerreros | second [groupe de] guerriers |
glados | Kämpfer, Kriegerin | fighter, warrior | combatiente, guerrero | combattant, guerrier |
gladum | Krieg | war | guerra | guerre |
hob | Kleidungsstück | piece of clothing | prenda, ropa | vêtement |
hobùch | (jemanden oder sich selbst) anziehen | to dress (somebody else or oneself) | vestir | habiller (quelqu'un ou soi-même) |
hobaï | Mode (die) | fashion | moda | mode (la) |
hoben | Set (Kleidung), Anzug (komplett) | clothing, outfit | conjunto, traje | ensemble (de vêtement), costume (complet) |
hobenos | Schneider (männlich/weiblich) | tailor | sastre | tailleur (homin/e) |
hobèch | angekleidet werden | to be dressed | cortarse | habiller (se faire..) |
hobum | Garderobe (Kleidung) | wardrobe (all clothings) | guardarropa | garde-robe (ensemble de vêtement) |
hukos (künos-hus) | Hauptmann (Rang) | captain (grade) | capitán (grado) | capitaine (grade) |
hus | drei, auf der rechten Seite | three, on the right | tres, a la derecha | trois, à droite |
hus, hus-gey | nach rechts, auf drei Uhr | move on the right, at three hours | id a la derecha, a 3 horas | partez à droite, à trois heures |
huzhaï | 5 184 (3x123 | 5,184 (3x123) | 5184, 3*123 | 5 184 (3x123 |
huzhash | 432 (3x122) | 432 (3x122) | 432, 3*122 | 432 (3x122) |
huzhum | 36 (3×12) | 36 (3×12) | 36, 3*12 | 36 (3×12) |
i | und | and | y | et |
in | sieben | seven | siete | sept |
inaï | 12 096 (7x123 | 12,096 (7x123) | 12096, 7*123 | 12 096 (7x123) |
inash | 1 008 (7x122 | 1,008 (7x122) | 1008, 7*122 | 1 008 (7x122) |
inum | 84 (7×12) | 84 (7x12) | 84, 7*12 | 84 (7×12) |
ix | zehn | ten | diez | dix |
izhaï | 17 280 (10×123 | 17, 280 (10×123) | 17280, 10*123 | 17 280 (10×123) |
izhash | 1 440 (10×122 | 1,440 (10×122) | 1440, 10*122 | 1 440 (10×122) |
izhashor | Jahr (1.440 Tage, 4×360 Tage) | year (1,440 days, 4x360 days | año (4x360 dias) | année (1 440 jours, 4×360 jours) |
izhum | 120 (10×12) | 120 (10x12) | 120, 10*12 | 120 (10×12) |
kahel | Bernstein (Material) | amber (material) | ámbar (materia) | ambre (matière) |
kaldir | Granate | garnet | granate | grenat |
kam | Sap | sap | savia | sève |
kamen | Magie | magic | magia | magie |
kamenos | Magier | magus | mago | magicien |
kar | Schuss (allgemein) | blow (generic) | golpe (genérico) | coup (générique) |
kartal | Schlag ins Gesicht, herausfordernde Beleidigung | blow to the face, challenging insult | golpe en la cara, insulto desafiante | coup au visage, insulte de défi |
kask | Bernstein (Farbe) | amber (color) | ámbar (color) | ambre (couleur) |
kek | schneiden, aufschneiden | cut, slicing | corte, tala | coupe, tranchage |
kek-anaï | in kleine Stücke geschnitten, kleine Fraktion | cut into small pieces, small fraction | cortado en trozos pequeños, fracción pequeña | coupé en petits morceaux, petite fraction |
kek-anum | geteilt durch zwölf, ein Zwölftel (Bruch), Monat | cut into twelve pieces, a twelfth (fraction), month | cortado en doce, un doceavo (fracción), mes | coupé en douze, un douzième (fraction), mois |
kek-lo | halbieren, halb | cut in half, half | cortado por la mitad, mitad | coupé en deux, moitié, demi |
kek-on | in Viertel schneiden, vierteln | cut in four pieces, quarter | cortado en cuatro, cuarto | coupé en quatre, quart |
keken | ein Stück, Anteil, Bruchteil | piece, a part, a fraction | pieza, parte | morceau, une part, une fraction |
kekùch | schneiden, trennen, knicken | to cut, to slice, to bend | cortar, rebanar, doblar | couper, trancher, plier |
kekum | hacken, fein gehackt | mince, finely minced | picada, menú picado | hachis, haché menu |
kel | er | he | el | il |
kifyr | Glück | happiness | felicidad | bonheur |
kiryr (kifyr ùr pyr) | Freudenträne | tear of joy | lágrima de alegría | larme de joie |
kifyrèch | glücklich sein | to be happy | ser feliz | être heureux |
kifiren | Fest, Feier | party | fiesta | fête |
kifirùch | feiern | to party | estar de juerga | faire la fête |
kior | gut, schön | good, beautiful | bueno, hermoso | bon, beau |
kif | Lachen (das) | laughter | risa | rire (le) |
kifèch | lachen | to laugh | reír | rire (verbe) |
kifùch | Leute zum Lachen bringen, Witze machen | to make […] laugh, to joke | hacer reír, bromear | faire rire, blaguer |
kilek | Geschenk | gift | regalo | cadeau |
kilekùch | Angebot | to offer | ofrecer | offrir |
kokar | Ellenbogen, Knie | nudge, knee | codazo, golpe de rodilla | coup de coude, genou |
kol | Knitter, Falte | crease | pliegue | pli |
koltem | Hauptgelenk, Knie, Ellbogen | major articulation, knee, elbow | articulación mayor, rodilla, codo | articulation majeure, genou, coude |
kolèch-(lo/hus) | sich verbeugen (kolèch-lo) / sitzen (kolèch-hus) | to kneel in respect (kolèch-lo)/ to sit (kolèch-hus) | inclinarse (kolèch-lo) / sentarse (kolèch-hus) | s'incliner (kolèch-lo) / s'asseoir (kolèch-hus) |
kol-hus | sitzend, gefaltet in 3 | sitting, folded in three | sentado, doblado en 3 | assis, plié en 3 |
kolùch | falten | to fold | pliegar | plier |
