Difference between revisions of "Portal:X-files/Wikipatys"

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<!--     BOTTOM        -->
{{Portal bottom|Sleep}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Présentation générale'''</big></big></big>}}
{{3DTitle|3D=shadow|text=<big><big><big>'''Lumière sur …'''</big></big></big>}}
<!--{{:Lumière sur/Wikipatys/Semaine/{{CURRENTDOW}}}}
{{:Lumière sur/Wikipatys/Mois/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}-->
{{:Portail Wikipatys/Presentation}}
============== Empfohlener Artikel
============== Artículo destacado
============== Featured article
============== Lumière sur
============== СТАТЬИ ИНТЕРЕСНЫЕ (Lumière sur/Spotlight on)
•••••••••••••••••••• TO BE READ, VERY IMPORTANT
In each of the three main panels we can display:
— either a FIXED TEXT, unchanging from one day to the next.
    Incorporated into the portal via the {{ContentBox}} template, this text can be:
      • written directly in the portal. Example: the text ”*'''[[Alinea]]''' - a needle-bearing tree, often comes [...] according to variety.“ constantly displayed in the right panel — see below — of the present portal.
      • the complete reproduction of an article composed especially for the portal. Example: the same article [[:Myths Flora]] displayed constantly, by the inclusion {{:Myths Flora}}), in the same panel.
      • created by adapting an official article (validated by the lorists) to the dimensions of the portal (by truncating it with the insertion of a "Read more about it…" (template {{Read more}}), by resizing the pictures it contains; in order to simplify its management, all these articles intended to be adapted for display in a portal are named "Portal [portal name]/[article subject]". Example: the same beginning of the article [[Portal Flora/Intro]] displayed continuously, by the inclusion {{:Portal Flora/Intro}}, in the header panel — see above — of the present portal.
— or (that's "smarter"!) a DIFFERENT TEXT EVERY DAY.
    Representative of the articles gathered by the portal, and also incorporated by using {{ContentBox}}, it is based on an article:
      • named [[Featured article/[portal name]/[Month] or[Week]/[date] or [day of the week]]];
      • classified in the hidden category [[Category:Featured article/[portal name]]], itself classified in the hidden category [[Category:Model:Portal]];
      • and included in the panel by {{:Featured article/[portal name]/Week/{{{CURRENTDOW}}}, or by "{{:Featured article/[portal name]/Month/{{CURRENTDAY2}}}}.
    It's about, finally:
      • either the pure and simple copy of an article thanks to a redirection. Example: the inclusion {{:Featured article/Flora/Month/12}} of article [[Featured article/Flora/Month/12]] — worded as follows: Direct #redirect [[Pocea]] [[Category:Featured article/Flora]] — will display the article [[Pocea]] in the left panel - see FEATURED ARTICLE above - of the present portal.
      • or an article written expressly and updated regularly so that a particular announcement concerning the portal is periodically displayed. Example: the inclusion {{:Featured article/Flore/Month/01}} of article [[Featured article/Flore/Month/01]] written accordingly could display in the same panel the number of articles added to the present portal during the past month.
============== UNTEN AUF DER SEITE
============== BOTTOM
============== BAJO DE PAGINA
============== BAS DE PAGE
============== НИЖНИЙ КОЛОНТИТУЛ
-->{{clear}}{{Portal bottom|Sleep}}<!--
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center;">
{{3DTitle|3D=outset|palette=Sleep|text=<big><big><big>'''Notes complémentaires de recherche et de travail affichable à volonté'''</big></big></big>}}
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
================== ИНФОРМАЦИЮ
================== NOTES
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Notes diverses'''}}
|content= {{:Portail Wikipatys/Notes}}
|palette= Sleep
================== 2DO
================== Задачи (2do)
|image  = Script_edit.png
|title={{3DText|group=|3D=inset|text=À faire}}
|content= {{:Portail Wikipatys/2do}}
|palette= Sleep
================== ARCHIVES / CATEGORIES
|image= Spe_inventory.png
|content= {{:Portail Wikipatys/Archives}}
|palette= Sleep
================== MORE INFO
|title={{3DText|group=|text='''Complément infos'''}}
|content= {{:Portail Wikipatys/More}}
|palette= Sleep
[[Category: Portals]]
[[Category: Portals]]

Revision as of 14:06, 10 March 2022

The Mysteries of Ryzom Lost items
 The Cave
Spoils and small secrets
 Behind the scenes
of the EncyclopAtys

 The EncyclopAtys
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2022-03-10)

The portal of the Atys Mysteries

All related articles here...ᐒᐁᐘ...ᐒᐁᐘ

Under Construction Panel.png !!!! WIP !!!! Under Construction Panel.png
There are currently still 79 articles in preparation in the category "WIP"
Article in preparation. Please let the author finish it before you modify it.
The last editing was from Zorroargh on 10.03.2022.


Theme plan and categories

Behind the scenes

To find all of our images in the wiki: Ryzom images.

And finally, especially do not forget:

Last version 2021-01-08•
Ico task rite.png


This portal aims to retrieve what is not elsewhere categorized:
  • Lost objects: archaeological remains, forgotten secrets, missing heroes...
  • The Cave: Informations close to the spoil that the player is not "supposed" to be known in his role play.
  • Behind the scenes of the Encyclopatys: tips, tricks, explanations... very useful for the Encyclopatys or for the game, but difficult to categorize, because it could be a mix between technique, gameplay, RP, like for example the conversion of dates.

Last version 2021-01-04•

Lumière sur …

Portail Wikipatys/Presentation

Spe labs.png
All thematic Portals of Encyclopatys (Ryzom Wiki)

Ryzom: The LoreThe Game OOC
Atys: Atys worldFloraFauna
Nations: FyrosMatisTrykerZoraï
Factions: KamiKaravanMaraudersRangersTrytonists
Encyclopedia: Atys ChroniclesThe Great LibraryMysteries OOC

  Notes complémentaires de recherche et de travail affichable à volonté  


Notes diverses

Spe inventory.png



Complément infos