Difference between revisions of "Jinovitch's Treasure"

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(9 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|DE = Der Schatz von Jinovitch |DEs= 5
|DE = Der Schatz von Jinovitch |DEs= 5
|EN = Jinovitch's Treasure |ENs= 2
|EN = Jinovitch's Treasure |ENs= 4
|ES = El Tesoro de Jinovitch |ESs= 5
|ES = El Tesoro de Jinovitch |ESs= 5
|FR = Le trésor de Jinovitch |FRs= 4
|FR = Le trésor de Jinovitch |FRs= 4
Line 42: Line 42:
*Lini Cichio (Yrkanis,Yasson ward)
*Lini Cichio (Yrkanis,Yasson ward)
*Tinacha Zarinia ( Natae )
*Tinacha Zarinia ( Natae )
*Sirgio Ciorinia ( Davae ) <ref>*** utiliser /tar pour la trouver ( bug )</ref>
*Sirgio Ciorinia ( Davae ) <ref>*** use the  /tar command to find her ( bug )</ref>
*Lini Cuini ( Avalae )
*Lini Cuini ( Avalae )
*Viccio Penti ( Davae )  
*Viccio Penti ( Davae )  
Line 130: Line 130:
::: '''[Make sure you are at least level 70 in fight before going to see Lini Cichio]'''
::: '''[Make sure you are at least level 70 in fight before going to see Lini Cichio]'''
::: ''[Parlez de la lettre de Jinovitch Ă  Lini Cichio.]''
::: ''[Speak with Lini Cichio about Jinovitch's letter.]''
:—'''You''' : Bonjour, avez-vous rĂ©ussi Ă  dĂ©crypter le message ?
:— '''You''' : Hello, did you manage to decode the message?
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : VoilĂ  : je crois que le code, dans ce message, n'est pas le message lui-mĂȘme mais uniquement son destinataire ! Cela expliquerait que personne ne connaisse ce Myatar. Mais maintenant, nous devons trouver qui Ă©tait rĂ©ellement le destinataire de ce message. Je pense que c'Ă©tait l'un des Grands Nobles dans la sociĂ©tĂ© de l'Ă©poque. <br />J'ai certains amis historiens qui pourraient nous renseigner... vous devriez aller les voir. Il y a... Viccio Penti, Sirgio Fresi et Lichi Sirini Ă  Davae... Varo Cizzo Ă  Natae... et Sirgio Beni  Ă  Avalae. Si l'un d'eux vous cite un nom et que vous pensez que ça pourrait ĂȘtre notre homme, revenez immĂ©diatement me voir.
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : VoilĂ  : je crois que le code, dans ce message, n'est pas le message lui-mĂȘme mais uniquement son destinataire ! Cela expliquerait que personne ne connaisse ce Myatar. Mais maintenant, nous devons trouver qui Ă©tait rĂ©ellement le destinataire de ce message. Je pense que c'Ă©tait l'un des Grands Nobles dans la sociĂ©tĂ© de l'Ă©poque. <br />J'ai certains amis historiens qui pourraient nous renseigner... vous devriez aller les voir. Il y a... Viccio Penti, Sirgio Fresi et Lichi Sirini Ă  Davae... Varo Cizzo Ă  Natae... et Sirgio Beni  Ă  Avalae. Si l'un d'eux vous cite un nom et que vous pensez que ça pourrait ĂȘtre notre homme, revenez immĂ©diatement me voir.
::: ''[Parler Ă  Sirgio Beni Ă  Avalae]
::: ''[Talk to Sirgio Beni in Avalae]
:—'''You''' : Bonjour, j'ai besoin d'un renseignement particulier...
:— '''You''' : Hello, I am in need of some specific information...
:— '''Sirgio Beni''' : Des personnes importantes sous l'Ă©poque de Jinovitch ? Voyons... je me souviens de deux noms : Varamo et Sarcio.
:— '''Sirgio Beni''' : Important people during the time of Jinovitch? Let's see... I can only recall two names: Varamo et Sarcio.
::: ''[Talk to  Lichi Sirini  in Davae], [Talk to Sirgio Fresi in Davae], [Talk to Viccio Penti in Davae]''
::: ''[Parler Ă   Lichi Sirini  Ă  Davae]''
:— '''You''' : Hello, I am in need of some specific information...
::: ''[Parler Ă  Viccio Penti Ă  Davae]''
:— '''Lichi Sirini''' : Important people during the time of Jinovitch? Let's see... I can only recall two names: Saralo et Gadora.
::: ''[Parler Ă  Sirgio Fresi Ă  Davae]''
:—'''You''' : Bonjour, j'ai besoin d'un renseignement particulier...
:— '''You''' : Hello, I am in need of some specific information...
:— '''Lichi Sirini''' : Des personnes importantes sous l'Ă©poque de Jinovitch ? Voyons... je me souviens de deux noms : Saralo et Gadora.
:— '''Viccio Penti''' : Important people during the time of Jinovitch? Let's see... I can only recall two names: Tiralo et Mallas.
:—'''You''' : Bonjour, j'ai besoin d'un renseignement particulier...
:— '''You''' : Hello, I am in need of some specific information...
:— '''Viccio Penti''' : Des personnes importantes sous l'Ă©poque de Jinovitch ? Voyons... je me souviens de deux noms : Tiralo et Mallas.
:— '''Sirgio Fresi''' : Important people during the time of Jinovitch? Let's see... I can only recall two names: Zarino et Moltar.
:—'''You''' : Bonjour, j'ai besoin d'un renseignement particulier...
::: ''[Give the information to Lini Cichio]''
:— '''Sirgio Fresi''' : Des personnes importantes sous l'Ă©poque de Jinovitch ? Voyons... je me souviens de deux noms : Zarino et Moltar.
::: ''[Donner les informations Ă  Lini Cichio]''
:— '''You''' : I think I found the right one...
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : No... I don't see any connection between these two names and Myatar. Continue your research...
:—'''You''' : Je pense avoir trouvĂ© le bon...
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Non... je ne vois aucun rapport entre ces deux noms et Myatar. Continuez vos recherches...
::: ''[Talk to Varo Cizzo in Natae]
:— '''You''' : Hello, I am in need of some specific information...
::: ''[Parler Ă  Varo Cizzo Ă  Natae]
:— '''Varo Cizzo '' : Important people during the time of Jinovitch? Let's see... I can only recall two names: Yamrat et Vabris.
:—'''You''' : Bonjour, j'ai besoin d'un renseignement particulier...
::: ''[Give the information to Lini Cichio]''
:— '''Varo Cizzo '' : Des personnes importantes sous l'Ă©poque de Jinovitch ? Voyons... je me souviens de deux noms : Yamrat et Vabris.
::: ''[Donner les informations Ă  Lini Cichio]''
:— '''You''' : I think I found the right one...
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Yamrat? Yamrat... but yes. That's it. Myatar is an anagram of Yamrat. Isn't that wonderful ?<br />Now we will have to find out more about this Yamrat. This may take us into dangerous areas, however, and I want to make sure your fighting ability is up to it. Go kill [[Kipee |mean Kipees]] in [[Fleeting Garden]],  and bring me some fragments. Let's say, three fragment of basic shell/ Kipee
:—'''You''' : Je pense avoir trouvĂ© le bon...
::: ''[Kill [[Kipee |mean Kipees]] in [[Fleeting Garden]] until you find 3 fragments of basic shell/ Kipee of at least quality 90.]''
