From EncyclopAtys
- Prerequisites : Successful completion of the mission « Restock the Fairhaven bar. »
Ba'Nakry Baxy, Intendant. | â |
The Trykers debt | |
Help the Tryker people with repaying their debt to the Corsairs tribe. | |
333 catalyseurs d'expérience de qualité 50 |
- The Trykers debt
- Help the Tryker people with repaying their debt to the Corsairs tribe.
Actors and Places
The mission
- â Be'Darins Aeddan : Hello $player$. Your recent successes have caught the attention of intendant Ba'Nakry Baxy. It just so happens that he needs a trustworthy person for a delicate mission. You should go and see him immediately.
- â $player$ : Good day. Be'Darins Aeddan tells me that you are in need of help?
- â Ba'Nakry Baxy : Hmm... hello. Be'Darins Aeddan sending you here shows that she must have confidence in you. I have a mission for you which is a bit... delicate. {break}I'm sure you know that the Corsaires tribe was a big help to us during the Battle of the Lagoons of Loria by opposing the Matis, who were under the yoke of the tyrant Jinovitch at the time. The only problem was... This help came at a cost! Not many of my brothers know this, but we are still indebted to this tribe of mercenaries. As intendant I am in charge of paying off this debt. However, I don't want this to become general knowledge, which is why I regularly ask homins I can trust to help cleanse our slate.
I think you understand how important this mission is, so I ask you to take this purse and give it to Ba'Nakry Codgan, chief of the Corsaires with the utmost discretion. The authorities of Fairhaven will be very grateful.
- Give the purse to Ba'Nakry Codgan, the chief of Corsairs
- â Ba'Nakry Codgan: Ah, another message from Fairhaven. Thank you.
What, is this some sort of joke?! Do they really think this is enough?! Such a small compensation, my great-great-great grandchildren will be in their graves before the debt has been paid!
Hmm... I guess you'll just have to do the Fairhaven authorities a small favor. There's this small problem that needs to be solved. A former member of our tribe betrayed us, and took a pearl of great value with him when he fled. If you recover it for us I will consider the payment sufficient for now. The last time he was seen, the traitor was in the Darkmoor. The entrance is north of here. Hurry before I change my mind.
- When you find the chest, the "traitor" Mac'Marty Aeddan will defend his treasure...
- Ouvrir le coffre.
- If your inventory is full:
- Faites de la place dans votre inventaire avant de rouvrir le coffre.
- Ouvrir le coffre.
- Vous trouvez la perle dans le coffre.
- Rapporter la perle Ă Ba'Nakry Codgan.
- â Ba'Nakry Codgan: Ha, vous revoilĂ ! Cette perle n'a pas vraiment de valeur marchande mais c'est un prĂ©cieux souvenir pour nous les Corsaires. Elle fut trouvĂ©e par Still Wyler, ancien gouverneur Tryker assassinĂ© alors qu'il venait de signer le TraitĂ© des Quatre Peuples. Il avait mis la main dessus pendant une des batailles des Lagons alors qu'il Ă©tait Ă la tĂȘte de notre tribu. Depuis nous la conservons comme une relique pour honorer sa mĂ©moire.
Comme vous avez pu le voir, les Landes Obscures commencent Ă ĂȘtre envahies par la goo et une nouvelle espĂšce de stinga agressive a fait son apparition. Nous devons nous mĂ©fier de cette avancĂ©e et la combattre afin d'Ă©viter que le flĂ©au ne se propage. A prĂ©sent je sais que je peux compter sur vous, et je n'hĂ©siterai pas Ă faire appel Ă vous en cas de problĂšme.
A présent vous devriez retourner voir l'intendant pour lui annoncer que votre mission a été un succÚs et que nous acceptons sa...maigre donation.
- Mission accomplie, les Corsaires ont accepté votre don.
- Faites votre rapport Ă Ba'Nakry Baxy.
- â Ba'Nakry Baxy : Mais j'espĂšre bien qu'ils l'ont acceptĂ© ! S'ils s'imaginent que c'est si facile de rĂ©colter tous ces dappers pour une ville civilisĂ©e ! C'est sĂ»r que le pillage rapporte d'avantage... Mais nous ne nous rabaissons pas Ă ce genre de pratiques !
En ce qui concerne cette histoire de goo dans les Landes Obscures, nous en sommes informĂ©s et nous allons tout mettre en Ćuvre pour empĂȘcher la veine qui a Ă©clatĂ© de faire davantage de dĂ©gĂąts. Pour l'instant votre mission est terminĂ©e, les autoritĂ©s de Fairhaven vous sont reconnaissantes pour ce que vous venez d'accomplir. Acceptez ceci en remerciement.
- You receive 333 experience catalyzers of quality 50
- Be'Darins Aeddan probably has more missions for you.
- Go back and see if Be'Darins Aeddan has other missions you can do.