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Page proposed to the Lore of Ryzom
Latest edition: Dorothée, 27.05.2020
Taxonomic Amber
Kingdom Plants
Category Intelligent
Main Ecosystem(s) Forest, Jungle & Desert (rare)
Counterattack type Pierce & Poison
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2020-05-27)

A large intelligent plant with fleshy leaves, a cratcha can fully rotate its flower thanks to a thin, flexible stem.

When threatened the cratcha's single flower is thrust forth and spits a deadly, viscous substance, strewn with barbels, that sticks to the victim. poisoned substance. Movement of its pistils gives indication of impending attack.

Mostly found in the Witherings and the Verdant Heights, it is rare in desert areas.[1]

Main Details

  • Naturally immune to Fear.
  • Highly resistant to Acid magic.
  • Partially resistant to Cold and Poison magic as well as piercing damage [2].


Valued Resources

Cratchas can be quartered for:

Exceptional Specimens

Lucio Name Level Type Grade of Materials Location
- Destroyer Cratcha 210 Named Choice Nexus
- Cratchakin 220 Boss Supreme Hidden Source
- Cratchakyo [3][4] 270 Boss Supreme Void

Hierarchy of Species

Cratcha in the Sap Slaves camp
Level Name
224 Devastating Cratcha
215 Prodigeous Cratcha
205 Rapacious Cratcha
196 Horrifying Cratcha
178 Rattled Cratcha
168 Prickly Cratcha
159 Unpredictable Cratcha
149 Vile Cratcha
137 Noxious Cratcha
127 Rooting Cratcha
117 Stalking Cratcha
107 Parched Cratcha
26 Submissive Cratcha [5]

Contaminated Specimens

In recent years, a cratcha infected by the Goo have been seen in the Witherings.

Level Name
196 Demented Cratcha
205 Frenzied Cratcha
215 Fiendish Cratcha
224 Lethal Cratcha
270 Cratchakyo

  1. http://atys.ryzom.com/projects/puben/wiki/L_IntelligentPlants
  2. Except Cratchakyo which is less resistant to armour-piercing weapons than other two-handed melee weapons.
  3. Cratchakya and his minions are social
  4. Cratchakya also drops [to be checked]
  5. Silan, Lands to Explore

Last version 2022-01-28•