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Yamrat ? Yamrat... mais oui. C'est bien ça. Myatar, c'est l'anagramme Yamrat. Il semble que nous tenons notre conseiller. <br />Nous devons maintenant nous renseigner sur ce Yamrat. Mais cela risque de nous mener dans des zones dangereuses, et je prĂ©fĂšre vĂ©rifier vos capacitĂ©s de combat maintenant. Allez tuer des [[Kipee |<sub>Kipees mauvais</sub>]] dans le [[Fleeting Garden]], et ramenez m'en des fragments. Disons, trois fragment de carapace de base / Kipee
::: ''[Bring the fragments of basic shell/ Kipee to Lini Cichio.]'' {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=m0072ckhca01.sitem |c=6 |q=90 |s=3 }}
::: ''[Tuez des [[Kipee |Kipees mauvais]] dans le [[Fleeting Garden]] jusqu'à trouver trois fragment de carapace de base / Kipee de qualité 90 minimum.]''
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Ah, beautiful fragments, indeed. I have some crafting skills... let me make an earring with these. It will serve you in the future. I don't want anything in return, there will be still some fragments left after.
::: ''[Amenez les fragment de carapace de base / Kipee Ă  Lini Cichio.]''
{{APIitemIcon |sheetid=m0072ckhca01.sitem |c=6 |q=90 |s=3 }}
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Ah, de beaux fragments, en effet. J'ai quelques compĂ©tences en artisanat... laissez-moi vous faire une boucle d'oreille avec. Elle pourrait vous servir par la suite. Je ne vous demande rien en Ă©change, il me restera des fragments Ă  la fin.
::: ''[Attendez que Lini Cichio ait terminé.]
::: ''[Wait until Lini Cichio is finished..]''
::: ''[Faites de la place avant d'aller parler Ă  Lini Cichio.]''
:—'''You''' : Avez-vous terminĂ© ?
:— '''You''' : Are you finished?
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : J'ai fini. Voici les bijoux... et maintenant, il va falloir se renseigner sur Yamrat...
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : I'm done. Here are the jewels... and now it is necessary to find out about Yamrat.
Line 193: Line 189:
::: '''[Make sure you are at least level 80 in fight before going to see Lini Cichio]'''
::: '''[Make sure you are at least level 80 in fight before going to see Lini Cichio]'''
:::— ''[Parler à Lini Cichio]''
:::— ''[Talk to Lini Cichio]''
:—'''You''' : Bonjour, avez-vous trouvĂ© des informations sur Yamrat ?
:— '''You''' : Hello, have you found any information about Yamrat?
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Retournez voir Trira Tinalo. S'il y a une personne qui saura quelque chose sur ce Yamrat, c'est lui. J'espùre qu'il ne vous demandera pas à nouveau de faire vos preuves...
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Go back to Trira Tinalo. . If anybody knows anything about this Yamrat, it will be him. I hope that he will not ask you to prove yourself again...
:—'''You''' : J'ai de nouvelles informations sur Jinovitch.
:— '''You''' : I have new information about Jinovitch
:— '''Trira Tinalo''' : Vraiment ? Le Myatar du message Ă©tait en rĂ©alitĂ© Yamrat ? TrĂšs intĂ©ressant. Mais ça, c'est une information pour laquelle vous allez Ă  nouveau devoir vous battre ! Cette fois, vous allez tuer, disons... cinq [[Psykopla |dehydrated Psykoplas]]. Toujours dans le [[Fleeting Garden]]. Ne revenez pas avant d'avoir rĂ©ussi !
:— '''Trira Tinalo''' : Really? This Myatar in the message was actually Yamrat? Very interesting. But for my information you are going to have to fight! This time, go and kill... five [[Psykopla |dehydrated Psykoplas]]. Toujours dans le [[Fleeting Garden]]. Don't come back until you have succeeded!
::: ''[Retournez voir Trira Tinalo pour qu'il vous en apprenne davantage sur Yamrat.]''
::: ''[Go back to see Trira Tinalo to learn more about Yamrat.]''
:—'''You''' : J'ai fini.
:— '''You''' : I'm done
:— '''Trira Tinalo''' : Vous ĂȘtes dĂ©cidĂ©ment plus tenace que je ne pensais. TrĂšs bien, je vais vous dire ce que je sais sur Yamrat... en fait, je ne sais que peu de choses : Yamrat Ă©tait le forgeron personnel de Jinovitch. C'est lui qui Ă©tait chargĂ© non seulement de fabriquer les armures et les armes de l'Ă©lite des soldats de Jinovitch, mais aussi d'identifier les objets inconnus trouvĂ©s par Jinovitch lors de ses batailles. <br />Avant que vous ne partiez... je ne vous en ai pas parlĂ© car je ne vous pensais pas digne de confiance. Mais vous avez gagnĂ© celle de mon ami Lini Cichio, alors je vais vous le dire. Il y a un autre message qui a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couvert rĂ©cemment. Un message qui date de l'Ă©poque de Jinovitch. Je n'ai pas ce message : c'est le barman d'Yrkanis qui l'a trouvĂ©.
:— '''Trira Tinalo''' : You are definitely more tenacious that I had thought. All right, I will tell you what I know about Yamrat... in fact, I know quite a few things: Yamrat was a blacksmith on Jinovitch's staff. He was responsible not only for making armor and weapons for Jinovitch's elite soldiers, but also for identifying unknown items found by Jinovitch during his battles <br />Before you leave... I haven't told you this because I didn't think I could trust you. But you have worked this out for my friend Lini Cichio, so I will tell you. Another message was discovered recently. A message from the time of Jinovitch. I don't have it though; it was the Yrkanis barman who found it.
::: ''[Apportez les informations obtenues Ă  Lini Cichio.]''
::: ''[Bring the information you found to Lini Cichio.]''
:—'''You''' : Trira Tinalo m'a donnĂ© des renseignements sur Yamrat.
:— '''You''' : Trira Tinalo gave me information about Yamrat
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Un forgeron ? Le forgeron personnel du roi ? VoilĂ  qui soulĂšve plusieurs questions... cet objet, serait-ce une arme ou une armure ? Et Yamrat, Ă©tait-il rĂ©ellement le conseiller de Jinovitch ? <br />Et surtout... y a-t-il un indice qui permettrait de dĂ©couvrir oĂč ce fameux objet a Ă©tĂ© cachĂ© ? Jinovitch ne l'aurait jamais Ă©crit, mĂȘme sur un message codĂ©... il Ă©tait bien trop mĂ©fiant pour ça. Pour ce Yamrat, peut-ĂȘtre l'a-t-il indiquĂ© ? Il va ĂȘtre difficile de le savoir. Comment ? Vous avez une autre information ? <br />Un autre message !? VoilĂ  qui pourrait ĂȘtre la clĂ© de toute cette affaire ! Ce serait le barman qui le dĂ©tiendrait ? Nous devons absolument le lire.
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : A blacksmith? On the Kings staff? This raises some questions... this item, would it be a weapon or armor? And Yamrat, was he really Jinovitch's adviser <br />And above all... is there any indication where this notorious item is now? Jinovitch would never have written a message, even encoded; he was too wary for that. Perhaps he showed Yamrat in person? It's hard to find out. What? You have more information? <br />Another message!? This could be the key to this whole affair. The barman has it? We absoluately must read it.