kolum | Falten | wrinkles | arrugas | rides |
krak | Zähne, Reißzähne (Synonym von krok) | teeth, fangs (synonyme for krok) | dientes, colmillos (sinónimo de krok) | dents, crocs (synonyme de krok) |
krakien | spielerischer oder anregender Biß | playful or stimulating bite | mordida juguetona o estimulante | morsure peu appuyée ludique ou stimulante |
krakiùch | freundlicher Biß | to "friendly" bite | morder "amigablemente" | mordre « amicalement » |
krat | Spitzhacke | pickaxe | pico | pioche |
kraten | Loch, Ausgrabung | hole, excavation | agujero, excavación | trou, excavation |
kratos | Ausgräber | driller | perforador | foreur |
kratùch | ausgraben | to drill | escavar | forer |
kratum | Grabung (der Ort) | quarry | cantera | carrière (l'endroit) |
kri | Nägel, Krallen | nails, claws | uñas, garras | ongles, griffes |
kridaken | bösartiges Kratzen | vicious scratch | rasguño vicioso | griffure vicieuse |
kridakùch | Kratzen, Aufschlitzen mit dem Ziel der Tötung | to scratch, to lacerate to kill | arañar, lacerar para matar | griffer, lacérer dans le but de tuer |
krin | Kratzer (allgemein) | scratch (generic) | rasguño (genérico) | griffure (générique) |
krini | leichtes Kratzen zur Anregung | light scratch to stimulate | rasguño ligeramente presionado para estimular | griffure peu appuyée pour stimuler |
kriniùch | zärtlich kratzen | to "softly" scratch | arañar "tiernamente" | griffer « tendrement » |
krinùch | kratzen (allgemein) | to scratch (generic) | arañar (genérico) | griffer (générique) |
krital | Kratzer im Gesicht, tödliche Beleidigung | scratch on the face, mortal insult | rasguño en la cara, insulto mortal | griffure au visage, insulte mortelle |
kritalùch | kratzen im Gesicht, beleidigen | to scratch on the face, to insult | rasguño en la cara, insulto | griffer au visage, insulter |
krodaken | tödlicher Biß | deadly bite | mordedura fatal | morsure fatale |
krodakùch | mit einem Hieb der Reißzähne erledigen (wird bei Raubtieren verwendet) | to finish […] off with a stroke of fang (used about predators) | terminar con un bocado (usado para depredadores) | achever d'un coup de dent (utilisé pour les prédateurs) |
krok | Zähne, Reißzähne (Synonym: Krak) | teeth, fangs (synonyme for krak) | dientes, colmillos (sinónimo krak) | dents, crocs (synonyme krak) |
krokaï | die Kunst des Beißens | the art of bites | el arte de la mordedura | l'art des morsures |
krokarn | Kampf-Biß | "fighting" bite | mordida de "combate" | morsure « de combat » |
krokarùch | tief zubeißen, um zu verletzen | To bite deep to injure | morder profundamente para lastimar | mordre profondément pour blesser |
kroken | Biß (allgemein) | bite (generic) | mordida (genérico) | morsure (générique) |
krokien | beißend | nibbling | mordisqueo | mordillage |
krokiùch | kauen | to nibble | mordisquear | mordiller |
krokùch | beißen (allgemein) | to bite (generic) | mordida (genérico) | mordre (générique) |
krokün | ritueller Biss zwischen Männchen und Weibchen, um die Geliebte zu markieren und von ihr markiert zu werden | ritual bite between homin and homina intended to mark and be marked by the loved one | mordida ritual entre homin y homine destinada a marcar y ser marcado por el ser querido | morsure rituelle entre homin et homine destinée à marquer et se faire marquer par l'être aimée |
kün | Großer, Anführer (abgekürzt von künos) | great, chief (abbreviated form of künos) | grande, jefe (abreviatura de künos) | grand, chef (abrégé de künos) |
kün-fyrum | Sonne | sun | sol | soleil |
künaï | Größe (bildlich gesprochen), Adel | greatness (figurative sense), nobility | grandeza (en sentido figurado), nobleza | grandeur (au sens figuré), noblesse |
künak | Titan | giant | titánico | titan |
künos | Chef, Führer | chief | jefe | chef |
künos-an | Erster Chef, Kommandeur | top chief, commander | primer jefe, comandante | premier chef, commandant |
künos-hus | Hauptmann (Rang) | captain (grade) | capitán (rango) | capitaine (grade) |
künos-lo | zweiter Offizier | second in command officer | segundo oficial | officier en second |
künos-on | Leutnant | lieutenant | teniente | lieutenant |
künpaya | schwanger (Homina) | pregnant | enceinte | enceinte (homine) |
künüm | riesig | huge | gigante | géant |
kyanos | Jäger | hunter | cazador | chasseur |
kyanùch | Jagd | to hunt | cazar | chasser |
la-gey-zas urkyan | misstrauische Beute | fearful prey | presa temerosa | proie peureuse |
la-gey-zas, lagezas | weggelaufen, feige, ängstlich | fugitive, coward, fearful | fugitivo, cobarde, temeroso | fuyard, lâche, peureux |
la, la-gey | Ruhestand, Rückzug, Rückkehr | retreat, moving back, come back | retirarse, retroceso, volved | retraite, recul, revenez |
la | sechs, Rückschlag | six, moving back | seis retroceso | six, recul |
ladi | Hintern, Gesäß | rear, buttocks | posteriores, nalgas | postérieur, fesses |
lagez | Angst | fear | miedo | peur |
lagezèch | sich ängstigen | to be afraid | tener miedo | avoir peur |
