Events 2024/tr3

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Revision as of 23:06, 1 September 2024 by Craftjenn (talk | contribs)
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Ryzom 20 years birthday !

20 days of festivities from September 16, date of the game's release in the U.S., to October 5th. Send yours suggestions on this thread on official forum.

Date: Wednesday, 4 September 21:00:00 CEST

Description: For all. Come and enjoy an evening with the animation team to learn how events are created. ..

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Atys Games.png

Date: Saturday, 31 August 21:00:00 CEST

Description: For all. Medals and closing ceremony of the Games of Atys 2629. ..

Date: From Thursday, 1st 12h CEST to Saturday, 31st August 12h CEST 2024 included.

Description: Come and participate in various challenges of the 2629 Atys Games from 19h - Tria, Germinally 21, 4th AC 2629 to 19h - Tria, Pluvia 21, 1st AC 2630 included! ..

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