::: ''[Renseignez-vous auprĂšs du barman d'Yrkanis Ă  propos du message.]''
::: ''[Speak with the Yrkanis barman about the message.]''
:— '''You''' : Bonjour, il parait que vous auriez trouvĂ© un message...
:— '''You''' : Hello, I understand you have found a message...
:— '''Cicho Trivaldo''' : Un message ? Un message de Jinovitch ? Et bien, ce n'est pas exactement un message de Jinovitch, mais... Ă©coutez, je veux bien vous le confier, mais pour ça vous allez devoir m'aider. J'ai besoin d'ailes de Javing en ce moment. Allez dans le [[Fleeting Garden]], et rĂ©cupĂ©rez-en sur des [[Javing |Menacing Javings]]. Il va m'en falloir... au moins trois..
:— '''Cicho Trivaldo''' : A message? A message from Jinovitch? Well, not exactly a message from Jinovitch, but... listen, I will confide in you, but you have to help me first. I need some Javing wings. Go to [[Fleeting Garden]], et rĂ©cupĂ©rez-en sur des [[Javing |Menacing Javings]]. I need... at least three.
::: ''[Tuez des [[Javing |Menacing Javings]] pour rĂ©cupĂ©rer trois fragments d'aile fine/Javing de qualitĂ© 80 minimum.]''<ref> Des ailes de Javing cruel ( 80 ) sont peut-ĂȘtre possibles ?</ref>
::: ''[Kill [[Javing |Menacing Javings]] and gather 3 fragments of fine wing/Javing of at least quality 80.]'' <ref> Maybe  Malicious Javing ( q80 ) are possible ?</ref>
[Javing massacre...]  
::: ''[Apportez les ailes de Javing au barman d'Yrkanis.]''
::: ''[Give the Javing wings to the Yrkanis barman.]'' {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=m0335ccjca01.sitem |c=6 |q=103 |s=3 }}
{{APIitemIcon |sheetid=m0335ccjca01.sitem |c=6 |q=103 |s=3 }}
:— '''Cicho Trivaldo''' : Bien, bien. Alors, voilĂ  le message... <br />''« MatĂ©riau lourd mais puissant. Excellente qualitĂ©, mais faite pour un guerrier moins expĂ©rimentĂ© que vos soldats. Comme convenu, cachĂ©e Ă  l'endroit oĂč a eu lieu votre pire souvenir. Myatar. »'' <br />Je vais vous dire, je n'y comprends strictement rien. Peut-ĂȘtre que vous, ça vous dit quelque chose... <br />Oh, et j'ai aussi trouvĂ© ces objets avec le message. Je ne sais pas Ă  quoi ils servent, mais pour vous remercier de m'avoir apportĂ© les ailes, je vous les donne aussi.
Vous recevez un Objet Ă©trange : {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=mf80_anneau.sitem |c=6 |q= |s=0 }}
:— '''Cicho Trivaldo''' : Good, good. Right, here is the message...<br /><q>Its material is heavy but strong. Excellent quality, but made for a warrior of lesser skill than your soldiers. As agreed, it is hidden at the site of your worst memory. Myatar</q><br />I tell you, I don't understand a word of it. Maybe it means something to you.<br />Oh, and these items I found together with the message. I don't know what their purpose it, but to thank you for bringing me the wings, you can have them too.
::: ''[Faites passer le message Ă  Lini Cichio.]''
:— '''You''' : J'ai pu me renseigner sur le message.
You receive a strange item : {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=mf80_anneau.sitem |c=6 |q= |s=0 }}
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Myatar ? C'est un message de Myatar... enfin, Yamrat ? Nous touchons au but ! L'objet dont il est fait mention dans ce message est certainement celui que nous recherchons. Mais... l'endroit oĂč a eu lieu son pire souvenir ? Je ne vois pas du tout de quoi il peut s'agir. Et je ne pense pas que Trira Tinalo puisse nous aider... <br />Le barman vous a donnĂ© des objets ? Montrez-les-moi, je pourrai peut-ĂȘtre vous dire ce que c'est.]
::: ''[Share the message with Lini Cichio.]''
::: ''[Donnez les objets Ă©tranges Ă  Lini Cichio.]''
:— '''You''' : I have learned more about the message.
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Myatar? It's a message from Myatar... all right, Yamrat. We have succeeded! The item mentioned in the message is certainly that what we seek. But... what is the place of his worst memory? I can't see where that could be. And I don't think Trira Tinalo puisse nous aider... <br />The barman gave you some items? Show them to me, perhaps I can tell you what they are.
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Ah... elles n'en ont pas l'air, mais ce sont des fleurs de Constitution. Je pense qu'elles pourraient vous servir. Pour la suite...
::: ''[Give the strange items to Lini Cichio.]''
Vous avez reçu 10 Fleurs de Constitution de qualitĂ© 100  {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=ipoc_con.sitem |c=0 |q=100 |s=10 }}</poem>
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Ah... they don't look much, but they are constitution flowers. I think they will be of use to you. Later...
You receive 10 constitution flowers of quality 100  {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=ipoc_con.sitem |c=0 |q=100 |s=10 }}</poem>
== Yasson's announcement ==
== Yasson's announcement ==
: ''[Continue the research about Jinovitch.]''
: ''[Continue the research about Jinovitch.]''
<!-- mf90_pas_assez_fort [Vous devriez vous entraĂźner encore un peu en combat avant de continuer.] -->
::: '''[Make sure you are at least level 90 in fight before going to see Lini Cichio]'''
::: '''[Make sure you are at least level 90 in fight before going to see Lini Cichio]'''
Parlez Ă  Lini Cichio
Talk to Ă  Lini Cichio
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : J'aurais prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© Ă©viter d'avoir affaire Ă  lui, car c'est quelqu'un d'irritable et qui dĂ©teste partager ce qu'il sait. Mais comme vous en savez dĂ©jĂ  beaucoup, peut-ĂȘtre qu'il acceptera. C'est l'un des plus grands historiens concernant Jinovitch. Son nom est Bero Pelli ; il habite Ă  Natae.
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : I would have preferred not to have to deal with him, as he is quite irritable and doesn't like to share his knowledge. But maybe he will agree. He is one of the historians most learned about Jinovitch. His name is Bero Pelli and he lives in Natae.
::: ''[Parler Ă  Bero Pelli de Jinovitch. Il n'aime pas partager ses connaissances, mais peut-ĂȘtre qu'en lui montrant ce que vous savez dĂ©jĂ  sur Jinovitch...]''
::: ''[Speak to Bero Pelli about Jinovitch. He does not like to share his knowledge, but perhaps it will help if you share what you already know about Jinovitch...]''
:— '''You''' : J'ai besoin de quelques informations...
:— '''You''' : I need some information...