lagezùch | erschrecken, verscheuchen | to scare | dar miedo | faire peur |
laï | 10 368 (6×123) | 10,368 (6×123 | 10,368, 6*123 | 10 368 (6×123) |
lahash | 864 (6×122) | 864 (6×122) | 864, 6*122 | 864 (6×122) |
lahum | 72 (6×12) | 72 (6x12) | 72, 6*12 | 72 (6×12) |
ledap (leken èr dapper) | Transaktion, Geschäft | transaction | transacción | transaction |
ledapùch | verkaufen | to sell | Vender | vendre |
ledapèch | kaufen | to buy | comprar | acheter |
lekèch | empfangen | receive | recibir | recevoir |
leken | Tausch, Austausch | trade | cambio | échange |
lekenùch | tauschen, austauschen | to trade | intercambiar | échanger |
lekùch | geben | to give | dar | donner |
lik | Pflanzen-Essenz | plant essence | esencia vegetal | essence végétale |
likan | pflanzlich, Pflanze | vegetable, plant | vegetal, planta | végétal, plante |
likum | Feld | field | campo | champ |
likùch | wachsen, sich entwickeln | to grow | crecer | pousser, croître |
likan (sk) | grün | green | verde | vert |
likadir | dunkelgrün | dark green | verde oscuro | vert foncé |
likafyr | smaragdgrün | emerald-green | esmeralda (color) | émeraude (couleur) |
lo | zwei | two | dos | deux |
loash | 288 (2x122 | 288 (2x122) | 288, 2*122 | 288 (2x122) |
hus-lodid | das rechte Bein | the right leg | la pierna derecha | la jambe droite |
lodid (tem) | die Beine (lo-didra-tem, die 2 Unterkörper) | the legs (lo-didra-tem, the body two bottom ones | las piernas (lo-didra-tem, ambos parte inferior del cuerpo) | les jambes (lo-didra-tem, les 2 du bas du corps) |
lodra | die Arme (lo-odra-tem, die 2 Oberkörper) | the arms (lo-odra-tem, the body two top ones) | los brazos (lo-odra-tem, ambos parte superior del cuerpo) | les bras (lo-odra-tem, les 2 du haut du corps) |
lokos (künos-lo) | Stellvertretender Kommandant | second in command | segundo al mando | commandant en second |
lozhaï ûr anaï | 2x126 | 2x126 | ~dos millones, 2x126 | 2x126 |
lozhaï | 3 456 (2×123) | 3,456 (2×123) | 3456, 2*123 | 3 456 (2×123) |
lozhash anum lo | 216 (base 12) soit 302 (base 10) | 216 (base 12) or 302 (base 10) | 216 en base 12, lo que da en base 10: 302 | 216 (base 12) soit 302 (base 10) |
lozhum-bem | etwa 2 Dutzend | about two dozens | alrededor de 2 docenas | environ 2 douzaines |
lozhum | 24 (2×12) | 24 (2×12) | 24, 2*12 | 24 (2×12) |
lyrùch | singen | to sing | cantar | chanter |
lyren | Lied | song | canción | chanson |
lyros | Sänger/-in | singer | Cantante | chanteur |
lyrum | Konzert, Vortrag | concert, recital | concierto, recital | concert, récital |
mak | Liebe | love | amor | amour |
makos | Liebhaber, Freund | lover, boyfriend | amante | amant, petit ami |
makèch | lieben | to love | amar, querer | aimer |
malaka | Kind | child | niño | enfant |
malos | Bruder, Schwester | brother, sister | hermano, hermana | frère, soeur |
mektib | Mektoub (Tier) | mektoub (animal) | mektoub (animal) | mektoub (animal) |
mektichk | rehbraun (Farbe) | fawn | leonado | fauve (couleur) |
melaï | 19 008 (11×123) | 19,008 (11×123) | 19008, 11*123 | 19 008 (11×123) |
melash | 1 584 (11×122) | 1,584 (11×122) | 1584, 11*122 | 1 584 (11×122) |
melo, melo-gey | leicht nach links, auf elf Uhr | overflow slightly to the left, at eleven hours | ligeramente desbordar por la izquierda, hacia las once horas | déborder légèrement par la gauche, à onze heures |
melo | elf, letzte, Ende | eleven, last, end | once, último, fin | onze, dernier, fin |
melum | 132 (11×12) | 132 (11×12) | 132, 11*12 | 132 (11×12) |
melùch | fertigstellen, beenden | to end, to finish | terminar | terminer, finir |
meyu | Holz | wood | madera | bois |
meyu (sk) | holzfarben, braun | wood (color), brown | color madera, marrón | bois (couleur), marron |
meyum | Wald (von Bäumen) | trad EN | bosque (árbol) | forêt (d'arbre) |
meyor (meyu i or) | helles Holz (Farbe), zwischen beige und gelb | light wood (color), between beige and yellow | madera clara, entre beige y amarillo | bois clair (couleur), entre beige et jaune |
mefyr (meyu i fyr) | hellgelb | bright yellow | amarillo brillante | jaune vif |
mogùch | essen | to eat | comer | manger |
mogum | Bankett | banquet | banquete | banquet |
negey (neygey) | frei, Freiheit (ich gehe wohin ich will) | free, freedom, I go wherever I want (I want I go) | libre, libertad, voy a donde quiero (quiero voy) | libre, liberté, je vais où je veux (je veux je vais) |
nel | sie | they | ellos | ils |
nel ûr la | auf ihre Nachhut, sie von hinten fangen | on their rear guard, catch them from behind | en su retaguardia, llévalos de vuelta | sur leur arrière-garde, prenez les à revers |
nel ûr sen | auf der linken Flanke (des Feindes) | on the left flank (of the enemy) | en el flanco izquierdo (del enemigo) | sur le flanc gauche (de l'ennemi) |
ney | ja | yes | sí | oui |
neya | ja | yes | si | si |
neyen | brauchen | need | necesidad | besoin |
neyùch | zu wollen, zu akzeptieren | to want, to accept | querer, aceptar | vouloir, accepter |
