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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2020-05-08)
You can use apps IG (In Game) and/or using a browser (use the homin or toon name and password to login
They are developed by the players, and most of them synchronize (with the official Atys server or a or several other servers), very often you'll have to wait 10 to 20 mn to wait the sync (it can be longuer, specially the first use, or with bad wifi link).
Some of these apps have different features IG and using a browser, some are the same IG or using a browser.
API keys icon on the WebApp toolbar
Most of them requires to have a correct API key - it's useful and handy to create one key for each apps, or to use several keys (use the game
notepad to store them).
About login, credentials - More on An issue to log in?
- You have an Ryzom account name and password [1], for ex: accname/AGoodPassWd, to open the game and access your toons (you can have several) ... Some people use a steam account to open the game.
- To modify this wiki (add image, correcting an error...), you can chose to
- To login in Ryzom apps (or webapps) on your toon name, for ex: toon2/AGoodPassWd
- several "already integrated in game" apps, such for ex to send an izam (OCC: send an email), or out of game using or notepad -> with your toon name,
- for other webapps, you need to configure each app before using them. Usually you first need to check the app features and requirements, such a API key (created for it that you will paste in the app) or login using a toon name.
Access the app zone to add apps
In game by default, the
webapps toolbar
has icons for:
Achievements, craft receipt-book, roadmap, forums, lore, mail, notepad,
paypal, profile, release note, occupations, ryzhome (Apartment related), api key 
?, then apps you added, and Refresh and the
App Zone
Refresh and app Zone on Webapps toolbar
- several don't need any configuration.
The last icon open the AppZone. You can open an app using a command in the chat, for example /appzone 855 will open BM (, or add it in your webapps toolbar (using the app zone).
The app zone in a browser (not IG)
with a browser
go to
Out of game (you can access it, even if you are not logged in game, but using a simple browser at ) the Appzone icon is on the top right
(add app is for developers).
Clic on it, in the "Available Apps" section is listed the apps you can add.
Some app won't need any configuration (once you are logged with a toon on, here are the very usefull
- forums, notepad, api key, ? (to contact Ryzom Support)
- Achievements (or yubo points), craft receipt-book, roadmap, mail (send me an izam), lore (or on wiki), profile (only biography), release note, occupations (help and receipts),
- Several channels on are linked to IG channels (logon with toon name, players IG will see in chat ~toonname), more on Chat/RC FAQ.
With SHITF+W in game or you can access to apps and go to the App zone page (top right, in red)
The App zone page has several sub titles (in green circle) and several Save buttons (red). Integrated apps are down page (Apps), on top the app you installed (selected apps), all available apps are the ones not yet installed.
from a cell or tablet
Android app on Play Store: Ryztools (v 0.9.1, 2014 june)
From (and more on) Fyrosfreddy tested:
- Ballistic Mystix - Didn't try everything but those I did work fine. Navigation requires some swiping but all good.
- Molly's Materials - Large database so scrolling will likely make routine usage prohibitive. But good enough in a pinch, tho ya may want to put off working on that new recipe when ya have access to large screen.
- Molly's Materials - Again, yworks but ya will likely want to put off working on that new recipe till ya have access to large screen.
- RyGReg - No problem navigating to get what you need, screen size is no more limited than expected for any app . If ya drill down to large member lists will require some finger swiping.
- Bunny Tools - Everything Works, but will address in detail in BT thread.
API Key ?
Every homin and guild can create keys, each key give access (or not) to some data, hosted on Atys servers. Most of the Webapps requires a API key (with the correct modules added). The best is to create one (or more) key per application.
For example, IG or out of the game, you can see the locations and all the stusfs inside the apartment and your mektoubs, using (paste the API key of an homin wih the modules C02 + C04 + C05 + animals A02 and A03).
More on Webapps main/API key.