:— '''Bero Pelli''' : Non, non et non ! Je ne dirai RIEN à propos de Jinovitch. Vous me faites perdre mon temps, et le vître avec.]
:— '''Bero Pelli''' : No, no and no! I will not say ANYTHING about Jinovitch. You have wasted my time, and your own too.
:— '''You''' : Mais je me suis dĂ©jĂ  beaucoup renseignĂ© !
:— '''You''' : But I am already well informed!
:— '''Bero Pelli''' : Je viens de vous dire que... oh, quel est ce message ? Un message de Jinovitch ? Hum... je vois. Vous, au moins, vous en savez dĂ©jĂ  quelque chose. Le pire souvenir de Jinovitch... oui, je pense savoir ce que c'est. Bien sĂ»r, il ne l'a jamais confiĂ© Ă  quiconque, sauf peut-ĂȘtre Ă  ce Yamrat, mais on peut le dĂ©duire assez facilement...<br />Oui... je suppose que c'est le jour oĂč Yasson, son demi-frĂšre, lui annonça qu'il voulait rĂ©tablir la paix et cesser les conflits avec les autres peuples. Jinovitch commença alors Ă  prĂ©parer son assassinat. Yasson avait fait cette dĂ©claration dans un endroit prĂ©cis du [[Knoll of Dissent]], juste au sud du camp des [[Matisian Border Guards]] dans une racine gĂ©ante qu'on appelle Towerbridge Way.]
:— '''Bero Pelli''' : Didn't I just tell you that... oh, what is this message you speak of? A message from Jinovitch? Hmmm... I see. At least you know something. Jinovitch's worst memory... yes, I think I know what that is. Of course, he never confided in anyone, except maybe Yamrat, but it can be deduced quite easily... <br />Yes... I believe it was the day Yasson, his half-brother, announced he wanted to restore peace and end the conflict with the other peoples. Jinovitch then began preparing his assassination. Yasson made his announcement in a spot in [[Knoll of Dissent]], just south of the  [[Matisian Border Guards]]’ camp, in a great root called “Towerbridge Way”.
::: ''[Répétez à Lini Cichio que vous a dit Bero Pelli.]''
::: ''[Repeat to Lini Cichio what Bero Pelli told you]''
:— '''You''' : Il a finalement acceptĂ© de m'en parler.
:— '''You''' : He finally agreed to speak with me
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Il connaüt l'endroit !? Alors il n'y a pas un instant à perdre. Rendez vous à Towerbridge Way et fouillez tout ce que vous pouvez afin de trouver un indice.
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : The place is known?! Now there is not a moment to lose. Go to Towerbridge Way and search around until you find a clue.
::: ''[Search Towerbridge Way in [[Knoll of Dissent]]  to find a clue.]''
::: ''[Search the mound]''
You look everywhere, but you can find not a trace of the item. Is this really the place of the worst memory of Jinovitch?
::: ''[Go back to see Lini Cichio and tell him that you have found nothing.]
::: ''[Fouillez Towerbridge Way dans le [[Knoll of Dissent]] pour essayer de trouver un indice]''
:— '''You''' : I found nothing in Towerbridge Way
::: ''[Fouiller le monticule]''
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : What? Nothing? So I suppose that was not the right place... return to Bero Pelli and bring him up to date. Maybe when he reflects on it more, he will think of a memory even worse.
::: ''[Vous fouillez partout mais aucune trace d'un objet Ă  cet endroit ! Est-ce bien le lieu du pire souvenir de Jinovitch ?]''
::: ''[Retournez voir Lini Cichio et dites lui que vous n'avez rien trouvé.]
:— '''You''' : Je n'ai rien trouvĂ© Ă  Towerbridge Way
::: ''[Go back to see Bero Pelli and tell him that it was not the right place.]''
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Comment ? Rien ? Alors, je suppose que ce n'Ă©tait pas le bon endroit... retournez voir Bero Pelli pour l'en informer. Peut-ĂȘtre qu'en rĂ©flĂ©chissant, il pourra trouver un souvenir encore pire...]
::: ''(Make more room in your inventory before talking to Bero Pelli.)''
::: ''[Retournez voir Bero Pelli pour lui dire que ce n'Ă©tait pas le bon endroit.]''
:— '''You''' : Are you sure about what you have told me?
::: ''[Faites de la place avant d'aller parler Ă  Bero Pelli.]''
:— '''Bero Pelli''' : What? That wasn't the right place? Impossible. I am sure that was the worst memory Jinovitch has known. Unless...<br />No... this strange story, is it really true? I can't believe it... anyway... I suppose it can be. Hmmm, maybe Sirgio Bechio will know some details about this... affair <br />Go back to see Lini Cichio, he will send you to her. By the way, I found this, and I thought you might find this helpful.
:— '''You''' : Etes-vous certain de ce dont vous m'avez parlĂ© ?
You receive a ''Modi Parok vest'' : {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=icmahv_3.sitem |c=6 |q=120 |s=0 }}
:— '''Bero Pelli''' : Quoi ? Ce n'Ă©tait pas le bon endroit ? Impossible. Je suis certain que c'est bien le pire souvenir qu'ait connu Jinovitch. A moins que... <br />Non... cette Ă©trange histoire serait-elle vraie ? Je ne peux pas le croire... enfin... je suppose que si. Hmm, peut ĂȘtre que Sirgio Bechio connaĂźt des dĂ©tails au sujet de cette... histoire. <br /> Retournez voir Lini Cichio, il vous enverra vers elle. Au fait, j'ai trouvĂ© ça, je me suis dit que ça pourrait vous ĂȘtre utile.]
Vous recevez un ''Gilet Modi Parok'' : {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=icmahv_3.sitem |c=6 |q=120 |s=0 }}
::: ''[Go back to see Lini Cichio]''</poem>
::: ''[Retourner voir Lini Cichio]''</poem>
== A bad memory ==
== A bad memory ==
: ''[Continue the research about Jinovitch.]''
: ''[Continue the research about Jinovitch.]''
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Trùs bien, entraünez-vous encore un peu et je vous enverrai voir Sirgio Bechio.
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Very well, go and train some more and then I'll send you to go and see Sirgio Bechio.
::: '''[Make sure you are at least level 100 in fight before going to see Lini Cichio]'''
::: '''[Make sure you are at least level 100 in fight before going to see Lini Cichio]'''
:— '''You''' : Bonjour, je pense ĂȘtre prĂȘt Ă  aller voir Sirgio Bechio
:— '''You''' : Hello, I think I am ready to go to Sirgio Bechio
:— '''You''' : Ce n'Ă©tait pas le bon endroit...
:— '''You''' : It was not the right place...
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : TrĂšs bien, dans ce cas allez voir Sirgio Bechio Ă  Avalae de ma part, et demandez lui de vous parler de Jinovitch. Elle devrait avoir une histoire intĂ©ressante Ă  vous raconter...
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Well, in that case go and see Sirgio Bechio in Avalae in Avalae for me and ask him to tell you about Jinovitch. She should have an interesting story to tell...