niar | alle, heterogene Gruppe, alle zusammen | all, heterogeneous set, all together | todo, conjunto heterogéneo, todos juntos | tout, ensemble hétérogène, tous ensemble |
nuk | Traurigkeit | sadness | tristeza | tristesse |
nukùch | traurig (sein) | (to be) sad | (estar) triste | (être) triste |
nuken | weinen | crying | lloro | pleur |
nukum | deprimiert, Depression | depressed, depression | deprimido, depresión | déprimé, dépression |
nùryr (nuk ùr pyr) | Träne (der Traurigkeit) | tear (of sorrow) | lágrima (de tristeza) | larme (de tristesse) |
nutal (nuk-tal) | emotionale Schmerzen | moral pain | dolor moral | douleur morale |
nutalèch | moralisch leiden (bei Unklarheiten) | to be in moral pain (when ambiguous) | sufrir moralmente (si hay alguna ambigüedad) | souffrir moralement (s'il y a ambiguité) |
nutèch | leiden (allgemein) | to be in pain | sufrir (genérico) | souffrir (générique) |
nutem (nuk-tem) | körperlicher Schmerz | physical pain | dolor físico | douleur physique |
nutemèch | körperliche Schmerzen (bei Unklarheiten) | to be in physical pain (when ambiguous) | sufrir físicamente (si hay alguna ambigüedad) | souffrir physiquement (s'il y a ambiguité) |
odra | Himmel, himmelblau, hoch | sky, sky-blue, high | cielo, azul cielo, arriba | ciel, bleu ciel, haut |
odraos | blau (nicht unbedingt negativ) | Zoraï (not necessarily pejorative) | zoraï (no necesariamente peyorativo) | zoraï (pas forcément péjoratif) |
odraï | Universum | universe | universo | univers |
odratem | Torso, Oberkörper | torso, top part of body | torso, parte superior del cuerpo | torse, haut du corps |
odrak (tem) | Brustkorb | chest | pecho | poitrine |
odrafyr | hellblau | bright blue | azul brillante | bleu vif |
odradir | nachtblau | midnight blue | azul oscuro | bleu nuit |
odrag | grau-blau | blue-gray | gris azulado | bleu-gris |
odralyk | türkis (Farbe) | turquoise | turquesa | turquoise |
odraùch | hinaufgehen (aufwärts) | to go up | subir | monter (vers le haut) |
odren | stehend, aufrecht | standing, raised, vertical | de pie, erecto (hacia arriba), vertical | debout, dressé (vers le haut), vertical |
odrup (ancien) | Regen (Wasser vom Himmel) | rain (the water from sky) | lluvia (agua del cielo) | pluie (l'eau du ciel) |
og | Rauch | smoke | humo | fumée |
ogor | hellgrau | light gray | gris claro | gris clair |
og (sk) | grau | gray | gris | gris |
ogbem | heimlich | stealth | cauteloso | furtif |
oks | innen | inside | interior | intérieur |
okùsh (oks-gey[ush]) | hinein (gehen, geben) | enter | Entrar | entrer |
okran (oks-ran) | Rand, Grenze (in der Nähe des Innenraums) | edge, border (near the inside) | borde (cerca del interior) | bord, frontière (proche de l'intérieur) |
okranos | Grenzbewohner, Grenzgänger | homin of the border, border dweller | homín fronterizo | homin de la frontière, frontalier |
on | vier | four | cuatro | quatre |
onzhaï | 6 912 (4x123) | 6,912 (4x123) | 6912, 4*123 | 6 912 (4x123) |
onzhash | 576 (4x122) | 576 (4x122) | 576, 4*122 | 576 (4x122) |
onzhum | 48 (4×12) | 48 (4×12) | 48, 4*12 | 48 (4×12) |
onkhos (künos-on) | Leutnant (Rang) | lieutenant (grade) | teniente (rango) | lieutenant (grade) |
or | licht, hell | light | luz | lumière |
oraï | Order | order | orden | ordre |
orak | Disziplin | discipline | disciplina | discipline |
oràch | Ich mußte es (tun), es war meine Pflicht, gern geschehen (als Antwort auf einen Dank) | I had to (do it), it was my duty, you're welcome (in reply to thanks) | Tenía que (hacerlo), era mi deber, de nada (gracias) | je devais (le faire), c'était mon devoir, de rien (suite à merci) |
oren | Tag | day | día | jour |
oren pyr | Guten Morgen (mehr oder weniger "Tag der Ehre und des Todes") | hello (more or less "day of honor and death" | hola (más o menos "día de honor y muerte") | bonjour (plus ou moins "jour d'honneur et de mort") |
orèch | müssen | to have to | tener que | (verbe) devoir |
orkolum | Düne | dune | duna | dune |
orul | Augen | eyes | ojos | yeux |
orulfyren | Wut ("Flammenaugen") | anger ("eyes in fire") | ira (ojos de fuego) | colère ("yeux de flamme") |
orum | Wüste | desert | desierto | désert |
orsk | weiß | white | blanco | blanc |
orskos | Weißer Homin (beleidigend für Matis) | Matis (insult) | matis (insulto) | matis (insulte) |
orog | sehr helles Grau (gräuliches Weiß) | lighter gray (grayed white) | gris muy claro (blanco grisáceo) | gris très clair (blanc grisé) |
os | Homin | homin | homin | homin |
osa | wer | who | quién | qui |
pak (tem) | Geschlecht (Organ) | genitals | sexo (órgano) | sexe (organe) |
paken | der Geschlechtsakt | the coitus | el acto sexual | l'acte sexuel |
pakùch | Liebe machen | to have sex | hacer el amor | faire l'amour |
paya | Nest | nest | nido | nid |
paya (tem) | Bauch (Körperteil) | womb | vientre (de la homine) | ventre (de l'homine) |
payaèch | geboren werden | to be born | nacer | naître |
payaùch | gebären, entbinden | to give birth | dar a luz | accoucher |