See all my API keys out of the game :
Some Webapps
On the forum, a post to active apps on the forum :
Here is a list with some links to the forum
Are ok ✓:
- Armory Sharing stuffs, data on homins, guilds, op ... /appzone 1102, updates on on twitter
The BM's
XP Fight: to find the perfect mob to train
Ballisticmystix (BM and too) /appzone 855
- Bunny tools /appzone 1823 for its "gear requirements" (check what you can wear, as armor, weapons... withe data in P and B (see User Manual)), Jobreminder... and
- SKA the book on the Kitins
- tracker essential to drillers, to know the weather (✓ now) (/appzone 800)
- Bag app and RyGReg. See
- Fametraker /appzone 2132
- Langapp: to translate in English, French, German... some apps (and blablatys about Mateis, Taki, fyrk, Tyll and/or Marund) and Blabla game and Blablator
- Lever tracker
- RygReg 0.9 (Outpost incidents and more) and Book of Guilds ok*
- Cookie Clicker
- Story
- Book of SKA (information about Kitins)
New (trying the forum to help get a updated list, maybe to add later on Ryzom app zone): Webapps list on the official forum and on wiki Webapps main/list - with links to forum.
Several WebApps are pre-configured, merged in Ryzom (and ✓): Achievements named yubo points too), craft receipt-book, roadmap, forums, lore, mail, notepad, paypal, profile, release note, occupations, ryzhome, api key, ? (will send a email to the teams).
list accomplishments and information (yubo points with exploration, skills... achievements) /appzone 2354
Now, you can access it from J (with the link on top of the window).
Craft: Recipe book
Home page. Go shopping if no recipe selected do nothing (see bellow). Clic on new recipe (down left) and you'll see:
the main screen, commented and with actions to do
1. Go shopping: select a recipe then clic the button
2. shows the mats you need
Stuff who are KO in May 2020:
Minor bug: the lands are not checked
Izam (or email) /appzone 27 To send Mail someone directly (added in friend list or not).
- An email icon appears on your compass when you received one.
- need a new amp? Dealing with a merchant, you noticed a good crafter name (when right clic on an item to buy), but the /tell says "not in game" (hour issue) or no one answered to your post on boards (on Forums » ROLEPLAY » Bazaar)? Send an izam: no need to have someone in the friend list to send an izam !
In game, access email with the 6th icon on Webapps toolbar
options (out of game): add notification, configure your email, export mails...
Contact list: add tags and notes to your contacts
Lore you see IG don't come from this wiki. But the Lore in the wikis are more updated, see for ex Category:Lore.
the Ryzom Roadmap (/appzone 901) to follow the current dev, in test ...
More explanation on forum
to add a short bio, language spoken... Other player can see it in game (using friend list on right clic/infos).
free furniture offered with the purchase of an Apartment - only sub account can use Apartment.
? to create a ticket
? will send a email to Ryzom support, not to the player who create some webapp (see rather the list on forum to find who maintain the app), not regarding wikis content (contact wiki's admin using
Apps relative to the Guilds
See Guilds.
Some webapps KO
✗ not maintained anymore
- Sluha, the merchant
- The Greedy Crafter Guide (Not updated since JY 2603 patches and mission's reward changes)
other clients
Some players created applications, usually for Windows.
For ex:
On forum:
Notes and ref
- See on the official forum
- ↑ Keep your Ryzom account name and password secret (never communicate it). To use for ex on pay for the game (payment profile). About the toons and account, the macros are in a file, named keys_toonname.xml in the save folder. More on Ryzom location.
- ↑ Request a wiki account: Your Ryzom account is not related to the wiki user account (validation is done by wiki admin, most are players). Usually, we use our homin name (or toon name) on the wikis (email and password can and should be different than in the game, but you can use the same email as the one in game). When ask for an account, thanks to provide us your natal language, as there's 6 wikis (one is for all images, one is for English, one is French, one Spanish, German and Russian). Wiki account request has 2 steps process: email check then as you provide a little sentence - we use it to know what is your language to create the account in the good one.