::: ''[Go speak to Sirgio Bechio in Avalae about Jinovitch]''
::: ''[Allez parler de Jonovitch Ă  Sirgio Bechio Ă  Avalae]''
:— '''You''' : Hello, can you tell me what Jinovitch's worst memory was?]
:— '''Sirgio Bechio''' : [Jinovitch's worst memory... Yes, there's a story that comes to mind. Nobody knows if it's real or not. But if it really happened, Jinovitch has certainly done enough to be forgotten. Here is the story... <br />Long before the poisoning of his half-brother, well, even before his brother became adviser to the court... Jinovitch, while traveling, met a young girl named Virginia in $majestic_garden$. They became friends, and one day Jinovitch asked her to come find him in [[Hidden Source]]. <br />It is unclear what really happened there, but people remember seeing the girl return to Yrkanis... alone. Apparently, Jivovitch sat motionless for several hours <br />It is said that after this story Jinovitch became bitter and tyrannical. I'm not sure if this is the place you are looking for, but it was in [[Hidden Source]], north-east of the lake, not far from the camp of the [[Arid Matis]], near the cliff. Be careful though, the local wildlife is very dangerous, and the Arid Matis see spies everywhere.]
:— '''You''' : Bonjour, savez-vous quel Ă©tait le pire souvenir de Jinovitch ?]
::: ''[Search the area of Jinovitch's worst memory. According to Sirgio Bechio, it is to the northeast of the lake, near the [[Hidden Source]] cliff.]''
:— '''Sirgio Bechio''' : [Le pire souvenir de Jinovitch... oui... il y a une histoire qui en parle. Personne ne sait si elle est rĂ©elle ou pas, car si c'est vraiment arrivĂ©, Jinovitch a certainement tout fait pour qu'on l'oublie. Voici donc son histoire... <br />Bien avant l'empoisonnement de son demi-frĂšre... bien avant mĂȘme d'ĂȘtre le conseiller Ă  la cour... Jinovitch, lors d'un dĂ©placement, rencontra une jeune fille appelĂ©e Virginia dans le $majestic_garden$. Ils devinrent amis, et Jinovitch lui demanda un jour de le retrouver dans la [[Hidden Source]]. <br />On ne sait pas vraiment ce qui s'est passĂ© lĂ -bas, mais des habitants se souviennent avoir vu la jeune fille revenir Ă  Yrkanis... seule. Il parait que Jinovitch resta assis, immobile, pendant plusieurs heures. <br />On dit que c'est suite Ă  cette histoire que Jinovitch devint amer et tyrannique. J'ignore si c'est l'endroit que vous recherchez, mais... c'Ă©tait Ă  un endroit prĂ©cis de la [[Hidden Source]]. Au Nord-Est du lac, non loin du camp des [[Arid Matis]], prĂšs de la falaise. Mais soyez prudents. La faune locale est trĂšs dangereuse, et les Arid Matis voient des espions partout...]
::: ''[Search the rock slide]''
::: ''[Fouillez l'endroit oĂč a eu lieu le pire souvenir de Jinovitch. D'aprĂšs Sirgio Bechio, il se trouve au Nord-est du lac, prĂšs de la falaise Ă  [[Hidden Source]].]''
You search the area where Jinovitch once was... While searching, you come accross a chest. Can it be the hidden treasure of Jinovitch?
::: ''[Fouiller les Ă©boulis]''
You receive a Coffre magnifique : {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=mf100_coffre.sitem |c=6 |q=120 |s=0 }}
Vous fouillez la zone oĂč s'Ă©tait jadis rendu Jinovitch... En creusant, vous tombez sur un coffre. Serait-ce... le trĂ©sor cachĂ© de Jinovitch ?
::: ''[Show your findings to Lini Cichio.]''
Vous  recevez un Coffre magnifique : {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=mf100_coffre.sitem |c=6 |q=120 |s=0 }}
::: ''[Montrez votre trouvaille Ă  Lini Cichio.]''
:— '''You''' : I have found a chest!
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : A chest! Will it contain the weapon... or the armor... Yamrat mentioned? But... we don't have the key! What to do now?<br />Yes... we must break open the chest. Go see my old friend, Varo Beldo. You can find him here in Yrkanis. He can open the chest without too much trouble, I am sure. Oh, and could you show me the contents of the chest afterward? I would really like to see it.
:— '''You''' : J'ai trouvĂ© un coffre !
::: ''[Bring the chest to Varo Beldo so he can open it.]''
:— '''Lini Cichio''' : Un coffre ! Contiendrait-il l'arme... ou l'armure... dont parlait Yamrat ? Mais... nous n'avons pas la clĂ© ! Que faire ? <br />Oui... nous allons devoir forcer ce coffre. Allez voir mon vieil ami, Varo Beldo. Il se trouve ici, Ă  Yrkanis. Il pourra ouvrir ce coffre sans aucun problĂšme, j'en suis certain. Oh... et pourriez-vous me montrer le contenu du coffre quand il sera ouvert ? J'aimerais vraiment voir.
::: ''[Apportez le coffre Ă  Varo Beldo pour qu'il l'ouvre.]''
:— '''Varo Beldo''' : A chest? Let me have a look, I'll get to work on it<br />And here... what a wonderful sight! This is one of the best weapons I have ever seen. This must have been difficult to find... congratulations!
:— '''Varo Beldo''' : Un coffre ? Laissez-moi faire, je vais m'en occuper. <br />Et voilĂ ... quelle superbe pique ! C'est une des plus belles armes qu'il m'ait Ă©tĂ© donnĂ© de voir. Vous devez avoir eu du mal Ă  la trouver... fĂ©licitations !
::: ''[Show the chest and its contents to Lini Cichio.]''
::: ''[Montrez le coffre et son contenu Ă  Lini Cichio.]''
::— '''Lini Cichio''' : What a beautiful pike! I understand why Jinovitch has kept it hidden... would you care to trade it for this gun? It also belonged to Jinovitch.
::— '''You''' : No thank you, I will keep the pike
or :
::— '''You''' : Yes, I will take the gun.
::— '''Lini Cichio''' : Very good. Here, this is for you.
::— '''Lini Cichio''' : Quelle splendide pique ! Je comprends pourquoi Jinovitch a fait preuve d'autant de discrĂ©tion Ă  son sujet... accepteriez-vous de me l'Ă©changer contre ce fusil ? Il a lui aussi appartenu Ă  Jinovitch
::— '''You''' : Non merci, je vais garder la pique.
ou :
::— '''You''' : Oui, je prends le fusil.
::— '''Lini Cichio''' : Trùs bien. Voici pour vous.
| pique Krop   
| Krop  pike
| {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=icmm2ppl.sitem |c=1 |q=110 |s=1 |sap=-1 }}
| {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=icmm2ppl.sitem |c=1 |q=110 |s=1 |sap=-1 }}
|  '''ou : '''   
|  '''or : '''   
| fusil Stylone :   
| Stylone gun :   
| {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=icmr2r.sitem |c=1 |q=110 |s=1 |sap=-1  }}
| {{APIitemIcon |sheetid=icmr2r.sitem |c=1 |q=110 |s=1 |sap=-1  }}
<center><big>'''àŒș ⧌ FIN ⧜ àŒ»'''</big></center>
<center><big>'''àŒș ⧌ THE END ⧜ àŒ»'''</big></center>
{{Portal|Gameplay}}[[category:The Sages' missions]]</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 08:23, 10 February 2022