pyr | feucht, nass, lebend | dampness, damp, life | humedad, húmedo, vida | humidité, humide, vie |
pyrùch | trinken | to drink | beber | boire |
pyrae (pyraeen) | Wasser (das.., die..) | water | agua | eau |
pyren | Blut | blood | sangre | sang |
pyrèch | leben | to live | vivir | vivre |
pyrodra (moderne) | Regen | rain | lluvia | pluie |
ramèch | Scheiße, verdammt! (Schimpfwort) | shit, fuck (curse word) | mierda, puta (juramiento) | merde, putain (juron) |
-ran | nahe (Suffix); "'sel-ran, sel ùr ran"': "mir nahe | near (suffix); sel-ran, sel ùr ran: near me | cerca (sufijo); sel-ran, sel ùr ran : cerca de mí | près de (suffixe) ; sel-ran, sel ùr ran : près de moi |
ran | nahe, Nähe (geringe Entfernung) | close, proximity (short distance) | cerca, proximidad (corta distancia) | proche, proximité (faible distance) |
ranum | Nachbarschaft, Umgebung | neighborhood | vecindario | voisinage |
ranaï | Gedränge | overcrowding | promiscuidad | promiscuité |
ranos | Nachbar (Homin) | neighbor (homin) | vecino (homin) | voisin (homin) |
recht | Recht, Gesetz | law | ley | loi |
rechtèch | verurteilt werden | to be convicted | estar condenado | être condamné |
rechtùch | richten, Recht sprechen | to judge, to provide justice | juzgar, hacer justicia | juger, dispenser la justice |
rechten | Gerechtigkeit | justice | justicia | justice |
saltùch | tanzen | to dance | bailar | danser |
salten | Tanz | dance | danza | danse |
saltum | Tanz (-Veranstaltung, Ball) | ball (dance) | baile | bal |
sek | Farbe | color | color | couleur |
seka | von welcher Farbe .. | what color is … | de que color ... | de quelle couleur ... |
sel | ich | I | yo | je |
selen | Selbstwertgefühl, Selbstliebe | amour-propre | amor propio | amour-propre |
selum | Stolz, Ehrgefühl, Tapferkeit | pride, bravo | orgullo, bravo | fierté, orgueil, bravo |
selumdek | Prahlerei (selum dekior = schlechter, unangebrachter Stolz) | boasting ((selum dekior = bad pride, misplaced pride) | jactancia (selum dekior = orgullo malo, orgullo fuera de lugar) | vantardise (selum dekior = mauvaise fierté, fierté mal placée) |
selak | Ruhm, sehr großer Stolz (nach einer Heldentat) | glory, big bravo (after a | gloria, felicitaciones muy grandes (después de una hazaña) | gloire, très grand bravo (suite à un exploit) |
sen, sen-gey | nach links, auf 9 Uhr | glory, big bravo (following a feat) | id a la izquierda, a 9 horas | partez à gauche, à 9 heures |
sen | neun, links | nine, left | nueve, a la izquierda | neuf, gauche |
sen-lodra | der linke Arm | the left arm | brazo izquierdo | le bras gauche |
senaï | 15552 (9×12×12×12) | 15552 (9×12×12×12) | 15552, 9×12×12×12 | 15552 (9×12×12×12) |
senash | 1296 (9×12×12) | 1296 (9×12×12) | 1296, 9×12×12 | 1296 (9×12×12) |
senum | 108 (9×12) | 108 (9×12) | 108, 9×12 | 108 (9×12) |
sharùch | Macht | power | poder | pouvoir |
shùk, shùk likan | Shooki (Pflanze) | shooki (plant) | shooki (planta) | shooki (plante) |
sharük | Imperium | empire | imperio | empire |
sharümal | Prinz (Sohn/Tochter des Kaisers) | prince (son/daughter of the emperor) | principe (hijo / hija del emperador) | prince (fils/fille de l'empereur) |
sharükos | Kaiser | emperor | emperador | empereur |
takar | Schlag gegen den Kopf (auch: Halsstarrigkeit) | headbutt | golpe de cabeza | coup de tête |
tal | Verstand, Vernunft | mind, reason | mente, razon | esprit, raison |
talan | Gesicht | face | cara | visage |
talùch | denken | to think | pensar | penser |
talaï | Erlebnis, Erfahrung | experience | experiencia | expérience |
talash | Weisheit | wisdom | sabiduría | sagesse |
talen | Wahrheit | truth | verdad | vérité |
talorùch | Aussehen (Veränderung) | to look at (to edit) | mirar (editar) | regarder (modifier) |
talorèch | sehen | to see | ver | voir |
talorul | Sehen (der Sinn) | view (sense) | vista | vue (le sens) |
talorulak | visionär, weitblickend | visionary, clear-sighted | visionario, clarividente | visionnaire, clairvoyant |
talorulen | Vision | vision | visión | vision |
talum | Wissen | knowledge | conocimiento | connaissance |
taltem | Kopf, Gehirn (Geist des Körpers) | head, brain ("body's mind") | cabeza, cerebro (espíritu del cuerpo) | tête, cerveau (esprit du corps) |
tatalorèch (tal talorèch) | träumen, halluzinieren | to dream, to hallucinate | soñar, alucinar | rêver, halluciner |
tatalorul | Traum | dream | sueño | rêve |
tem | Körper | body | cuerpo | corps |
trabùch (traz-bavùch) | schreien | to yell | gritar | crier |
trazen | Klang, Geräusch | sound, noise | sonido, ruido | son (le), bruit |
trazèch | hören | to hear | oír | entendre |
trazùch | anhören, zuhören | to listen | escuchar | écouter |
trazul | Ohren | ears | orejas | oreilles |
trazum | Schläger (Gerät) | racket | jaleo | vacarme |
trazash | Donnern (Geräusch) | thundering noise | trueno | tonnerre (bruit du) |
uly | Material | material | materia | matière |