de:Der Schatz von Jinovitch‱
en:Jinovitch's Treasure‱
es:El Tesoro de Jinovitch‱
fr:Le trĂ©sor de Jinovitch‱
ru:ĐĄĐŸĐșŃ€ĐŸĐČоща Đ”Đ¶ĐžĐœĐŸĐČотча‱
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2022-02-10)

Girgia Cisti, Sage, Yrkanis.

     “Jinovitch's Treasure” is one of the four quests proposed by the sages of the four capitals and intended for Homins arriving from Silan on the continent. Like the other three quests, it accompanies the character up to level 100. This page recalls all the dialogues of the quest and the different missions that make it up.
    As the page name suggests, he quest takes place entirely in Verdant Heights. Completion of the quest is rewarded with items of heavy armour of good quality, a melee or ranged weapon, and lesser "gifts".

    This quest is long. The last step reached is remembered, so if the quest is unintentionally abandoned, it can always be resumed by returning to talk to the sage who gave it.

Rewards :
Modi Parok
or : Stylone

— A Modi Parok (Matis) heavy armour vest, well crafted ( q120, +150 Ico Life.png −150 Ico sap.png ),
— A Krop pike (2 handed) or a Stylone gun (q110, +150 Ico stamina.png −150 Ico sap.png),
— 20 000 dp$.

The actors

  • $You$
  • Lini Cichio (Yrkanis,Yasson ward)
  • Tinacha Zarinia ( Natae )
  • Sirgio Ciorinia ( Davae ) [1]
  • Lini Cuini ( Avalae )
  • Viccio Penti ( Davae )
  • Sirgio Fresi ( Davae )
  • Lichi Sirini ( Davae )
  • Varo Cizzo ( Natae )
  • Sirgio Beni ( Avalae )
  • Trira Tinalo ( Avalae )
  • Cicho Trivaldo ( Barman, Yrkanis, District de Libia ward, Majestic Garden, Verdant Heights )
  • Bero Pelli ( Natae )
  • Sirgio Bechio ( Avalae )
  • Varo Beldo ( Yrkanis )

with the friendly participation of Matisian Border Guards and Arid Matis.

The worst of tyrants

— Search for the tyrants secrets.

The Sage:
— Girgia Cisti : I greet you, $You$. I see your fighting skills are constantly improving. Perhaps now you are interested in the history of Jinovitch, the tyrant who killed the late King Yasson? It is said he hid some treasure before he died...

—You : I'm not interested.
— Girgia Cisti : That's a pity, $You$. We might have found out more about Jinovitch...

—You : Tell me more.
— Girgia Cisti : There is somebody in the city that can tell you more. His name is Lini Cichio.
Ah, one last thing: This mission may take a long time. If you forget who you were supposed to go see next, don't hesitate to ask me.

[Speak with Lini Cichio for information about Jinovitch.]'

—You : Bonjour, j'aimerais que vous partagiez avec moi vos connaissances sur Jinovitch.
— Lini Cichio : Jinovitch... the worst tyrant in the history of the Matis. A crazy and greedy king, who despised the other peoples and wished them extinction. He did not qualm at killing his half-brother Yasson or trying to get rid of his nephew Yrkanis. But he was also, like most tyrants, paranoid... and he hid many thing for fear of them being lost
If you want to know more, first you have to show me that you know how to fight. This research you are conducting could become dangeous, so it is essential that you are a strong fighter. Kill five Gingos angoissants to prove me that this is the case.

[Gingo hunt...]
[Go back to Lini Cichio.]

— You : I have killed the gingos as requested
— Lini Cichio : You seem competent; I hope that is indeed the case. About Jinovitch, I do not know a lot, but I have some friends who may help us. They are Tinacha Zarinia in Natae, Sirgio Ciorinia in Davae, and Lini Cuini in Avalae. Go see all three of them to learn more about Jinovitch.

[Learn about Jinovitch. Tinacha Zarinia in Natae, Sirgio Ciorinia in Davae, and Lini Cuini in Avalae have information about him.]

Avalae :
—You : Hello. I am looking for information about Jinovitch
—Lini Cuini : Ah, Jinovitch... one of the most dangerous madmen known to history. His secrets? I know this: One day, after a battle, his soldiers saw him recover an item. This item must have been valuable, because he quickly sent it to Jino - the city that later became Yrkanis.

Natae :
—You : Hello. I am looking for information about Jinovitch
—Tinacha Zarinia : Jinovitch? I do not like mentioning the name... but I'll tell you what I know. It is said that Jinovitch hated most people and trusted almost nobody. However, he had an adviser, a Matis, whom he trusted some and entrusted some secrets to. But I do not know the name of this adviser.

Davae :
—You : Hello. I am looking for information about Jinovitch
—Sirgio Ciorinia : Jinovitch... he was so afraid of being spied upon that all the messages he sent to his alleged friends were all encoded. Of course, no one has ever managed to understand these codes.

[Retournez voir Lini Cichio pour lui parler de ce que vous avez appris sur Jinovitch.]

—You : I have found more information about Jinovitch...
—Lini Cichio : Hmmm... that's very interesting. This information will help me to come to a conclusion... but we will have to struggle to find out more.

Reward: 150× q100 elevation cristals

Adviser to the tyrant

Continue the research about Jinovitch.
[Make sure you are at least level 60 in fight before going to see Lini Cichio]

— Lini Cichio : Alright, let's list what we know... Jinovitch seemed to have had an adviser he trusted, he used encoded messages to give his order, and one day he found a valuable item during a battle, which he is supposed to have sent to the capital. We can assume that he spoke to his adviser about the item... but if his message was encoded, it will complicate things
I know someone who once found, quite by accident, one of Jinovitch's messages. His name is Trira Tinalo, you should go and see him. He lives in Avalae. As he is an old warrior I fear he will ask you to demonstrate your worth to him, before he will help you.

[[See if Trira Tinalo has one of Jinovitch's messages.]

— You : Hello. Is it true that you have found a message of the tyrant, Jinovitch?
— Trira Tinalo : Jinovitch? I have some quite interesting information about him... but I do not deal with weaklings like you! What, you want to show me your courage? Very well, go to Fleeting Garden et tuez trois mean Kipees. Nous verrons alors si vous ĂȘtes assez mĂ©ritant pour ces informations !

[Go back to see Trira Tinalo.]

— You : It is done. So, am I worthy now?
— Trira Tinalo :I admit my mistake. I'll tell you everything I know about Jinovitch. Once, I found a letter while I was walking to Yrkanis. There is no doubt that this letter was written by Jinovitch. Here is its contents...
I recently found this item. Myatar, I want you to tell me as much as possible about it. Afterward, hide it in the location we have discussed.
I asked around; nobody had ever heard of a person called Myatar. I guess this person was not prominent and not in high office or of a high rank. But if that's the case, I do not know why Jinovitch wrote to him.

[Speak with Lini Cichio about Jinovitch's letter.]'

— You : Trira Tinalo entrusted me with the letter...
— Lini Cichio : Myatar? No, that doesn't mean anything to me. But what I don't understand... Jinovitch is reported to have had a habit of sending messages encoded... But all is clear in this message. So that makes me think...
I think I have an idea... you can help me clear up this mystery, $You$. Here is a reward which should serve as an incentive.

Lini Ciochio is thankful and gives you some dappers. : you won 20000 dappers

A coded message

[Continue the research about Jinovitch.]
[Make sure you are at least level 70 in fight before going to see Lini Cichio]

[Speak with Lini Cichio about Jinovitch's letter.]

— You : Hello, did you manage to decode the message?
— Lini Cichio : VoilĂ  : je crois que le code, dans ce message, n'est pas le message lui-mĂȘme mais uniquement son destinataire ! Cela expliquerait que personne ne connaisse ce Myatar. Mais maintenant, nous devons trouver qui Ă©tait rĂ©ellement le destinataire de ce message. Je pense que c'Ă©tait l'un des Grands Nobles dans la sociĂ©tĂ© de l'Ă©poque.
J'ai certains amis historiens qui pourraient nous renseigner... vous devriez aller les voir. Il y a... Viccio Penti, Sirgio Fresi et Lichi Sirini Ă  Davae... Varo Cizzo Ă  Natae... et Sirgio Beni Ă  Avalae. Si l'un d'eux vous cite un nom et que vous pensez que ça pourrait ĂȘtre notre homme, revenez immĂ©diatement me voir.

[Talk to Sirgio Beni in Avalae]

— You : Hello, I am in need of some specific information...
— Sirgio Beni : Important people during the time of Jinovitch? Let's see... I can only recall two names: Varamo et Sarcio.

[Talk to Lichi Sirini in Davae], [Talk to Sirgio Fresi in Davae], [Talk to Viccio Penti in Davae]

— You : Hello, I am in need of some specific information...
— Lichi Sirini : Important people during the time of Jinovitch? Let's see... I can only recall two names: Saralo et Gadora.

— You : Hello, I am in need of some specific information...
— Viccio Penti : Important people during the time of Jinovitch? Let's see... I can only recall two names: Tiralo et Mallas.

— You : Hello, I am in need of some specific information...
— Sirgio Fresi : Important people during the time of Jinovitch? Let's see... I can only recall two names: Zarino et Moltar.

[Give the information to Lini Cichio]

— You : I think I found the right one...
— Lini Cichio : No... I don't see any connection between these two names and Myatar. Continue your research...

[Talk to Varo Cizzo in Natae]

— You : Hello, I am in need of some specific information...
— 'Varo Cizzo  : Important people during the time of Jinovitch? Let's see... I can only recall two names: Yamrat et Vabris.

[Give the information to Lini Cichio]

— You : I think I found the right one...
— Lini Cichio : Yamrat? Yamrat... but yes. That's it. Myatar is an anagram of Yamrat. Isn't that wonderful ?
Now we will have to find out more about this Yamrat. This may take us into dangerous areas, however, and I want to make sure your fighting ability is up to it. Go kill mean Kipees in Fleeting Garden, and bring me some fragments. Let's say, three fragment of basic shell/ Kipee

[Kill mean Kipees in Fleeting Garden until you find 3 fragments of basic shell/ Kipee of at least quality 90.]
[Bring the fragments of basic shell/ Kipee to Lini Cichio.]

— Lini Cichio : Ah, beautiful fragments, indeed. I have some crafting skills... let me make an earring with these. It will serve you in the future. I don't want anything in return, there will be still some fragments left after.

[Wait until Lini Cichio is finished..]

— You : Are you finished?
— Lini Cichio : I'm done. Here are the jewels... and now it is necessary to find out about Yamrat.

The search continues

[Continue the research about Jinovitch.]
[Make sure you are at least level 80 in fight before going to see Lini Cichio]

— [Talk to Lini Cichio]

— You : Hello, have you found any information about Yamrat?
— Lini Cichio : Go back to Trira Tinalo. . If anybody knows anything about this Yamrat, it will be him. I hope that he will not ask you to prove yourself again...

— You : I have new information about Jinovitch
— Trira Tinalo : Really? This Myatar in the message was actually Yamrat? Very interesting. But for my information you are going to have to fight! This time, go and kill... five dehydrated Psykoplas. Toujours dans le Fleeting Garden. Don't come back until you have succeeded!

[Go back to see Trira Tinalo to learn more about Yamrat.]

— You : I'm done
— Trira Tinalo : You are definitely more tenacious that I had thought. All right, I will tell you what I know about Yamrat... in fact, I know quite a few things: Yamrat was a blacksmith on Jinovitch's staff. He was responsible not only for making armor and weapons for Jinovitch's elite soldiers, but also for identifying unknown items found by Jinovitch during his battles
Before you leave... I haven't told you this because I didn't think I could trust you. But you have worked this out for my friend Lini Cichio, so I will tell you. Another message was discovered recently. A message from the time of Jinovitch. I don't have it though; it was the Yrkanis barman who found it.

[Bring the information you found to Lini Cichio.]

— You : Trira Tinalo gave me information about Yamrat
— Lini Cichio : A blacksmith? On the Kings staff? This raises some questions... this item, would it be a weapon or armor? And Yamrat, was he really Jinovitch's adviser
And above all... is there any indication where this notorious item is now? Jinovitch would never have written a message, even encoded; he was too wary for that. Perhaps he showed Yamrat in person? It's hard to find out. What? You have more information?
Another message!? This could be the key to this whole affair. The barman has it? We absoluately must read it.

[Speak with the Yrkanis barman about the message.]

— You : Hello, I understand you have found a message...
— Cicho Trivaldo : A message? A message from Jinovitch? Well, not exactly a message from Jinovitch, but... listen, I will confide in you, but you have to help me first. I need some Javing wings. Go to Fleeting Garden, et rĂ©cupĂ©rez-en sur des Menacing Javings. I need... at least three.