ulyn | Artefakt, Kunsthandwerk, handwerkliche Schöpfung | artefact, piece of handicraft, artisan's creation | artefacto, pieza de artesanía, creación artesanal | artefact, pièce d'artisanat, création d'artisan |
ulyum, ulym | Werkstatt | workshop | taller | atelier |
ulyak | Handwerk | handicraft | artesanía | artisanat |
ulyakos | Handwerker | crafter | artesano | artisan |
ulyakos-an | Handwerksmeister, erster Handwerker | master artisan, first artisan | maestro artesano, primer artesano | maître artisan, premier artisan |
ulyaï | Kunst | art | arte | art |
ulyùch | tun, machen | to make | hacer | faire |
unpyr | Schlaf (dekun-pyr, kleines Leben) | sleep ("dekun-pyr" = "small life") | sueño (dekun-pyr, pequeña vida) | sommeil (dekun-pyr, petite vie) |
unpyrèch | schlafen | to sleep | dormir | dormir |
unpyrùch | bewusstlos machen, ausschalten | to make unconscious, to knock out | dejar inconsciente, noquear | rendre inconscient, assommer |
ulya | wie | how | Cómo | comment |
ulyorùch | arbeiten | to work | trabajar | travailler |
ùr | possessif "qui possède" (voir Le possessif…) | possessive "who/which possess" (see Le possessif…) | possessiv 'wer besitzt' (siehe Le possessif… (fr)) | posesivo "quién posee" (ver el posesivo.. ) |
urkyan | Beute | prey | presa | proie |
var | Raubtier | predator | depredador | prédateur |
zel | wir | we | nosotros | nous |
![Fyros emblem.png](
The fyros language
Fyrk is a language of measure and reserve. It transcribes the way of life of the people of the Desert accustomed to surviving in a harsh and inhospitable environment. The Fyros language transcribed below was commonly spoken in the alleys, academies and palaces of the flamboyant capital of the Old Lands: Fyre.
The u is pronounced ou (as in mood). The e is pronounced é. The ü is pronounced u (as in new). The ï is pronounced aye (as in pie).
As a general rule, all vowels are pronounced, so pyrae is said pyr-a-é. Accented vowels are long (èch, ùch...). When there are more than two vowels to be pronounced in a row, the last one prevails. pyraeùch -> pyrùch Exception: pyraeen became pyrae
The r is guttural as in French, except when it is preceded by an accented vowel (ûr, nûr). In this case it is rolled (as in Italian).
The t and the k are very marked.
The “sh” at the end of a word tends to fall in favor of the “k” when the idea conveyed should be imbued with force or power. Thus orash becomes orak (discipline) or fyrash became fyrak then fyrk (dragon).
Two recordings, on the fyros pronunciation: (thanks to Skarn and Horion!) [1] et [2].
General Language Info
Marks of plural, gender, or deference are absent. Fyros don't bother with these kinds of subtleties. The context is generally sufficient to define the number, rank, and sex of beings and things.
Verbs and Conjugations
The verb is the main vector of context, being the one who transcribes the action. It is always located at the end of a sentence. (Except in official documents and speeches where it immediately follows the subject)
The verb is conjugated in 4 cases: Present, past, future, imperative.
The declensions of the verbs 'being' and 'having' are used to decline all the other verbs.
Past | Present | Future | |||
I was | àch | I am | èch | I will be | och |
You were | às | You are | ès | You will be | os |
He was | àt / àr | He is | èt / èr | He will be | ot / òr |
We were | san | We are | sun / sen | We will be | son |
You were | sat | You are | sut / set | You will be | sot |
They were | sam | They are | sum / sem | They will be | som |
Pass | Present | Future | |||
I had | nùk | I have | ùch | I will have | mùk |
You had | nùs | You have | ùs | You will have | mùs |
He had | nùr | He has | ùr | He will have | mùr |
We had | nùn | We have | hùn | We will have | mùn |
You had | nùt | You have | hùt | You will have | mùt |
They had | nùm | They have | hùm | They will have | mùm |
So to conjugate a verb you just need to add the cases of being or having following its root. Example: I drink -> pyrùch (pyraeùch, cf. Les vowels)
The choice of the case of being or having depends on the type of action described. We speak of passive or active form.
A verb is said to be active when its subject does the action. The cases of the verb having are then used. (see the example above.)
A verb is said to be passive when its subject undergoes the action without having any power over it. The cases of the verb to be are then used. Example: I live -> pyrèch I receive -> lekèch
Past, Present and Probable Future
3 descriptive tenses for verbs in èch: past (àch), present (èch), future (och)
3 descriptive tenses for verbs in ùch: past (nùk/nùch), present (ùch), future ( mùk/mùch)
(mnemonic: AEOn NUMerical => àch-èch-och nùk-ùch-mùk)
Special Case:
- èt (he is) is to be distinguished from èr (he is at) which denotes belonging and is most of the time translated as of
fyros èt -> He is Fyros, he is a Fyros. èr fyros -> He is in the Fyros, he belongs to him. èr sel ! -> It's mine!
This form does not exist for verbs other than to be.
- Some clans use the forms sen, set, sem instead of sun, sut, sum (we are, you are, they are)
Command Tone
Imperative Mode: èkud -> sois, soyez ùkùd -> aie, ayez
kifyrèkud -> Be happy! gladùkud -> Fight! (to assault)
Fyrk allows the usage of personal pronouns :
I | sel |
you (single) | el |
he | kel |
we | zel |
you (plural) | bel |
they | nel |
However, these pronouns are almost always eluded. They are used to emphasize the subject. (Me, I am ...) and in conjunction with the article ûr (see the possessive). Official texts and sententious speeches also use personal pronouns.
Example : I am -> sel èch is often presented as èch.
Common names
Just like the verb, the noun is declined. Many common Fyrk nouns have an identical origin: the root. The declension of this root will give a new word with a new meaning from a unique ideological base. We speak of a son-noun (or godson-noun).
Example: the word or (light) is a root. Once declined it gives rise to godson words. Thus or + -en gives oren, which means the day. or+-um gives orum which means the Desert.
The rule is always the same. The root being always the lowest common denominator at the level of meaning as at the level of grammar, we obtain an effect of increasing power for each particle:
Manifestation | Accumulation | Mastery | Ideal notion | |
Root + | -en | -um | -ash(-ak,-k) | -aï |
Example :
fyr(heat) | fyren(fire) | fyrum(blaze) | fyrk(dragon) | fyrai(destiny) |
or(light) | oren(day) | orum(Desert) | orak(discipline) | orai(order) |
tal(reason) | talen(truth) | talum(knowledge) | talash(wisdom) | talai(experience) |
In our example, fire is the manifestation of one of the qualities of the root, the blaze an accumulation of fire, the Dragon controls (or is the source) of fire, destiny is a notion which arises from all the previous cases.
There are no adjectives, strictly speaking, as in French. The same principle applies as for nouns.
- -ci (near) -> ha
- -là (distant) -> ka
- ha fyren -> these fires, this fire.
Possessives and Comparatives
The article ûr is used to mark possession. It is often omitted. When it is present, the structure is as follows:
fyrek ûr fyrk -> the heat of the fire sel ûr fyren -> my fire ûr is also used in comparisons: ha fyren ûr fyr -> the heat belongs to this fire, in other words this fire is the hottest. The other element compared depends on the context.
Figures and Numbers
Numbers are primarily used in combat to give direction of movement (see #Movements and order of battle).
This is why the Fyros numbering system is a base twelve system, more practical than base ten, because it is more easily divisible. There are therefore twelve numbers, including zero, although it is rarely used, except among scholars and Generals. Similarly, the simple soldier generally does not know how to count beyond 2 or 3 dozen.
daï | zero, absence, empty, nothing |
an | one |
lo | two |
hus | three, right |
on | four |
eps | five |
la | six, retreat |
in | seven |
di | eight |
sen | nine, left |
ix | ten |
melo | eleven, last, end |
We add:
- -hum for dozens (which correspond to tens[1] in base 10)
- -ash for dozens of dozens (which correspond to hundreds in base 10)
- -aï for dozens of dozens of dozens (which correspond to thousands in base 10)
Beyond this we use thousands of thousands by adding the ûr:
anaï ûr anaï | "millions" (in base 12, in fact 12^6) |
lozhaï ûr anaï | two "millions" (2*12^6 ) |
anash ûr anaï ûr anaï | 12^2(anash) "millions"(12^6) |
lozhash anum la | 216 (in base 12) or 302 (in base 10) |
As in French, the largest order first (thousands, then hundreds, then tens, then units) example: 158 = 144 + 12 + 6 = anash-anum-la
For millions (thousands of thousands) we put a multiplier in front if necessary: anash ûr anaï ûr anaï = 144 * 1728 * 1728
Only great scholars use this kind of number, ordinary mortals are content with anaï-kün (innumerable)
Rank, Order
Numbers are added as a suffix to indicate a rank, an order:
glados-lo | second [group of] warrior(s) |
malos-an | first brother, elder brother |
Fractions are constructed from the prefix kek (from kekùch, to cut, to slice) followed by the number
kek-lo | half, half |
kek-hus | third, one out of three |
kek-anaï | infinitesimal fraction, almost nothing |
The suffix kün (large) is used to mean a few, or more than
anum-kün | a few dozen, more than twelve |
anash-kün | a few hundred, more than 144 |
anaï-kün | many, innumerable |
The suffix bem (similar) is used to mean about
lozhum-bem | about 2 dozen |
Proper names
All Fyros proper names come from common roots that are actually the names of the first fyros. The variations are due to the added particles that correspond to the numbers representing the position of the fyros in the lineage, family, tribe, or army.
Thus Boello Mekops is the second child of the 5th lineage of Mek.
Colours actually refer to things, objects of characteristic colour (like orange or turquoise in French which refer to the fruit and the corresponding stone).
To distinguish the thing from its colour we add if necessary the suffix -sk or -chk (if there is no possible ambiguity the suffix is omitted)
To nuance the colour we add the following suffixes:
- or : light
- dir : dark
- fyr' : bright, bright
- og : fade, greyish
The interrogative seka exists and means what colour (is)
Reference | Color | Translation |
atalmeyu | atalmeyusk | sawdust/sand (color) |
fyren | fyren(sk) | fire (color), orange |
fyrendir | red | |
kahel | kask | amber |
kaldir | garnet | |
likan | likan(sk) | vegetable / green |
likadir | dark green | |
likafyr | emerald (color) | |
mektib | mektichk | tawny (mektoub color) |
meyu | meyu(sk) | wood color, brown |
meyor (meyu i gold) | light wood, between beige and yellow | |
mefyr (meyu i fyr) | bright yellow | |
odra | odra(sk) | sky / blue |
odrafyr | bright blue | |
odradir | bright night | |
odrag | Blue-gray | |
odralyk | turquoise | |
og | og(sek) | smoke / gray |
ogor | light gray | |
gold | orsk | white |
orog | Very light gray (grayed white) | |
diren | diren(sk) | night / black |
The vocabulary related to movement is quite complete, simple and unambiguous.