[Kill Menacing Javings and gather 3 fragments of fine wing/Javing of at least quality 80.] [2]
[Javing massacre...]
[Give the Javing wings to the Yrkanis barman.]

— Cicho Trivaldo : Good, good. Right, here is the message...
Its material is heavy but strong. Excellent quality, but made for a warrior of lesser skill than your soldiers. As agreed, it is hidden at the site of your worst memory. Myatar
I tell you, I don't understand a word of it. Maybe it means something to you.
Oh, and these items I found together with the message. I don't know what their purpose it, but to thank you for bringing me the wings, you can have them too.

You receive a strange item :
[Share the message with Lini Cichio.]

— You : I have learned more about the message.
— Lini Cichio : Myatar? It's a message from Myatar... all right, Yamrat. We have succeeded! The item mentioned in the message is certainly that what we seek. But... what is the place of his worst memory? I can't see where that could be. And I don't think Trira Tinalo puisse nous aider...
The barman gave you some items? Show them to me, perhaps I can tell you what they are.

[Give the strange items to Lini Cichio.]

— Lini Cichio : Ah... they don't look much, but they are constitution flowers. I think they will be of use to you. Later...

You receive 10 constitution flowers of quality 100

Yasson's announcement

[Continue the research about Jinovitch.]
[Make sure you are at least level 90 in fight before going to see Lini Cichio]

Talk to Ă  Lini Cichio

— Lini Cichio : I would have preferred not to have to deal with him, as he is quite irritable and doesn't like to share his knowledge. But maybe he will agree. He is one of the historians most learned about Jinovitch. His name is Bero Pelli and he lives in Natae.

[Speak to Bero Pelli about Jinovitch. He does not like to share his knowledge, but perhaps it will help if you share what you already know about Jinovitch...]

— You : I need some information...
— Bero Pelli : No, no and no! I will not say ANYTHING about Jinovitch. You have wasted my time, and your own too.
— You : But I am already well informed!
— Bero Pelli : Didn't I just tell you that... oh, what is this message you speak of? A message from Jinovitch? Hmmm... I see. At least you know something. Jinovitch's worst memory... yes, I think I know what that is. Of course, he never confided in anyone, except maybe Yamrat, but it can be deduced quite easily...
Yes... I believe it was the day Yasson, his half-brother, announced he wanted to restore peace and end the conflict with the other peoples. Jinovitch then began preparing his assassination. Yasson made his announcement in a spot in Knoll of Dissent, just south of the Matisian Border Guards’ camp, in a great root called “Towerbridge Way”.

[Repeat to Lini Cichio what Bero Pelli told you]

— You : He finally agreed to speak with me
— Lini Cichio : The place is known?! Now there is not a moment to lose. Go to Towerbridge Way and search around until you find a clue.

[Search Towerbridge Way in Knoll of Dissent to find a clue.]
[Search the mound]
You look everywhere, but you can find not a trace of the item. Is this really the place of the worst memory of Jinovitch?
[Go back to see Lini Cichio and tell him that you have found nothing.]

— You : I found nothing in Towerbridge Way
— Lini Cichio : What? Nothing? So I suppose that was not the right place... return to Bero Pelli and bring him up to date. Maybe when he reflects on it more, he will think of a memory even worse.

[Go back to see Bero Pelli and tell him that it was not the right place.]
(Make more room in your inventory before talking to Bero Pelli.)

— You : Are you sure about what you have told me?
— Bero Pelli : What? That wasn't the right place? Impossible. I am sure that was the worst memory Jinovitch has known. Unless...
No... this strange story, is it really true? I can't believe it... anyway... I suppose it can be. Hmmm, maybe Sirgio Bechio will know some details about this... affair
Go back to see Lini Cichio, he will send you to her. By the way, I found this, and I thought you might find this helpful.

You receive a Modi Parok vest :

[Go back to see Lini Cichio]

A bad memory

[Continue the research about Jinovitch.]

— Lini Cichio : Very well, go and train some more and then I'll send you to go and see Sirgio Bechio.

[Make sure you are at least level 100 in fight before going to see Lini Cichio]

— You : Hello, I think I am ready to go to Sirgio Bechio
— You : It was not the right place...
— Lini Cichio : Well, in that case go and see Sirgio Bechio in Avalae in Avalae for me and ask him to tell you about Jinovitch. She should have an interesting story to tell...

[Go speak to Sirgio Bechio in Avalae about Jinovitch]

— You : Hello, can you tell me what Jinovitch's worst memory was?]
— Sirgio Bechio : [Jinovitch's worst memory... Yes, there's a story that comes to mind. Nobody knows if it's real or not. But if it really happened, Jinovitch has certainly done enough to be forgotten. Here is the story...
Long before the poisoning of his half-brother, well, even before his brother became adviser to the court... Jinovitch, while traveling, met a young girl named Virginia in $majestic_garden$. They became friends, and one day Jinovitch asked her to come find him in Hidden Source.
It is unclear what really happened there, but people remember seeing the girl return to Yrkanis... alone. Apparently, Jivovitch sat motionless for several hours
It is said that after this story Jinovitch became bitter and tyrannical. I'm not sure if this is the place you are looking for, but it was in Hidden Source, north-east of the lake, not far from the camp of the Arid Matis, near the cliff. Be careful though, the local wildlife is very dangerous, and the Arid Matis see spies everywhere.]

[Search the area of Jinovitch's worst memory. According to Sirgio Bechio, it is to the northeast of the lake, near the Hidden Source cliff.]
[Search the rock slide]

You search the area where Jinovitch once was... While searching, you come accross a chest. Can it be the hidden treasure of Jinovitch?
You receive a Coffre magnifique :

[Show your findings to Lini Cichio.]

— You : I have found a chest!
— Lini Cichio : A chest! Will it contain the weapon... or the armor... Yamrat mentioned? But... we don't have the key! What to do now?
Yes... we must break open the chest. Go see my old friend, Varo Beldo. You can find him here in Yrkanis. He can open the chest without too much trouble, I am sure. Oh, and could you show me the contents of the chest afterward? I would really like to see it.

[Bring the chest to Varo Beldo so he can open it.]

— Varo Beldo : A chest? Let me have a look, I'll get to work on it
And here... what a wonderful sight! This is one of the best weapons I have ever seen. This must have been difficult to find... congratulations!

[Show the chest and its contents to Lini Cichio.]

— Lini Cichio : What a beautiful pike! I understand why Jinovitch has kept it hidden... would you care to trade it for this gun? It also belonged to Jinovitch.
— You : No thank you, I will keep the pike
or :
— You : Yes, I will take the gun.
— Lini Cichio : Very good. Here, this is for you.

Krop pike

or :
Stylone gun :

àŒș ⧌ THE END ⧜ àŒ»

  1. ↑ *** use the /tar command to find her ( bug )
  2. ↑ Maybe Malicious Javing ( q80 ) are possible ?