The numbers give the direction like on a clock (see the numbers), the verb geyùsh is used, the conjugation is often omitted for speed.
gey | forward, twelve o'clock |
gey-gey | forward (insistent, reinforced) |
la, la-gey | rear, retreat, come back, six o'clock |
an, angey | overflow slightly on the right, one o'clock |
melo, melo-gey | overflow slightly on the left, eleven o'clock |
sen, sen-gey | go left, nine o'clock |
hus, hus-gey | go right, three o'clock |
The verticality information is given by the 2 opposite directions
odra | upwards, sky |
didra | downwards, depth |
We can also give positions relative to the enemy:
nel ûr sen | on the left flank (of the enemy) |
nel ûr la | on their rear guard, take them from behind |
The speed information is given by the suffix -za (fast) or -zakün (very fast); if the suffix is absent it means that there is no particular urgency
gey-za | fast charge |
gey-zakün | max speed charge |
gey-gey-zakün | charge to the full, move! |
anum-gey | turn around (clockwise) |
de-anum-gey | turn (counterclockwise) |
anum-de-gey | stop turning |
Deploy or Regroup
bekum[ukud] | regroup |
debekum | deploy |
glados gey-zakün ! | Warriors charge! |
kamenos bekum | Magicians regroup / stay grouped! |
The different groups are either named (codename) or numbered according to their functions:
glados-(bek)-an | first [group of] warriors |
glados-an also means elite warrior; in case of possible confusion the bek becomes mandatory to remove the ambiguity. | |
etikamen-(bek)-lo | second [group of] healers |
degey | stop |
deza[ush] | slow down, slow down |
Enter, exit
oks, oks-gey[ùsh], okùsh | Interior, enter |
deok[ùsh] | exit |
la-gey-zas | fleeing, cowardly, afraid, cowardly |
la-gey-zas urkyan | fearful prey |
gey-zas | brave |
gey-zaküs | reckless |
negey(ney-gey) | freedom, free (I want I go, I go where I want) |
The body
Anything related to the body can be followed by the suffix -tem (of the body), which is often omitted.
bavul | The mouth |
bam | the tongue |
deku | the fingers (the small ones) |
dies | the foot(didra eps) |
eps(deku) | the hand (the 5 fingers) |
fazul | the nose |
fyrtem, tem ùr fyren | heart (fire of the body) |
hus-lodid | the right leg |
koltem | elbow (odra koltem), knee (didra koltem), major joint |
kolum | facial wrinkles |
krak, krok | teeth, fangs |
kri | nails, claws |
ladi | buttock, posterior |
lodid | legs (lo-didra-tem, the 2 of the lower body) |
lodra | arms (lo-odra-tem, the 2 of the upper body) |
odratem | torso, upper body |
odraktem | chest |
orul | eyes |
pak | sex (organ) |
paya | belly (of the homine, literally the nest) |
sen-lodra | left arm |
talan | face |
taltem | head, brain (spirit of the body) |
tem | body (whole) |
trazul | ears |
Blows, Bites and Scratches
It is impossible to end this part on the body without mentioning the subtleties on blows, bites and scratches. The Fyros soul is wild and warlike, and if the Fyros prefer to attack with daggers, swords, firearms, they do not disdain to use their natural weapons should the opportunity present.
The blows are constructed in a fairly simple way on the root kar (blow) preceded by the part of the body used, with an elision most of the time:
kar | blow (without precision) |
takar | headbutt (tal-kar) |
ekar | punch (eps-kar) |
dikar | kick (dies-kar) |
kokar | elbow/knee strike (kolem-kar) |
kartal | fight to the face, insult of defiance (on an opponent that one otherwise respects) |
karùch | strike |
Bites and Scratches
What is disconcerting to a non-Fyros is the number of different words for 'bites' (kroken) and 'scratches' (krin); there are in fact many variations, with the words sometimes changing from one clan or tribe to another.
krokùch, kroken | bite, bite |
krinùch, krin | scratch, scratch |
krokiùch, krokien | bite, nibble |
krakiùch, krakien | bite "friendly", bite lightly; used for a playful or stimulating purpose (like a pinch among other peoples) |
krokün | the big bite, ritual bite in certain tribes, by which a homin and a homin mark each other. The usage tends to be lost in large cities |
krokarùch, krokarn | to bite deeply with the aim of injuring, "combat" bite |
krodakùch, krodaken | to finish, to slit the throat with a bite (especially used for predators) |
krokaï | the art of biting |
kriniùch, krini | to scratch "tenderly", lightly scratched with the aim of stimulating |
krikarùch, krikarn | to scratch deeply with the aim of injuring |
kridakùch, kridaken | to scratch viciously, to lacerate with the aim of killing |
kritalùch, krital | to scratch in the face, to insult, to mortal insult (on a sworn enemy) |
Exotic Expressions
Expressions found only in a few savage tribes:
el makèch i krakiùch | I love you and I (want to) bite you (lovingly) |
el makùch, sel krakiùd | I love you, bite me |
Not to be confused with el makùch i krokùch (I love you and I bite you) rather used in the figurative sense of he who loves well, bites (punishes) well
Words and Phrases
(A few from the French link below. Please read the French for correct conjugations and larger variety.)
Fyrk | Basic Meaning |
Oren pyr | Hello ("Days of honor and death.") |
Oren fyraï | Goodbye |
Oren fyraï sel bek | Goodbye my friends |
Ney | Yes |
Dai | No |
Cal i akash! | Strength and honor! |
Akep | Thank you ("honorable death") |
Oràch | It was my duty (in response to akep) |
Deney | No need (in response to akep) |
Denen | Anything (in response to akep) |
Selum | Thank you |
See also
- ↑ Strictly speaking, a ten is independent of the base: it is simply the 10 of the base)
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